Saturday, May 31, 2008

Red fire in summer

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Castle Made Of Dreams by hope

During the night they travel
To their dream destination
Where castles in the sky
Held a magical fascination

Soaring over clouds above
Uplifted on my fantasy flight
I heard you call my name
Meet me in dreams tonight

My heart uplifted upon high
The key to a castle I collect
I hear your voice beckon
Where our dreams connect

The castle made of dreams
Glowing brightly high above
Its here lovers rendevous
To our intimate night of love

You And I -- by xxakasha67xx

I close my eyes, it’s you I see
Your beautiful heart has captured me
You speak to me … I feel your soul
Loving you is my only goal

My beloved one day you’ll see
Together forever we will be
The love we share will see us through
Forever and always I’ll love you

I found you for a reason, this I know
We are meant to be … our love will grow
My feelings for you are so strong
I will wait my love however long

To be with you, I long so much
Holding you tight … feeling your touch
Resting my head upon your chest
Hearing your heartbeat as we rest

This day will come … we will be
Growing old together you and me
This love we share will never die
Together forever you and I

I DREAM by lisanjamie08

As I look at the stars at night
and dream of what is to be. . .
My heart begins to smile
for it is you I see.
Knowing that you're close
but yet so far away.
I dream of you at night
and think about you every day.
For every moment without you. . .
seems like an eternity.
I dream of the day we kiss
and I can hold you close to me.
So until that day comes
you'll always be on my mind.
And I will love you. . .
till the end of time.