Friday, June 26, 2009

Love Monsoon of june

A Certain Peace
by nakipie223
When you are here beside me on line,
You feel as though you are really here.
I begin to weave a closeness between us,
So I can hold you near.

We talk together and mentally reach out
to hold each other's hands,
And softly weave our dreams,
And speak and make our plans.

To share a life together each,
And live out all our plans,
And find a certain kind of peace
That we hold within our hands.

by Carmelo
When I close my eyes, I hear a voice
Deep inside me, I hear you calling me
Whispering softly; expressing your rejoice
For the love you could now set free

I have no doubt, the deeper inside I look
I see your presence around my soul
You know my heart wasn’t all you took
It wasn’t the only thing you stole

So deep in my thoughts at night
I hear you whisper my name as I dream
Don’t be afraid; everything’s alright
No matter how things might seem

Whispers is what I hear when I am alone
Coming from your soul and your heart
Telling me that I’m not on my own
There’s nothing that would keep us apart

You Light Up My Life
by daisyv
So many nights ..
I am just staring at the sky
Playing with the stars
As they twinkle in the dark
Feeling happy though my heart is empty
Longing for someone to be with me

Though I am not searching
But you came into my life
To lighten up my days
Until it shine in the dark

You light up my day
With so much hope
Relieving the loneliness
Of being all alone
For so many years
And I know it would last
Forever …

by Carmelo
Come along with me, take my hand
Let’s dream together, reach for the stars
Hand in hand, together we’ll stand
These feelings, these dreams are ours

Close your Eyes and take a journey with me
To a place we’ve never been, never seen
Let your spirit soar, set your soul free
You’ll see there is a place so real, so serene

Open your heart let your feeling flow
You’ll see there’s no sorrow, no pain
You’ll find I’m here, just let your love grow
I’ll promise you it won’t all be in vain

So come along with me, let’s fly away
To where the stars meet the heavens
Let’s join the angels and where they play
And forever I can be with you in heaven

I Knew
by womball
When our eyes first met
How did I know?
How did I know all my love, to you, I would show

How did I know?
You would be the one to make my life complete
To fill my eyes with love
No longer with deceit

How did I know?
You would show me love in so many ways
Leaving me speechless
In ecstasy, a continuous daze

I have you to love
How can it be?
I have a part of you inside of me

How did I know?
I belonged in only your arms
With your strong hold, you keep me from all harm

How did I know?
That sexy sparkle in your eyes
Would be the cause of my daze, my desirable sighs

How did I know?
I would need you to live
To you, all my love, is what I give

How did I know?
We were destined to be
It's the passion in your eyes
The premonition I feel inside of me

How did I know?
All my thoughts would be of you
How did I know....?
My love, I knew


Endless Love

by womball
My love for you will never end,
You are my true one and only.
My desire for you will never die,
Because my loving heart will never leave you lonely.

You are the sun in my sky,
And the moon in my night
You are the reason why I smile,
And the love in my life

You are the reason I rise in the morning,
Looking forward to you gorgeous smile.
You are the reason I lie to rest at night,
Because in my dreams everything is OH, so, right.

My love, passion, and devotion for you will never end,
As long as you are in my life
You are the reason I stay around,
You make my life seem so sound.

You helped me forget my past,
Which is something I need to do?
I thank you greatly for that,
Is your love for me true?

You wouldn't treat me like you do,
If it was true
That's what I am thinking,
Would you?

I trust you with my loving heart,
And I will forever cherish our memories.
I will never let our love die,
Because what we have is ENDLESS LOVE.

Why I Love You
by womball
Why I love you- I think about this every day but I know I love you in a special way.
Why I love you, because you are my world, my everything and every day I spend with you, you make my heart sink.

Why I love you, because you keep it real by telling me how you feel.
Why I love you, because when we kiss you send chills up my spine- it just make me wish that I could stop the time.

Why I love you, because you have a smile that is just so beautiful to me.
Why I love you, because I love the way you love me.
Why I love you, because I know my love for you is true and there is nothing in this world that I wouldn't do to keep you happy and a smile on your face- the love I have for you will never be erased.

So you ask Why I love you- these and many more reasons are why, I will always love you no matter what happens I will always love you until I die.
This is exactly how I feel about you and this is
Why I love You...

Till There Was You
by daisyv
I have never been so happy
In my entire life
Till there was you
Sharing how wonderful life is
Living with a glow

I never been so thankful
For the day I wake up
With everything on my side
Till there was you…

I never been so grateful
To the Lord above
For giving me strength
The will to carry on
All my burdens
Till there was you…

Till there was you
I saw the beauty of loving
Loving someone in my heart
For it was wounded
Left by unfaithful love

Till there was you…

Carnal Weakness
by Kellan23
No warmth in humanity comes close
to the tenderness of lying by your side.
When your hands sweep my skin
I forget how to breathe.

Your touch awakens my butterflies.
Just one kiss will free my hunger.
The wonder caught in your gaze
whirls the room in silent madness.

Your unbroken soul settled on mine
in our enchanted moments of lust,
and every savage thrust
plunged deeper than you ever would see.

You leave your mark every time,
all over my willing skin.
I grow addicted to your smell
and crave your grazing hands.

The depth of your eyes
puts stillness to shame.
Your smile stirs my soul
and grasps my heart.

You know you don't need to try
to make me cry your name.
It's always on my lips,
waiting for yours.

Wherever You Go
by Kellan23
Dance my dance,
follow my feet,
hold my hand,
and never let go.

In the rhythm
of our rumba
I must follow
wherever you go.

Twirling, swirling,
flowing, sweeping,
I may falter -
but don't let go.

Don't change partner,
just dance faster
because I need you
wherever I go.

You're my dancer
and I can't master
the steps without you,
if you let go.

Because when our drum beat
finally ends,
I'll still follow
wherever you go.

Forever Isn't Enough
by daisyv
I don’t know when to start
Am just thinking if forever will be enough
To express our love for each other
To show the world
How much we care and love each other…

We have just started as friends on line
Until sometimes that we can’t deny
The love that is budding inside our hearts
Taking chances to grow deep inside
Reaching out everywhere
Even the deepest secret of our spirit

Forever isn’t enough
To show how much I love you
The love that can go beyond
The skies up and above
Even.. life never ending story..

Forever isn’t enough
For you to show how much you love me too
Feeling the love within your heart
Making the sun shine even at night

Forever isn’t enough
Because we love each other so much
The love that will carry us
To the path of purity… and eternity....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

passion of June

My Heart
by carmelo

Beat by beat, my heart goes on for you
Like it always has since we met
Stronger and stronger with a love so true
For an angel it could never forget

It bears the scares of so many years
I’ve spent away from you, away from home
From all the loneliness, sorrow and tears
And all the time is was left to roam

Feelings buried so deep down inside
Out of harms way, out if sight
It would be the price it paid for pride
But I always knew I would lose the fight

My soul was too strong; even for time
It wouldn’t stop its search for you
No matter how hard, no matter the climb
It’s always looked for a way back to you

I Only Love & Adore You
by bonnee(salma

I love you in a place
where there's no space or time
I love you with my life
that you have made divine.

There's a world waiting for just us two
picture it in your mind
that's where we'll always stay
together till the end of time.

I've got you under my skin
deep in the heart of me
just look into my eyes
and know that you're all I see.

Life will never be the way we want
but I can be satisfied
just knowing that you love me
and will always be by my side.

Forever One
by carmelo

Two different minds, yet so much alike
We’re always in each other thoughts
We share our dreams, they’re so alike

And we know we’ll be forever one

Two separate hearts in each other
But always beating as one
With the love we share for one another

Together they will be forever one

Two souls deeply seeded inside of us
With emotions so pure, so strong
Nothing could ever come between us

Our love will make us forever one

Shakespeare's Grave
by gothchick

From whence you came, I know not
But here we are, in love’s embrace
And each day closer in true love’s knot
We find ourselves fulfilled with grace
And in your arms I wish to spend
Entranced within your vampiric powers
An eternity of loving days on end
Sharing this knowledge that is just ours.
Nor does any Shakespearean love compare
All those shadowed by this love
For Shakespeare turns in his grave, err
For never writing of such thereof.
But we know, you and I
What we are blessed to have now
A love so lofty it shames the sky
And in our hearts a solemn vow

Drink Deeply
by gothchick

Drink deeply my love, partake of my essence
Knowing that I give willingly to you
In the darkness there is still some luminescence
As you draw in my tasty red brew
Drink deeply my dear, as deep as our love
Knowing that I give that willingly as well
In the darkness I feel so beloved
As you hold tight to me, I am under your spell.
Drink deeply my sweet, for I am your mate
Knowing that I am willingly so
In the darkness where we meet our fate
As you draw me in, destiny knows

If I Had
by womball

If I had but one breath of life left in me,
I'd give you that breath.
If I had but one piece of music and one song left to sing,
I'd play and sing for you.
If I had but one tiny drop of love locked safely within my heart,
I'd give you the key.

If I could look into but one last set of gorgeous dark brown eyes,
I'd want those eyes to be yours.
If I could feel the passion and tenderness of but one last kiss,
I'd want those lips to be yours.
If I could hear but one last voice whispering in my ear,
I'd want that voice to be yours.

If I could walk in the rain but one last time,
Will you walk with me?
If I could have but one last laugh,
Will you laugh with me?
If I could have but one more night's sleep,
Will you sleep next to me?
If I could feel the tender touch of but one last hand,
Will you touch me?

If I had to choose where to spend my final day on earth,
I would choose you to spend it at alone loving you
I would be your shade and protect you from the sun.
I would be a gentle breeze and refresh your face.
I would be a cool drink of water and quench your thirst.

If I could write but one last word
I would blaze these words across the sky,
"I love you
My Gorgeous Angel"

Mia Culpa
by seekerblue

My fingers pull back the black veil,
Covering your innocent eyes and here
I see the shimmering reflection,
Of my face in your transparent tear.

You Are the One
by daisyv

You are the one I choose
To be with me for eternity
To caress and whisper
“ How are you my darling so sweet?”

You are the one I need
To tell me
How much I mean to you
How much you love me so...
Making my day so brilliant
As the sun shining so bright in the sky…

You are the one I want
To embrace me so tight
Whispering “ I love you”
As I lay on bed every night…

You are the one I dream of
To be at my side always
Knowing you are there
To console me
When I am feeling sad and blue

You are the one I love
My heart, my soul, my inspiration
You mean so much to me
Even we are far from one another…

You are the one…
Just you…
Nobody else
But you…

One Heart
by Carmelo

It’s always been a mystery
What I felt deep in my soul
It felt so strong, so free
And somehow made me whole

I never thought this heart
Could hold so much for anyone
Your love filled every part
That’s when we became one

Two bodies but one heart beat
Your love’s always fed my fire
It made me feel so complete
It filled every dream, every desire

It’s always been a mystery
What I felt deep in my soul
But I see this was meant to be
As together we make each other whole

by Carmelo

Look deep inside me, can you see the flame
It burns so bright, it burns only for you
It’ll never fade, forever it will always remain
Faithfully it will always be true

Lay your hand on me, feel my heart beat
To your voice, to your gentle caress
This heart is yours with a love so sweet
Faithfully my love you I’ll always confess

Look into my eyes, where your soul lives
See the emotions stirring that I can’t control
Feel its strength, feel the passion it gives
Faithfully I’ll cherish your soul

Enter my dreams, journey through my mind
And fly with me freely in our own place
Where all our troubles will be left behind
As I faithfully I’ll hold you in my embrace

My Silent Night
by womball

When sunlight turns to darkness
When all is calm
When all is quiet
When all is at peace
My Silent night is with you

Thoughts of you lying next to me
In the silence of the night
Every breath that you take
I listen to knowing
Each breathe that you take
Your soul burns just like mine

Laying down my head upon your chest
Every beat of your heart
Passion of a love burns inside
Beats the same song of love
Just like mine in rhythm
Never missing a beat

Wrapping my arms around you
Touching your skin
Holding you close to me
I snuggle closer and closer
Your warmth I wish to feel

A tear rolls down my cheek
Falling to touch your skin
I wonder if you can feel the love
That just touched your skin

In your dream tonight
Do you know and feel this love?
Do you know what you really mean to me?
My silent night with you
Forever and beyond

Watching Me
by Carmelo

You’ve always been there to pull me through
You make me see the light when it’s dark
Turned my gray clouds to white; my skies blue
And set my soul ablaze with just one spark

You set your spirit free just to watch over me
To keep me safe, to keep me out of harms way
Forever walking by my side is where it would be
Through space and time, through night and day

I could feel your presence every night; so strong
As I’m laying in my bed slowly drifting to sleep
I always knew what my heart felt wasn’t wrong
You gave me the greatest gift, a love so deep

You watched over me from above like an angel
I was always kept under your wing
Love captured my heart, kept me under its spell
It gave me you, it gave me everything

Remember Us
When You're Sad

by Bonnee(salma

I don't know what to do
when you're like this
you're too far away
for me to heal with a kiss.

Just read these words
they're straight from my soul
that first night from me
my heart you stole.

We aren't together
as husband and wife
but you know to you
I dedicate my life.

Think of how much I love you
and how I would give my life
just to be near you
to be your loving wife.

When you have someone that loves you
it leaves no room for loneliness
I want to fill your life
with nothing but happiness.

So say a thank you for us
to the heavens above
I do everyday for you
and our love.