Saturday, October 31, 2009

My true Love Not let you Go!

My One True Love
by daisyv

You are my one true love
Dreaming to be with you all throughout the night
Hoping to be with you someday
To share my love for you

You are my one true love
Although many years have passed
You are still my heart
Sitting deep down inside

You are my one true love
Who makes my day brilliant
Shining as the sunny day
As you gave your smile to me..

You are my one true love
Who takes the pain away from my heart
Knowing you still care
And loving me this much

You are my one true love
Though I know I can’t see you
As often as I wanted to
Even to hold you in my arms
All thought out the night

But deep inside my heart
You are the one I love
Wishing to wake up beside you
And not letting you go….

Friday, October 30, 2009

the Kas lake

DSC00071 copy
Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
Yaa this is Kas lake! Beautiful & cool Yes the water is too much cold & its located in mountain ranges! Not making any valey but On a platue it is located! This place is atleast 45 min. away from my home & Comes in territory of my town! so again I am the blessed One! Ocean Blue water Faint sky & some white clouds showing A bright sun light! The perfect day!

End of the month Of Loving Oct. So dont let u think Why? just hold ur Love

by daisyv

You are just there, sitting besides me
Gazing on my face, with your silent whisper
Your eyes wanted to tell me
How much you love me
But I didn’t recognized..…

You are just there, trying to reach me
Searching for my heart
What is really inside
But I didn’t recognized…..

You are just there, trying to hold my hands
Feeling the warmth it can convey
Even the simplest joy it will bring to you
But I didn’t recognized……

You are just there, patiently waiting
For me to see your heart
You have even let me peek inside
But I didn’t recognized…..

How could my eyes didn’t recognized your love
The endless time of hoping
For my heart to see your heart
That had always been for me…..


Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
From My Home this place is Just 25 to 30 min. away & it's a fantastic place atleast in the Eve. time! Sahyadri Ranges & kokan Region starts from here! just to visit this u have to hike a little way Up ! But when u get here Its Heaven u can see it just by photograph! I uploaded this photograph for photography contest! & Hoping for good! But reality is I won my prize when I saw this scene! A memorable moment! Here the cool air & good sunset with fresh breath What else we need! Some ppl use their folding chairs & njoy this! My city is untouched treasure!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Finding Love! Poetry of the month ending!

by daisyv

Many years have passed
Almost 20 years I think
But still I can vividly see
Your face in my dreams

I don’t know why
But what I know is I am still in love
With the one I am dreaming
To be with me many years ago

Maybe what I have felt is true love
As the saying goes
“First love never ever dies”
For it sink deeper in my heart

My heart who buried the feelings
Because I don’t know
Where to find you
Though I have searched for you

And now that I have seen you
After so many long years
I can’t deny the truth
That my heart still wants you

My heart wants and need you
Wanting your heart even your soul
To tell me, you love me too
For I want to share my love
I have kept deep inside my heart…

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poetry For Love

I Miss You
by nathynsangel

Even though you are so far away,
I can feel you wipe my tears away sometimes.
I can hear your voice tell me everything will be ok and that we'll get through this together.
I can feel you holding me at night.
I can hear you tell me you love me.
I can feel all of this and so much more.
You're the one that i keep in my heart
at all times.
I miss you like a fat kid loves cake.
I can't wait til you're home!!

My Heart
by Markg38

Here is my heart I give it to you
I have only one of these
to give away
For my heart was lonely
till you came my way
You have showed me love
that sweapt away
all the walls
that keep my heart
hidden away
Here is my heart I give it to you
with all the love
I have for you
you’ll always be the one
that holds my heart
from me too you
my only one
Here is my heart I give it to you

Monday, October 26, 2009

Amaizing city- My Home town

Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
This is the view of my Home town! The city was established in 16th century as a Village/ Town Then in 21 st century it emerged as a city & district place! Surrounded by 7 hills & Located in Sahyadri mountain ranges it is always blessed by nature! U just have a vision to look at its beauty!

Nice Poetry!

As Long As You Love Me
by daisyv

I don’t care if we cannot met regularly
I don’t care if we just meet seldomly
I don’t care if you we cant be together the way I wanted to be
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you are far
I don’t care if we just sometimes chat
and if I need to wait for the chance to chat
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you can’t send email
I don’t care if I am always waiting
I don’t care if you just respond thru tx
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if am here crazy for your love
I don’t care what others will say
I don’t care if I have a foolish heart
As long as you love me this much

Who cares anyway…
As long as we love each other endlessly…
But this I care to love you more than you’ll ever want me to…
For I love you more than you’ll ever know…

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another poetry of passion

It's Got to Be You
by daisyv

We started as friends
Chatting and talking
Seeing smiling face
Everyday as we talk in the net…

So funny I remember
Talking nonsense to each other
Until finally we can see
From each others face
The different shine on the eyes
When we start saying..
“hi,,how are you?”
“ what takes you so long to be on line?”

This time is so different
From the casual conversation
We can make simple things
So significant and worth remembering

Until finally, we want each other
More each day…
Apologizing for being not on time
And this came to be
Not realizing we have finally found
Each other to be together
Wanting it to be forever

Someone to share my life,
Happiness even sadness
Just as long as we will be together
For whatever I do
Its got to be you…
Just you...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

by annie09

I see water dripping down the leaves
I see trees moving from the wind
sun comes out flashing its rays
as I look up I see the sun smilling at me
I see birds flaping their wings
I hear cars running down the street
I feel wind blowing on my face
I see trees turning back green
smell of rain seems to fade
I smile at how beautiful this is

Taking Chances
by daisyv

I really don’t know
How much is your love
If your love is truthful
I am just taking chances
To what you are telling me
To what you are showing me..

This chances of loving you
Sometimes makes me crazy
Crazy thinking of you..
Don’t know if you are thinking of me too

But even then..i know
I have given my love to you
If you are not serious about it
Then..what would I do..
Taking chances of loving you

Taking chances that
What you have told me
Will come true …
That someday will be real
Not taking chances anymore
But holding on to the truthful you…

Without You
by daisyv

Have you remember what you have promised?
That we will share life together…’
No buts…just we are…
Then suddenly …you are..
No where to be found…

I am here looking..
Wondering where you are..
Are you still truthful to what you have promised?
Will it be just like a dust in the wind…
Or a sea without a shore..

I still don’t know…
I am now without you..
Trying to forget what you have done
Smiling to the world
Going on as life can be
No bitterness on my heart
Even my mind
‘Coz you are just a dream..
A dream that never was..
Never come true…

by caffrey


Lonely Heart
by chymecindy

Sometimes I feel alone,
Tears on my eyes, falling down my face.
Wondering what have I done wrong?
Maybe I'm just missing you alone.

Sleepless nights if you’re not here,
By my side.
Can you feel me? Can you hear me?
I’m calling out your name.

Just close my eyes and dream,
Hold your hands up high,
Never let you go
I’m someone who will love you for sure.

Wish that you’re here by my side.
And heal my lonely heart.
Wish I will be with you forever,
And feel the love of my heart.

You Are My Song
by daisyv

Each time I hear your voice..
I cant help but to swing my body
To the tune of your voice..
‘Coz you are my song…

You are my song
The music playing into my ears
Where the lyrics
Makes a way into my heart
Even approaching my soul

You are my song
Playing softly in my heart
I can feel the nearness of you
Though we are miles apart

You are so near
Through the song in my heart
Binding us together
Sharing today tomorrow and forevermore

This really a good One!

In Hopes of
Seeing You Again

by iamthewriter

There are so many words in our vast world of knowledge and not a one of them can match the voice my heart sings with,

In hopes of seeing you again

Not sure just what has happen to me. Thoughts are jumbled, even writing helps not curb this strange emotion which has but a strangle hold on my heart,

In hopes of seeing you again

I've Never been in love like this before and am finding that just the mere thought of your eyes, turns even the most serious task into a daydream...

In hopes of seeing you again

There's also physical addictions of my thoughts in you. My nerves of of that of an old man. Hot and cold chills take there turns chasing each
other around inside my body... Sometimes my eyes become watery,

In hopes of seeing you again

I find myself in front of a mirror, mumbling things that i'd like to say to you out loud.
Even a funny diet I have...

In hopes of seeing you again

In less than twenty minutes in my dreaming of you, I look down at an empty box of donutes, in which I only meant to have one....

In hopes of seeing you again

Even if i could blame my thoughts and wishes on a childs understandin..
Damn, still can't say what I'd like to...
(if wishes were horses, then beggers would ride.) and here I sit, still thinking, just...

In hopes of seeing you again

It is stated in the book of life, (ask and you shall receive, but of those, only those who truely belaeve)... Then here I ask...

In hopes of seeing you again

Lord in heaven there's a woman that could only remind one of Eve. If there is a way to bring our two hearts together, I could only promise
to love honor and charish... I'd do all this...

In hopes of seeing You again

Although I'm a strong man, I fear, because only of the depth of my wish... Tell me is there a way of making a dream such as mine real....

In hopes of seeing you again

I need her beside me and not to leave in my hours of need. Would you let her heart open unto me so as I could help in building our two hearts as
one. A solid realtionship that would shine through, even in our darkest moments...

In hopes of seeing you again

Because you see lord, I'm not tired of being alone, but I just never want to be alone again. It's very funny to say but painstaking true, I'm just...

In hopes of seeing you again

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Diwali of Love

Miss You
by caffrey


Even for Just a Moment
by daisyv

I am so lonely and sad..
Knowing you’re no longer mine
Knowing you belong to someone
Whom you love more than I am
In your heart…..

I cant forget our past
Being together even just a flash
Even just for a moment
The days that we have stocked up
From the files of lives..…

Reminiscing... that’s what I can do
Even for a moment
Just to remember how happy we are
Being together embracing the love
We have given to one another…

But those moments are over..
Can't do nothing but to accept.
The fact that you don’t belongs to me
But instead to someone dear to you

Even just for a moment
I wanna thank you
For giving me the chance to love you
Though I know this will not last
The way I wanted … to be forever….

Forbidden Fruit
by Noeni23

Dark brown eyes,soft lips like silken
day dreams,sweet forbidden fruit
Smooth velvet skin to touch

To gently kiss and caress I long
To belong to you, to have and to hold
and to feel the rhythmic flow of our
body entwined with passion

Oh my forbidden fruit how I love
and long for you here in my arms
Why did I not stop and say please
don´t walk away don´t go

Nor take you when you reach out
to me and taste of you,
forbidden fruit I love you
How could I have known that you
would belong to someone that´s not me

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mankind's greatest treasure!

On auspicious occasion of Diwali I am glad to present you A movie which have some moral value! Have a happy diwali Enjoy

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Is this possible to climb & go to the top?

Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
Is this possible to climb & go to the top? & Will u able to make ur way through that jungle Guys just give a try - there is best place on top !

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The little cat is grown now

Once again on Same compound I found the little cat who is Grown now!

Friday, October 2, 2009

H1N1 Dark side of vaccination

B4 Getting treatment for H1N1 every one should be aware of these things-

H1N1 is virus. This Virus causes Pandemic swine flu throughout the world In 2009. W.H.O. declared this is the biggest Pandemic In last 60 yrs. But now a days it is known that now H1N1 infection is under control, But many authorities deny this- they say In winter there will be another outbreak of this swine flu-But nobody mentions will it be a sever or not? That’s one question.

OTHER bigger find is team of scientist succeeded in genetic mapping of this virus in July, More interesting thing is this virus is not showing any genetic change yet or not changing its form! May be we can say it is good news But In late winter if it changes then it might be difficult for us to find new drug to fight against it. But it is also not stated that this virus is in dormant stage or what? Is this virus shows any kind of adaptive resistance? So there are too many questions around this known Virus, but few things are sure that This Infection is completely curable & if neglected it can cause death.

Adaptive resistance-Rapidly developing & reversible resistance shown by organisms, which is based on phenotypic changes not involving any genetic change.

In seasonal flu waves 36000 die (90% of them above 65yrs) but mortality rate is 1 in thousand. But this yr in America till 24 July 43,671 infections 302 died. Means mortality is 7 in 1000. Mortality rate is 7 times greater than seasonal flu. In Pune till 13 sep. out of 985 infected cases 42 died. That means mortality rate is 4.3% in 1918 there was a flu pandemic which showed mortality rate 2.5%. That means this yrs it is greater. But still we don’t have sufficient data to analyze this Disease its effect & severity.

Before going for conclusion of any kind I want to put one more thing in light –In pune Or any other part of India we have collected data but what about the cases which we never mentioned or not even in our data? What about those deaths in which real cause is H1N1 but they are not in Data? How many deaths are exactly due to H1N1 & not because of some other disease or combined effect of those diseases?

If we consider these things in our account I must have to say that we don’t have enough data.

But this is also not a conclusion Because what about the cases in which reoccurrence is found? What kind of medicine they have taken Exact chronological order of the Infection? What medicinal regimen given in what cases? Tamyflu is the medicine An antiviral drug is used in India what side effect we find in those treated cases because it is known that in initial stage only these medicine works. So what about advanced cases? What kind of new medicine is available now? How much it is effective? I mean till what extent? What kind of vaccine is available? Because I heard about nasal vaccine & I mentioned it in my tweets too. For Indian Market it is clear that In November they will make available new vaccine. Prior to that they will test it( Hope so). But to get that vaccine in every market may be 2010 will arise. But what if before that a sever out break occurs? Are they going to use these vaccine without testing? – the answer is no At least in Indian market(because India have biggest market). But they will suggest precautionary measures. What are they – 1)Avoid going in public without protection i.e. use mouth mask. 2) use handkerchief while coughing & sneezing 3) all other general precaution 7 they will also suggest you that prevention is better than cure.

But we know nothing about the statistical data of this pandemic. We have no Idea what these drugs are exactly going to do? What is their effect on human body long term effect & short term effect. Not having any Idea. For that we need extensive statistical study which may require much more time. What we have done from 1918 when their was bigger pandemic at least we studied something or we just left this swine flu aside after that?

I am saying this because in 1976 swine flu out break IN U.S. they used one drug On 4 corer Humans Out of them 400 suffered from gali-bari syndrome & became handicapped. Who was responsible for this?

So be careful before vaccination because after that there is no coming back….

But if the vaccine is tested & its proven then its safe remember that !!!

My view On Indo china relation

Changing Asian Equation & its global impact: Indian View

Indo-china relation Now a days!

On 1/10/09 china celebrated their mighty Power – Showing entire world what they are having n their bag full of weapons – but they just never revealed everything – they just revealed the thing which can be Symbolic to signal some one. I mean to signal a)Taiwan & America b)India. a)Because the weapon they showed here was clearly indicating their sea strength In case Taiwan claims Independence that time those American Ships (war ships) will not come near them. b) Their army & air striking capacity which they can use against India. BUT IT DOESN’T MEAN THAT THEY ARE READY TO FIGHT MAY BE IT’S JUST SOME DEFENCE PROGRAM TO SHOW THE OWN NATION WE HAVE ALL THIS.( questionable does communist really care what the citizen of china really think)

China’s approach towards India is Not at all a friendly! Though India always keep saying that Indo-china relations are healthy. My point is China is Not a friend But not an enemy too! Reason why I say china is not friendly with India-

1) China claims Arunachal Pradesh! Which is Intact part of India By Political, Natural, geographical, Democratic & all means. Though Indochina border is not clear in may regions mostly in hilly areas But it is Not mean that china can claim that part because in every way Arunachal Pradesh is a Part of India.

2) china started giving different Visa To Indian citizens who live in Arunachal Pradesh & Kashmir- this is the way to show that These two are not Indian parts- I can not Understand why the hell on earth China is Interested in Arunachal Pradesh & Kashmir’s separation from India. Only sensible thought who supports China’s policy is they want to prove these two are not the part of India – Supporting Pakistans Thinking until now. So china is clearly supporting Pakistan Or These Both are Forming a group against India.

3) Communist china is always against the democratic India. Some of their Blogs which believes this- Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan can be used against some countries!!

4) 26/11/08 Mumbai terrorist attack of Pakistan based (ISI SUPPORTED) group Used all weapons & arms are MADE IN CHINA!

Why I say china is not an enemy –1) big arm dealers & weapon companies are interested in some War because of their own benefit So they are providing such sensitive & provocative news to Indian media because this much freedom is not for china based media. THESE AMMUNATION OR ARM COMPANIES ARE INTRESED IN WAR!SO THEY ARE DOING IT JUST TO MAKE SOME FIRE!

2) China never claimed Arunachal Pradesh In any Big EVENT! Or they never supported Pakistan activities! SO IT MAY BE THEIR STRATEGY TO BE FRIENDLY WITH PAKISTAN JUST IN CASE ….


4) China knows India is Market for their products!

So what is advantageous for India:-

1) Great Himalaya for defense

2) Indian relation with countries like Russia, & now a days America too if china really goes that far.

3) Indian Army developed & with much more strength.

4) India have better air strike than previous.

5) If china goes against India can close market for china Only. Like saying china toys containing lead or arsenic in their color coating. Now claiming that IMEI no of CHINA mobile is not registered so TRAI can request Indian network services to not work on such phone generated requests. China made electronics produce high EMI which is harmful. Stopping china made flex! Many ways to stop china advance in market because they don’t have another market!

So these are some small views which can affect global equation too By keeping china alone! Away from world domination- If China goes far then This is what America, Russia Or India will love.

& will china love to fight in three fronts just to support Pakistan Or just for Arunachal Pradesh? Their win -Which will lead them back 20 yrs. & their loss will be a permanent if at the same time Taiwan declared the independence what will happen? Where it will lead?

So on Gandhi jayanti I would like to advice them keeping calm You can Achieve your Goal with Non- violence By accepting Taiwan independence You can gain a friend, Like India got Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Russia & now America..some time ago India was trying to be friend with Pakistan but Kargil sector problem created by Pakistan ISI broke those friendship vows.

Only peace, non-violence, Truth will lead the world !! because world is made up of a humans.