Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sweet & passionate love

Only You
by sunsoul4j

So far but yet near!!!
My love flows from so many sources
but directed to only one channel,
It falls as a rain
but only drop on one person,
It glows like a sun
but only shines on one person.
Who could this person be?
I wonder why it is so
but I later realised that
I can't share my love with any other person
but only YOU, the one that makes me whole.

Still In Love
by kystrum

What am I meant to do
With all these feelings for you
I know you don’t like me in the same way
But I'm sitting here with so much to say
Im slowly dying inside
With all these emotions I hide
It’s a struggle everyday
Watching you walking away
So before you go
I just want to let you know
I'm still in love with you
So can you tell me what to do

This months calendar Sorry for late!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January With Love & Me With Poetry!

To Steal Your Heart
by shiedet05

within the first few moments...
i know i was YOURS!
within the first few HOURS
i embraced your sweet kiss..

every second after the first... I DREAM of YOU
everyday passing that first...
I hope to spent my life with YOU...
true love dreams do come true
the DREAM i have to LIVE with YOU...

true HOPE of everlasting LOVE
with the promises made...
with all that i have
i am willing to give...
i PROMISE you this...
MY FIRST TRUE LOVE...shall be my last...
again...remember what i said to you my love...


Life is Nothing
Without You
by khrane

My life is nothing without you sweetheart
You are the glue that holds me together
And keeps me from falling apart
I’ve loved you from the very beginning
When our eyes met for the first time
I was willing to do anything
To see it again
And see your glowing smile
And hear your voice again
After all this time together
Your voice will echo
From now to forever
We have experienced every wonder of the highest points
To the nightmares
And horrors of the lowest points
What we have has never faded once
And it will never fade, never.
I don’t care how rough our life might be
As long as your there with me
It will always be the best it can be.
Because it doesn’t matter if all I have is you
Since you are my everything.
And life is nothing without you.
And everything in the world
couldn’t replace that
If you promise to always stay by my side
I will promise you to always
keep what we have intact
Because I’d rather have nothing and only you
Then everything without you

I Found You
by Noeni23

I found love where I least expected to
it was right there in front of me
all the while. you light up the room
with your smile you stole my heart

You take my breath away now all
I want is you, to lose myself
in your loving arms, to share
everything with you to dream with you.

And experience all the little things
of life with you we accept each
other for who we are and always
find sweet serenity in each others
arms. It is you that I see it is
me I found you I found love

Three Simple Words
by womball

Three words together
Are all I can find?
To tell you the way I feel
And so I say them
As I have before
But still
I want to tell you more

So I give you a kiss
And hold you tight
To go with my words so few
And try to express the way I feel
In a different way for you

Three words that’s all
No more can I find
To tell you the way I feel
And so I say them
Again, once more
I’ve told you before

Then you give me a kiss
And look into my eyes
That’s when you tell me too
These words
Three words
We both know will do

Tell Me If This Be Love

If you were the clouds
And raindrops your kiss,
I’d drown in your showers
Of liquid-sliver bliss.

If you were the flowers
And dewdrops your tears,
I’d make a bed of petals
To wash away my fears.

If you were the violin
And the notes your voice
I’d listen to your singing
To my heart’s rejoice

If My Heart Could Speak
by sonnyc

I know I love you
Because I feel weak
when you leave me
And if my heart could speak
It would say
"Please believe me"
But if this love ends
Before it begins
At least I have made
A beautiful friend

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rain Drops
by Kayaa

I stood out under the darkening sky.

My palm stretched.

A drop of rain fell on it.

It glistened like a tear...

and reminded me of all those tears

you promised me I would never shed.

And I looked at the drop of rain,

and then could see it no more

as my eyes vied with the rain.


the rain

ceded victory to me.

My Love, My Life
by mextex

I look up into the night
and search for your smiling face
The heavens hold me together
to feel your warm embrace
The stars sing to us,
the song that we always dance to
The moon casts its light
that shows us our moment is due
We then play our roles our story does begins
Through bright sunny days, through windy tailspins

You are my Love you are my Life
I love you so much, will you become my wife
You are my love this I say is true
And if you say yes I will then marry you

We walk through the beach
our feet caress the sand
You then turn to kiss me like no other can
Our time is so short so we must use it well
This is our story that our children’s
children will tell
So let not this night end
for it is our time you see
Our night to sing and dance our night to be free

You are my Love you are my Life
I love you so much, will you become my wife
You are my love this I say is true
And if you say yes I will then marry you

Reasons to Love
by firewerks

Each time that we touch,
every day that goes by
At night as we snuggle,
each breath that you sigh

With a tilt of your head, and sparkle of eye
The joy in that laugh, the times when we cry

Everything that you do,
and with all that you say
Tells me you Love me, for more than today

And surely you’ve seen, how we fit like a glove
Seemingly gifted, from heaven above

For all of these reasons, and so many more
It’s you that I Love and will always adore

Lost Without You
by daisyv

You don’t know how much I love you
But I really do
Every time I am telling you
My heart beat faster
Suspending my breath…

This means I ‘ll be lost
Lost with out your love
Your love that I have always wanted
Since the day we have met

When I am telling you
I hate you…
For no reason at all
That just mean I am afraid
Afraid of losing you

For I will be lost
Without your love
With out you at my side
Forever I know…

Other Side of Love
by ibn alaha

When it comes,
I feel the need
for needles
stabbing through my skin,
piercing bone,
a healing pain
fighting darkness,
the false light
as if it never was
or ever has been.
Black is nature,
weighed by blood,
burned by cutting
no scent of smoke
sweet delicious pain.

poetic pleasure in January !

The Love Within
by daisyv

How can I forget
The first day when we meet..
After so many years…
You hold my hands
To warm for it was cold
Cold as ice, feeling a bit nervous
As I glaze into your eyes…..

Your eyes were still the same
I can see the love within
As you looked into mine
Telling you still love and care
Willing to share the love
That you have kept deep inside

Deep inside for so many years
The love within your heart
For you don’t know how to express
The love within your heart
Because of the fear
Fear of rejection and being hurt….

Being hurt by the love within
But you didn’t tell me
That you have loved me ever since
But even then...the love within

Will kept us together again…..

Give It Away
by rrb312

Why do we sometimes go out of our way to avoid the things

That are most important?

We should go out of our way for others

And whatever they need

Then it will come back to us with what we need

We fear and want and worry

About the things we cannot change

We wait until things are right

Before we can be happy

Then another thing comes along

Why do we want, yet won’t give

The time, the words, the chance

For someone else to get close and touch our heart

If you need it or want it

Give it away.

It's Always Been You
by Jodeci23

I still remember the summer when we first met
The times we spent together
I have never been able to forget
Something inside of me told me it was so right
Because even on the cloudiest days, when I was with you, the sun shone so bright

Then, without warning, you just went away
I could never forget how I felt that day
It felt like my world was
crashing down around me
Being without you made it hard to breathe

I moved on and started other relationships
But for some reason it was
always you that I missed
No matter how hard I tried,
you just couldn't be replaced
My love for you would not be erased

After a while, I saw that no one
has ever been able to duplicate
Your laugh, your touch, your smile, your face
The way I felt when I was with you
was simply unmatched
To you is where my heart
has always been attached

Now we've been reunited
and it is once again you and me
The sun is back shining and it seems like it was so meant to be
I can't believe I wasted all that time trying to start something new
Because after all these years, I've realized that it's always been you

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 6

We come so long now – you Or I now wearing good appropriate & according to occasion, we are cleaner than before, having good Look with better smile & most important is that we are organized, people around us are knowing us by our work. Our good work is known among other genius, still we are down to earth talking very nicely to others with very sweet voice that we toned after this much practice, we are helping others when ever got chance we are challenging our limits & we are ready & always accepting challenges…No matter we may loose but we are satisfied that we tried again & again. We are having work satisfaction. But where is that total satisfaction????? Now here are some tips how to convert our little satisfaction in to big one..

1) 1) We all have some hobbies- like playing Basket ball or any game, painting, reading, singing, photography, collecting some thing like coins, stamps etc. Then give a time for it. Little hour a week will work well. If you think you don’t have any hobby go back to your childhood think what was your passion you will certainly reinvent it. Like you were the fastest cyclist then speed may be your passion Or may be you love to roam around the city on your cycle, that might work well If you don’t find it is your passion then give every thing a little time & Give try to available passion you might got your real passion as a traveler Or adventurer. If you already have one then give other things a try. Do it as your heart says…

2) 2) Always follow your heart – this is the basic Need of your life!

3) 3) Listen to a good music or what ever music you like, listen to it every day this thing will give you a peace.

4) 4) Always keep in mind that you want to be a good human being with quality & morals. What ever you will do people will remember you for that, so what ever good work you do or job you do always do it from your heart.

5) 5) Follow all tips & you will find the thing that you are a good character / personality now But don’t stop here You have to accomplish a perfection!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 5

Now We turn to your work- the Work that is your Identity. Some tips for that too

1) Work with all your concentration & focus! What ever job You are doing do it & take care of every minute detail. No matter every time you do the same job Or different Remember Your good work will always be remembered.

2) Work harder if you wanna achieve some thing & Do your best every time you try. Be a machine in some sense & beat the machine in same sense.

3) Try to enjoy every bit of your work. Enjoy on every week end & On every rest day just Don’t do work & do what ever you wish, Spend time with your family, kids or give time for your hobby. These rest days will give you a new energy To work.

4) Try new things & techniques in your work. Always accept the challenges be ready for them because they may lead to some great opportunity.

5) Help your co-workers. Get the support from your staff.

To To Be Continued tomorrow................

Some splendid poems that I came accross

Cherished Illuminations
by dd789

Our affinity towards each other
was a brilliant gleam.

Years later, his luminescence memory once again captivates my thoughts
in a tranquil radiant beam.

I sometimes wonder how he attained from me that sensual passion set ablaze,
that without him is nothing but a dim haze.

I'll always know now that this precious emotion will only ever exist
between his heart and mine,
in our own utopian time without end,

under our illuminating moonbeam divine.

How Long is Forever?
by jamiiilay

Somewhere it floats in the back of my mind,
So hard to push forward, always on rewind,
The fantasy thats never coming true
So many reasons why, I'll never be with you.

Months have faded and
I haven't seen your face,
Feelings I can't let go of, & can't seem to trace,
From the beginning, I told myself I wouldn't fall,
I had nothing to hold onto,
Now I can't even crawl,

I'd be a liar if I said I'd had no clue,
and if I didn't realize I'd always be #2,
tried to pull it together, Still I keep falling apart,
You still got away holding my heart;

You're everything I said I'd run from,
But now I'd give anything to run to you,
I have everything you seemed to want,
But I still somehow wouldn't do

I try to speak, and I choke
sometimes its hard to breathe,
all you've put me through, I can't admit,
you're everything I need.

He Walked Into My Life
by Maria1969

He walked into my life and swept me off my feet
He swore that no others could compete
He swore he was different from all the rest
He promised me everything
and challenged me to the test
But in the end he turned out
to be just like all the rest
Out to use me, lie, and cheat all for his benefit
Leaving me hurt and wondering
will I ever pass the test!

He Walked Into My Life
by sacubba

The words that fall from your lips get trapped in my heart.

I want to spend every second, every moment, everyday with you.

I ache when we're apart.

You make me smile, laugh and feel joy I've wanted for so long.

Something special, something real,
is what I feel,

This is just the start.

I've known you for many lifetimes,
many years, many ways.

I've searched for you low and high.

I'm glad God brought you into my life.

I can never see you enough,
get enough or feel satisfied.

I crave you more and deeper
as each day goes by.

When the day is long, times are bad
or I am feeling blue,

All it takes to make it better
is to stop and think of you.

You have absorbed my heart, my mind, my body and my soul.

The one thing that scares you
is that I will let go.

Only you can stop the way I feel for you, what we share.

Only you can make it end.

Even then, I'll always care.

Rest easy, rest light and let me in.

I won't hurt you, break you or harm your beautiful heart.

I'm with you forever and always.

I have been from the start.

I was broken, blue and needing someone.

Someone like you.

You saved me as I was drowning.

You came to me at just the right time.

Now you're in my heart. Always.

And always on my mind

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 4

Now guys I hope you are following all tips & you are trying Your best- Talking to every one in Very soft & velvet manner Your Voice is Calming & It’s effect on others with your humbleness is They are trying to catch your words-or at least trying to listen you. You are having that grace in Your movement due to regular work out & daily diet is giving you an energy & Cool mind is always on top of you- You Think & then only speak That’s making you Captain Cool! You are trying to look good Having Good hair style Or Dressing in appropriate dresses! The result of all of this is People around you are Noticing you, making a mark, Some time A comment, some time approaching you.

& here comes the problem that comment may be a joke on you, remark may be annoying! may be this is because jealousy or some other reason but they are trying to damage your cool temper, So every time they will make their moves. Some time some bully may also get Involve against you. So what here are the Tips how to deal with them-

1) Before going so much in to it you need to know that you are always going to protect your self no matter what the condition. Join some self defense class. So come to the point:- Some guy commented on you- Ignore them In every manner like they do not exist This is the best way to mark your presence & their absence. If this guy is doing it again and again take this as a challenge That Never loose your temper is main goal no matter what the condition. Just don’t loose your cool because this is what they want!(But Never loose a cool means what? Is that mean No reply – NOPE .REPLY THEM but in very cool manner prefer the Joke on them- reply of a joke with a joke)Try to be normal with this guy Comment him/her back with a very good & polite manner & smile to them very generously!

2) Some time the anger comes Out like a lava Then Hold! You are destroying your own beautiful soul creation with this lava Hold that anger & try to remove it out of your mind soul & body While lifting weight Or Punching On boxing bag! This will Give you the extra boost to your body! But never hurt the real human Who is doing this to you pls May be he is not aware OR may be his soul purpose is just testing your limit. So don’t hurt the person. Just turn that anger in to energy That will help you in a gym.

3) Just to learn how to control your anger try to do meditation. Which will enhance the peace of mind. Jon some laughter club in near by garden where you can meet very good people who just there to laugh Or share a laugh daily dose of such a thing is essential for all. Always try to watch Some comedy shows I am big Fan of Mr.Bean (Rowen Atkinson) & Charlie Chaplin. No matter How many times You Watch them Every time they will make you laugh I keep One of the Charlie chaplin’s Clip in My mobile To watch it when ever I get angry. Laughing Gives Your lungs a good treatment This also increases blood supply to facial area Good For skin & muscle (such Muscle may tone your features correctly)

4) Now there are some situations Where it is impossible to hold. Then With very stern Voice say to the concerned person That The thing he or she saying Or doing is Not Good! & Immediately Leave the place & tell every one you are leaving Because of the incident & you may not want spoil the mood of that entire place. So leave that place. Get calm down. Remember There is a diplomatic solution for every problem, So leave the matter there & there Only Now when you became normal in That evening think on it-Is This matter Going to affect your life? If answer is nope then Hey Boy Reason To for give the guy/Girl & Go ahead there are lots of work & Life to live. But if The answer is yes Then Boy Think what are the diplomatic solutions, Speak to the concerned person & try to solve it Without Violence & If You Find it is not working! Here is the Time to use your Muscle tone & Power that You are earning these many days In gym & there is an Anger inside you Unleash it. But Before unleashing it. take my advice &please think That How many guys You have to deal – ya if so many then Find the Big Bull in them the guy who handles all- Ask Him For A private meeting try to be as friendly as you could! Then tell him the thing he & his gang is doing is problematic to you & it is not good if he Comes Under Your influence then he will Help You or at least he will stay away but This guy is freak then its problem for you Use your Physical power. No matter how big he is There is a weakness in him & that is The thing that He don’t know That you are going to assault! Use this & Make Him realize that You are real contender then either Beat him! Or ask him To get away of your way Threat Him with your Angry look & stern VOICe. Tell him the gym you joined there is a guy who has itch to fight & He will come to Them if they continue… & leave Now the Big bull Either Come to you with Gang Or He will not if he don’t come forget this incidence & be normal Never mention the scene to any one. If he came Or his gang try to say something To You Then Ask the Bully in very soft manner Is he a that much man to keep his little puppies & fight with you alone. Yup If this is Public fight Every one will think that you are crazy then make it public that How you assaulted him- that gives him madness! Remind him about You friends at gym. Force him to take back & If he don’t force him to come to you One on One. & beat him in front of every one!

5) Controlling Anger keeping your head cool, focusing on your goal & is the most difficult thing in your quest so take this as a challenge & Just Do It!



Thursday, January 7, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 3

Now You have looks & appearance That can matter remember they are just representing what you have Or How you are inside- I mean your Mind & Soul that what they represent! So you just not need to look good/at your best but deliver or represent your true soul! This is the purpose of Today’s article: This thing deals with behavior shaping & delivering Or Representing your true soul- It also Include your social behavior offline & Online Too!

Today’s tips

1) 1)Always speak the truth! Try to support truth! Truth is only thing that can Strengthen your spirit No matter what If You stand for truth You are going to have the strength of truth inside you. Just for your benefit don’t harm or lie or give false information to others Because you can lie to every one in this world but not to your self! When you always speak the truth you Build The trust worthy character among all the crowd around you. Which is very difficult, but not impossible. Just to speak the truth You need tremendous courage, Only dare devil can do this. If you want some motivation look at Mahatma Gandhi![ But in case when some thing goes wrong then before speaking the truth In Your profession just try your best & repeat it until it is become a fact that you tried hard but the thing you are working is still the same. So explain it to the authority That you tried & if possible try to explain them why it not get fixed & give them a genuine advice on it! & finally say sorry To them because you are failed to help them at their expectation but mention it that you tried your best. Never forget to mention that whenever they will ask your help in future you are really glad to help them!]

2) 2) Always Be Honest with yourself, with Your work & your Loved ones! Honor the elder people respect them, Give proper respect & Love to younger ones be loyal to your partner may be they are your business partner Or life partner! Because if you give respect to others you will become respected in others! Give respect & Take respect! Remember you can only earn the respect & not buy it! Most IMPORTANT IS – Always Respect the woman! Woman is the most beautiful creation on earth- Woman can be a Grand mother, mother, Sister, Wife & Friend- one person – different character. Woman can handle much more burden than you. Look at your mother or elder sister how much they did for you. Every woman is some ones daughter, someone’s mother, someone’s sister. So give respect to every woman. this is the only way to thank your mother Or sister.

3) 3) Always be polite & Humble- If you are treated badly by some people. Don’t go for revenge just be polite & Humble & be non violent If you want to deny something in Very stern low voice deny it but be humble while doing it! Or if there is a situation where you want to be go out Mention that Just To avoid further complication you are going out Or simply explain the situation to the concerned person & tell him/her in very humble voice what ever they expect from you is not fitting in your Moral values & Humbly say NO in strong voice No HARSH WORDS.You Do your business for your self satisfaction so Not Want to work with them Or with their bad ways.

4) 4)Mind Your language & Behavior every time always use good manners stick to them & promote them.

5) Try to be in good company of friends if they are bad then try to improve them if you find that they are making you like them Just leave them! because your character Your life is not for bad things it has a soul purpose of doing good! & NO ONE HAS RIGHT TO SPOIL IT! NO ONE! Always follow good manners where ever you go!


6) 5) Join some martial art class that will give you power to speak truth. Or Join some Power enhancing gym program because Stronger mind & Soul Needs Strong body to hold it in place.If you want join self defense class. This is just to control you.

To BE continued tomorrow…….

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 2

As you know Building a good Character is Lot more like a developing your personality with good Virtue & morals! So when ever we think about Personality – The external appearance matters sometime - As there is quote – First Impression lasts longer-So there are some tips to enhance your external look!

Today’s Tips

1) 1) Dress according to the occasion & event ! Don’t wear any Loud kind of dressing. (unless you are in fancy dress competition) Take the advice of the person who has better dress code sense. Or ask your cloth designer for that help. Try to look like a gentle man Or woman!

2) 2)Try to dress in formal at work place & try to be casual outside. Please choose your comfort first! While choosing latest fashion -choose which suites your profession & Age. Don’t try to expose your body or flaunt your six packs every time! Because “Public nudity” is the word of such kind of behavior in many countries.

3) 3)Always take care of your hairs- Style them massage them With gel Or oil What ever suites you! If you wish to grow your hairs Like some Actor Or even wanna give the TOM CRUIZE look to them go ahead & do it but It’s better that You keep them tied at your work place! If you are bald then also don’t worry! Use wig! If that is not good & if you want to look what you are in reality That is best, because looks can fed up but reality never! Take care of your skin & what ever you have- take care of it! Because it is God’s gift to you!

4) 4) Cleanliness is next to godliness! A clean & Healthy Body can only handle a sound mind & beautiful spirit!

5) 5) Try to be organized! Prepared & be ready for challenges! Keep every thing Organized from work to your home to your cupboard to your daily utensils that way you can save much time & be ready for anything. Keep the places clean where ever you go.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 1

every day I will put few tips for character building here
Your character is reflection of your soul- but It must reflect in your external appearance too!
May be you are not a good looking person but its not the look some times its your soul that takes every thing! Try to tone your body in , I AM NOT INNOVATING NEW TECHNIQUE BUT JUST REMINDING US WHAT IS MISSING!
these are the tips

1) Every day fitness workout is best To boost your morals! Gives you that confidence Try to join a gym & do it with full concentration.

2)Take a Very Healthy Diet! (Consult your diet consultant)

3)Maintain your Posture straight while doing your work!(as much as possible)

4) Take a proper rest. After a sound sleep you will feel fresh & you will always have your energy level high! Fresh Mind can make you fast thinker!

These are the tips For Good BODY & Sound MIND! That means External look of your Character! TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW......

Organizing Some Special Twitter Event! Every one is Invited WELCOME!

Hey just started a character building & Moral for good character Quote series on MY TWITTER account! This is The Great sayings & Quotes who just guides you Or Gives You a guide line to Improve your Character! Its always Your Character That shows others What You are Inside & a good Character will always gives you a High moral power! This is for All my friends & My followers This Character Building quote series will start On 5/1/2010 at5:30pm & end on 11/1/2010 at 5:30 pm ! So friends don't miss this opportunity ! Just join in & build a great social character!

The character building tweet will be sent exactly at 5:30 pm & will contain #Character & #Quote as a hashtagged words!