Friday, May 28, 2010

Love , feelings & emotion!

Love's Afterglow
by seekerblue

I love to see you sensually draped,
In the after glow of love’s refrain.

The tresses of your brown hair,
Disheveled by uncontrolled desires,

Luscious lips that once wore red
Now lie pale, naked and silent,

The gentle breathing of your tanned body
Glistening with drops of love’s passion,

Your bruised breasts seeking repose
From amorous lips that worshiped there,

And your sea-green eyes now bowed
In prayer and contemplation,

But on your beautiful, angelic face
Sits a sweet smile of contentment.

by stormy096

I long to feel your hand in mine,
the warmth in your touch,
the softness in their carress

I long to gaze into your eyes,
to see the dreams that most overlook

I long to hear the sound of you voice,
the laughter in your words,
the calm in your voice

I long to feel your skin against mine,
the sensation in your embrace,
the excitement in your physique

I long to touch your lips with mine,
to taste their touch, the emotions that unravel

But all these wishes are nothing more,
than dreams that keep me searching,
to keep in mind those moments in time
that I was graced by your presence.

My Love For You
by jaswinder

Constant as the sands of time,
falling grain by grain
Higher than the skies above,
that brings the springtime rain
Countless as the twinkling stars,
scattered across the night
Hotter than the searing sun
which burns by day so bright
Tender as a lover's touch
with passion at its peak
More helpless than a newborn babe
lying young and weak
Lovely as the sweetest bird
singing loves sweet song
Longer than the end of time
and then go twice as long
Sweet as all the honey
ever made by any bee
Stronger than the mighty oak
or any other tree
Lonely as the world's last woman,
because we are apart
Deeper than the deepest hole,
the hole that's in my heart
My love for you is all these things
and more than I can say
My love for you is all I have
to get me through each day

Where Love Is
by ivory55

Lonely hearts, shattered dreams,
Searching for renewed hope
Through cyberspace connections.
A smile, a note,
Sleeping silence
charged with whispered secrets,
wants, desires, and fantasies.
Moonlit journeys taken
In order to explore the past,
and the present.
Marking mysterious paths
into unforeseeable futures.

The air turns tense as the anticipation of needs
left too long unfulfilled,
explode to the surface.
Self restraint and wanton desires
Battle for control.
Lips press gently together,
Hands search for the warmth of skin,
Tongues taste heated breath.
Liquid heat,
scalding blood,
wake memories of languid pleasure.
the desire to feel flesh against flesh.
Blinding, sensual urges
cry out for satisfaction.
Scalding flesh seeks solace
As discard clothing litters the floor.
The eternal rhythm of man and woman
Sacred symphony of love.
Naked bodies joined in frantic fascination,
Tangled, sweat drenched sheets
Saturated with the feral scent of ecstasy.
Sated lovers wrapped in each others arms
Gaze with wonder into each other's eyes.

I Want
by holly

I want to see you glow
from head to toe
watch you laugh so hard
because I said a joke

I want to love you
like nobody has
think about the future with me
and forget about the past

I want to ease your soul
and open up your mind
give you a spin on life
and make everything fine

I want to look into your eyes
and feel your heart
give you everything you need
I won't stop, once I start

I want to hold you tight
and brush the hair from your face
Whisper, "I love you" in your ear
and feel your heart start to race

I want to give you a piece of me
that nobody else has
I'll wipe away the tears
after I said words, I could never take back

I want everything with you baby
and this is our chance
So lets stay close
hand in hand

My Feelings
by Just_Katherine

You're taking over my thoughts.
My dreams.
You do this without trying.
Without knowing.
Your voice.
Your smile.
Your touch upon my skin.
Oh how I melt on the spot beneath me.
Your eyes.
Your body.
Oh how I see you and feel weak.
I can't control this power taking over me.
What must I do to know
how you feel about me?
Because this feeling is true...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Love in the air & in Arms & mind! who cares its love!

In Your Arms
by Carmelo

I look at me and see the things I’ve done
I see the pain that ran through me once
And the way it always brought me down
When my heart felt sorrows every ounce

The moment we touched I knew it was you
That I would hold forever, that I’d love
I always dreamt our lives would be just us two
Because our souls carried the truest love

When I looked deep into your eyes
I would always fall deep oh so deep
Into your heart where your love lies
As I broke down and baby I would weep

From the first kiss, emotions ran inside me
I tried so hard to keep them inside
But it was in vain, hope finally set them free
And I no reason to hold on to foolish pride

I look at me and I see my heart in my palms
All the nightmares are gone, there’s no fear
I see that I was meant to be in your arms
I feel this is home, forever I will be here

With Love To You From Meby Hope

Penning love in a letter
Where should one start
With innermost feelings
I am enclosing my heart

Gathering my thoughts
By the candlelight glow
I reached from my heart
Soon love began to flow

In giving of my devotion
Whenever I write to you
With every word I impart
My love flows on through

Expressing my sincerity
While longings flow free
I seal a letter with a kiss
With love to you from me

The Perfect Guy
by rOmEqTeBhAbIe

Penning love in a letter
Where should one start
With innermost feelings
I am enclosing my heart

Gathering my thoughts
By the candlelight glow
I reached from my heart
Soon love began to flow

In giving of my devotion
Whenever I write to you
With every word I impart
My love flows on through

Expressing my sincerity
While longings flow free
I seal a letter with a kiss
With love to you from me

Why I Love You
by mandate0

I look at you and find I cannot breathe
Your beauty always takes by breath away
And when you smile my heart will skip a beat
And I will feel a warmth till end of day
Your laughter makes me want to sing out loud
And dance the dance of one
who knows no strife
And shout out words so every one will know
How love from you would so complete my life
I watch you move and I become entranced
Your grace is such a delight to behold
It’s like I’m in a magic place and time
A place I want to stay if truth be told
And then there are the things harder to see
The kindness I detect in your blue eyes
The way you always try to do what’s right
The strength that when required will arise
It took some time for me to clearly see
These gifts that came to you from God above
How could I not have given you my heart
You are the one that I will always love

To the Man I Love

Your love gives me strength,
hope and inspiration.
Even though you know that I
am not perfect you love me
without reservation.
And I love you freely, willingly
and without expectation.

She Will Never Know

by Bob

I am much too shy to tell you
while the whole wide world could see
That every time I’m near you
you steal the breath from me
A man knows that he’s alive
not by the movement of his chest
But by the things that take his breath away
of this I can attest
The world has some special people
I believe this fact is true
God must have been so very pleased
when he created you!

Someone That's Right
by Firewerks

They say just once in life
You find someone that’s right
Of this I’m not confused
Cause that someone is you

I know that you’re the ONE
This search for Love is done
It’s been so hard to find
Took all our lives of time

Now as we both grow old
Our hearts will not be cold
We’ve no time left to waste
We’ll speak not words in haste

And as this peaceful end draws near
We have not one thing left to fear
Cause we’ll hold on with all our might
Finally we found the ONE that’s right

Friday, May 7, 2010

Love Angel & emotion!

By Our Love
by Omario2009

In the name of Love
I give you my all
And whatever it takes
I'll give you more

By our love
I'll give you the best
One can ever give in love,
Guess what...? My heart.
For am sure we both can't part.

It is good to be in love
With one like you.
But what we give makes true.
So for now and ever
I give you my heart.

God Sent Me An Angel
by Emotions

by poeticmo

Sometimes I feel so alone
Other times I feel I have the world
Emotions can be a tricky thing
One minute they make us feel we love
Next minute they make us think we hate
Are emotions feelings or thoughts?
Sometimes I feel I'm loved
Other times I feel I'm hated
Sometimes I feel like pizza
Others I want chicken
I choose foods according to my mood
Are emotions feelings or moods?

I was walking along a country road
one calm and cloudy day
Feeling down about the problems that had seemed to come my way
My pain was very great and
my tears I could not hide
And was calling God to help me
as I was hurting deep inside

I then thought about what I've believed
and how I've rarely called
For sometimes I have wondered
if God were there at all
As I lifted up my head and
looked down that road a spell
I spotted someone coming -
from the distance hard to tell

As he got a little closer
I could then see all the signs
Of someone who'd been down that road
quite a number of times
His clothes were old and dusty
and his shoes were pretty worn
But there seemed a glow about him -
at least I could have sworn

His face appeared real friendly
as he peered up in the sky
He said, the weather is pretty calm today,
hope the rain will pass us by
He first talked about the weather,
but there seemed to be much more
That we both had in common,
except for what we wore

He started talking about his life
and the places he had been
And he spoke as if he knew me,
like we were next-of-kin
From the problems that he had,
to the happy times he found
Our likeness was uncanny
and was becoming more profound

We had so much in common -
I couldn't believe how much alike,
That I decided to tag along,
we continued on our hike
He said he's from all over
and his name was just like mine,
And hoped one day that we would meet
as he had a real short time

I was feeling sort of baffled,
as we went on with our walk
But he had held my interest,
so I listened as he talked
He said, I know you're hurting -
as your life has been so hard
But it seems today that you found God,
where once you'd disregard

From the point that I was calling
and was asking for God's hand,
Is the point where he had first appeared,
as this was in God’s plan
He said to take more time for prayer -
that I could bend God's ear
That He is always listening,
and He is always near

God knows about my struggles
but better times will be ahead,
As long as I keep believing
and will no longer be mislead.
We then turned onto a sidewalk
and now very close to home,
And it was then it struck me
that I was suddenly now alone.

This stopped me in my tracks
and I began to call his name
And it was then I understood,
why to me that day he came.
I then realized God had heard me,
as my Angel He then sent
To relieve me of my worries,
and all my discontent.

Why I Love You
by womball

It's the way you hold me
and all my pain disappears.
It's the way you kiss me
and I have no more tears.
When I look into your eyes,
And I know there will never be any lies,

It's the way your eyes capture my heart,
And I hope we will never part.
It's the way you smell the way you do.
The way you listen
when I know you don't want to.

The way you make me smile
whenever I think of your name.
Now I know I have you,
I will never be the same.
I love you for everything you do
and everything you say.
My feelings for you quadruple every single day.

I love you with all my heart
And I hope we will never part.
I LOVE YOU, always and forever
And I will never leave you... ever.

LOVE IN The Mood Of Blue With Hope!

Close to Being Apart

10 feet away from me and 1 mile in my head;
I missed your sweet smile and comfort in bed;
Your touch relaxes me
after all the tough words said;
You my sweet Melissa,
I’ve been lucky enough to wed;
Down this dark road tonight,
this rough road we’ve led;
I believe these hard times for us
will soon enough shed.

Listen to me…
I will not give up on us, I will fight and cry;
So that the day never comes
that we say goodbye.

Tears Fill My Eyes
by sxmistyMistake

by Bchgrlblonde

The pain that I went through
The pain that I put you through
and when I told you the truth
of my mistake that I made
all you could say at the end of the day
was "I love you"
I was scared that I was going to lose you
I was in shock when you still said those three little special words
I wonder why God put us together?
What did I do to deserve you?
But at the end, a lightbulb went off and I suddenly realized that God wouldn't put us together if he knew that we wouldn't last
I will always love you, no matter how much life put us through 'cause we will always make it through together

Tears fill my eyes.
As I think of
you and me,
the past,
the love I thought would last.
Tears fill my eyes. I can't believe
its all gone. I don't know
how to go on.
Tears fill my eyes. I can't see my way
through the confusion,
the lonely nights,
the love I thought would last.
Tears fill my eyes as I think of the
future without you.
I realize life must go on
so I pick myself up
I face the world alone
Tears fill my eyes.

Reasons to Love
by Firewerks

Each time that we touch,
every day that goes by
At night as we snuggle,
each breath that you sigh

With a tilt of your head, and sparkle of eye
The joy in that laugh, the times when we cry

Everything that you do,
and with all that you say
Tells me you love me,
for more than today

And surely you’ve seen, how we fit like a glove
Seemingly gifted, from heaven above

For all of these reasons, and so many more
It’s you that I love and will always adore

Will You
by mextex

Will you be there when I am sad
And help me find what I never had?

Will you be there, when I smile
And make me laugh for just a while?

Will you be there when I am ill
And make the world and time stand still?

Will you be there when I cry
And hold my hand till I die?

Will you be there when I am gone,
And say I’ve loved you all along?