Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love & Life : Literature & Poetry!

My love
by sinclair

the first time i saw you i was afraid to approach you and the first time i approached you i was shy to talk to you, the first time i talked to you i was afraid to tell you what you mean to me. but now i have you i will never let you go, no matter what it takes. you are really heaven sent. Naomi, i know the right time will come for me to show you what you really mean to me.

Our hearts,
always as one

by obi michael

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

I dream
in black and white
by lonely1234ab

When i dream, i dream in black and white
and lonely shades of grey and blue,
when i cry
the tears upon my face
seem to paint pictures of you,
when i lie alone at night
on a bed made for two,
with thoughts running through my head
thinking about you

if only my mind was blind
then i would not have to see,
pictures of you and me
and things that used to be,
the way you used to hold me
and the way you used to kiss,
i took these things for granted then,
but now they're the things i miss

so now i dream in black and white
and lonely shades of grey and blue,
and when i cry
the tears upon my face
seem to paint pictures of you...
seem to paint pictures of you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conscious sedation in dentistry (Dental Phobia/Fear/Anxiety-causes & management)

Conscious sedation In dentistry

Most of the modern dental offices focuses & encourages patients for regular dental care & routine oral Check-ups. Oral health is considered first when it comes to overall health. Dental practitioners are now giving importance to patient experience. To make patients experience better now lots of dentists are turning towards sedation dentistry.

    Previously we mentioned here About Dental Phobia & Anxiety.


      Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management


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This sedation dentistry is another way to deal with Anxiety or phobia of dental treatment. Sedation provides a way to overcome fear & achieve a positive result.


benefits of sedation dentistry-

1.  Helps anxious patients to maintain routine dental care


2.  Less post-operative soreness


3.  May require fewer visits for complex procedures



Sedation dentistry also known as – Sleep dentistry/Twilight Sedation/Conscious sedation.

In this procedure patients are given a combination of sedatives & pain relieving drug. Which creates a dream like state than general anesthesia. This procedure must be done under experts observation or by expert himself because if overdose is given then airway obstruction may occur which may cause some serious problem.


Deep relaxation in this procedure coined the term sleep dentistry but patient is alert in this state. So now you have another way to overcome your dental phobia.




Warning on sleep dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Expressing Love : Literature & poetry

Computer love
by RikkiRae

She sat at her computer
and typed with frantic haste
There was so much she needed to say
and so little time
Her heart poured out so easily
through her fingers
As the words appeared
on the screen before her

She filled her screen
with her words of affection
Then waited anxiously for him to type his reply
Her heart skipped
as his reply appeared before her
She read and reread his words of endearment

Then hurried to reply as her heart beat quickly
With her emotions
building higher with every word
Telling how she yearned to be able to touch him
Longed to be able to see him,
to gaze into his eyes

Her heart cried with sorrow,
tinged with a little fear
Of being forward,
having said too much, too soon
Her emotions, now too strong,
gave her no choice
She had to speak
of what was deep within her heart

The pain of lost loves still lingers inside her soul
But she is a woman
and so was born to be loved
She craves love
as the flower needs the spring rain
For without love,
a woman cannot truly be complete

Gone was her shyness
as words flowed from her heart
As she described
the true depth of her emotions for him
Reading his reply,
her heart leapt with magnificent joy
There on the screen before her was his reply:
I love you

Patterns of the stars

 by claire_o

Lost... Between the breath of stars
Floating galantly through the
Gently being tossed
through the patterns of the stars
Being held back from my destination
A force so strong
The heavenly gods could not destroy
Setting me up for contemplation
As a decoy.
Floating in this space
Framed by confusion
Lack of experience
Keeps me in question
As the deafening silence keeps me in motion.
Rumpus awakens
As time time stands still
The strength and frequency
I can often feel
But never can I reach an absolution.
Confused between the patterns of these
Insightful stars
They stand so close, yet so far
I stand in the midst of it all
Undecided now of my destination.
Between gases on fire
I take a breath between the stars
And realize my true desire.

by keoni

I secretly make love to you in my mind
all day, and night.
I openly wish for the day we stare again.
I gratefully thank God
for the time I have had with you.
I'm ready, are you?

by fletch

I love you forever
Through thick and thin
If you're ever in turmoil
I'll help you win

Whatever you face
I'll help you through
I'm always your friend
And will always be true

I promise to listen
A friend to value
If ever you're sinking
I'll be to your rescue

Help weather any storm
If ever your feeling blue
I promise unconditonally
To always be there for you

Any time in the future
I can always be relied
A friendship bond shared
Will remain forever tied

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Unexplored & untamed!

               I never tried to cross this entire region - just because it always looks like desert in between mountain ranges. but in this golden hour sunshine this desert really looks like it is not a desert but a dry area!  next time I am going to cross it!