Monday, October 24, 2011

Literature & poetry - Listen, Love,Temptation & apple Of Eye with tears!!!!

by rrb312

The edge of the moon scratches my shoulder

I'm awake but pretend not to be

The wind pushes up the hair on the back of my neck

I ignore it and turn away

Silence means nothing if not a broken heart

Each star has something to say but then gives up

It's the grass that's screaming to tell me

But if not this time dreams may never be


Apple Of My Eye!
by angiee9

Staying up until 5am
Talking about nothing
Did you feel it too?
Did you feel that something?
Staring blank into eachothers eyes
Thinking of all the reasons why
Why are we doing this?
Why can't we stop this amazing bliss?
Now I know why it all came
Now I know, it won't be the same
Just to talk and wonder why
Just why, you are the apple of my eye

sleeping with tears
by kystrum

Its hard to sleep with tears in your eyes
As you tell yourself everything's ok but you know its lies
Its hard to smile at this moment in time
When all I can think out are the memories of when you were mine
Our time may have been short but my feeling will last forever
Even if we have gone our ways and we aren't together
I miss you so much your all I think about when im going to sleep
As I turn on my music and listen to the lyrics and the beat
As tears fall down my face with constant thoughts of you
Iv given up on trying to stop there nothing I can do
You have a hold on my heart and control of my mind
Because I still love you and I think about you all the time
Now im sleeping with tears instead of you

Love is
by katee_luv

"Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres."

go nail shannon
by beadsnbeauty

go nail shannon
she is your type
perfect looking and nice
sweet and considerate

you drove me to fathood
i wanted to get rid of you
forever you mean sonofabiscuit
i didnt ever want you to touch me

go nail shannon
everyone calls her princess
she has tired of her husband
plus she has the perfect figure

when you insult me sonofabiscuit
i just want to drive daggers
into your eyes into your heart
into your thighs into your balls