Monday, December 13, 2010

Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management

Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management
Why people fear the dental procedure? (Dental Phobia/ Anxiety about the procedure/fear about dental procedure)
a)      Causes
b)      Management
A)  Which Things Will Cause this Anxiety/Phobia/fear -
1.       Intraoral Injections – Patient gives the consent & permission for this & He/She is well aware that Syringe needle is going to pierce the oral mucosa & they are watching it as the dentist deposit the solution.
[Why we give it- it is a local anesthetic injection & prior to injecting the solution we give patient a surface anesthesia so he/she feel no piercing pain in that region. After Local Anesthesia is given within few minute’s the place became numb & we can carry our dental procedure without any pain.]
2.       Pain (fear of Pain – during the dental procedure)
[why some time there is pain – Some time the pain is there is not exactly a pain it is sensitivity or if the cavity is deep then there is mild pain. If you feel it tell your dentist & he will sure help you. This pain is temporary & after the treatment there will be no pain.]
3.       Tooth loss (Fear of loosing something that is now a painful infection source)
[many people fear to loose their tooth which is painful that tooth might be a front tooth that will socially embarrass you in day today life Or loosing your tooth forever is really a fear. But your dentist will oly extract your tooth if it is painful & infectious & there may be a very poor prognosis of that tooth your dentist will let you know about the condition & prognosis of that tooth & will ask for your consent & permission to extract your tooth. So you don’t have to fear about any thing if the tooth is spreading infection then you must remove it. To avoid further damage to your oral health. If it dentist removes it you can go with bridges or FPD or denture prosthesis to restore the functionality & aesthetic. Your dentist will recommend you what is best for you.]
4.       Fear of Incision
[why we take incision most of the time they are under local anesthesia so they are not at all painful, but if you have an abscess & in such case local anesthesia may not act at that time we try to make it minimum painful but you don’t have to fear surface anesthesia Is always there & after incision we drain that entire abscess & then we place rubber drain inside in case it is needed & suture it. Another case we need Incision where we do flap surgeries but those surgeries carried out under local anesthesia so no pain is there.]
5.       Fear of the Noise of the dental instrument known as “dental drill”– [yep that’s the noise; annoying & sometime fearful for some. But that noise is just because Air Turbine hand piece works on motor fitted inside & that noise is of that small motor. & that hand piece is used to removed carious part of your tooth & unsupported enamel So in reality that hand piece is actually helping dentist to remove caries & unsupported enamel so no need to worry about it. It’s just a noise.]

6.       Fear of the needles & various instruments
Needles- syringes- for injection
Blades- for various incision.
Files – small pins which are used in root canal therapy.
Burs- diamond points- or carbide burs- they are used in air turbine hand piece.
Forceps – to extract tooth.
All the above instruments are having their own purpose & they are using it because the situation you are in demands their use in under specified degree of anesthesia. So this is not at all a reason to fear dental treatment.
7.       Fear from the childhood experience or by the things you heard from your parents or friends in childhood

“Son if you don’t listen to me then I will take you to the dentist & will give you an injection.”
“Girl if you eat another candy I will take you to dentist & will remove your all teeth.”
“You never listened to me & eat that cake & never brushed that is why god punished you now dentist is going to take that tooth out”
Things like this will really impact on your child’s mind.  You are telling them that if they will not behave good then as ”A PUNISHMENT”  you will take them to the Dentist & You are not stopping here but going further & stating that “The Treatment that dentist Normally do to relieve some one from agony of pain is your kids Punishment “ So what you are doing is Incepting an idea of Dental clinic as a Punishment  room Or more worse - The Hell & The Dentist Is the Punisher.
Wow What a parent you are!
If you want your kids to be obedient & well behaving- Then don’t do this instead of that try to understand their feelings & do the right behavior shaping of your kid.
Do not Over Exaggerate the condition in dental clinic just to show how brave you are.

B)  How to manage this Phobia/fear/Anxiety-

Do not be afraid at all if you have any queries ask your dentist directly. I am sure he/she will definitely give you a good explanation.

There are few methods to manage dental phobia or fear of the dental procedures - here
·         Breathing technique
To foster deep breathing is to breathe in slowly and count to five before exhaling to another count of five
·         Muscle Relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation can help to slow heart rate and promote calmness.
·         Desensitization
This approach combines deep breathing and relaxation with gradual exposure (either through audiotapes, videotapes or the patient’s own imagination) A patient afraid of needles, for example, may look at pictures of a dentist’s needle in a safe environment, such as at home or in a therapist’s office, while practicing relaxation and breathing techniques. 
·         Distraction
Putting the mind’s focus elsewhere is another way to diminish the anxiety and pain of dental visits.
·         Hypnosis
Hypnosis involves a state of deep relaxation attained through a combination of deep breathing, muscle relaxation and attention modification.
·         Soft Music
Listening to soft music in some mild cases will work just fine. Music relaxes the mind.
·         Combined Approach
Many patients with dental phobia may need a backup strategy in case the first one is not sufficient. The best relief may come from combining approaches 

Sometimes this dental phobia or fear or anxiety can be removed just by talking to your dentist & understanding the whole procedure & necessity  Or sometime above methods of managing dental phobia will be used or sometimes Antianxiety drug will do just fine Or Some time all of them may be used.