Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Poetries that I came across this Mid November

All I Need is You
by daisyv

Days seems so slow
Even the clock that runs so fast..
I don’t know why
But maybe its just so hard to wait for you….

Waiting for you since the start
That we have trusted each other
For the love that is so immense
That can move even the highest mountain…

My heart that always says
You are my everything
Because you are all that I am dreaming
And all that I am hoping for

Now that we have one another
So near ‘coz of the feelings that we have
Yet so far for we can’t still be with each other
Making my heart even hungered for your love….

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
by bonnee)salma

Where did the time go
how quickly it passed by
seems like just yesterday
you tagged along by my side.

If we don't hang onto life
it gets just outta our reach
the years wash it away like
the waves upon the beach.

All we have left are memories
our own personal book
when we need a smile we open
just to have a look.

Years can change everything
same as people do
when I saw your picture I'm a shame to say
I didn't reconize you.

You're all grown-up now
and have a life of your own
but all those yesterdays
are never really gone.

Mom would be proud of you Lee
and of all the things you've done
I know you think life's over
but a part of it's just begun.

Just Wanna Be With You
by bonnee)salma

I wanna lay with you
knowing I'm safe
to wake in the morning
and see your face.

If I get scared
through the night
you're right there
to hold me tight.

To wash away
all my fears
to dry my eyes
of all their tears.

I wanna feel your
arms around me tight
to keep me safe and
warm each night.

Just wanna be with you
no other place
to kiss your lips
and touch your face.

To be in your arms
is my dream come true
its pure heaven
just being with you.