Sunday, December 6, 2009

Unbounding the love! Just to hold It But Unable to hold it or bound it!!

Endless Love
by zubiluvs

how he held me
was but a rough touch
how he kissed me
made me want you
ever so much
how he tickled me
made me think
how you used to make
me laugh
how we made love
i felt so dirty
like i needed a bath
to scrub my pain
my woes and my sorrow
feeling grit from head to toe
how he moved in me
was nothing but pain
unlike you
he didn't hold me
how he talked to me
was out of disrespect
how he left me
was full of neglect
but something by that
i'll never forget
he could never
compare to you

by daisyv

Mandy is my friend
A true and sincere friend
Caring, loving, and honest
Since the day I met him…

Mandy an Electrical Engineer
Working in Saudi for more than 20 years
But still single though with GF he says
But he doesn’t know if he can still meet
Coz someone special is sitting in his heart now
With intense feeling, making him crazy
Thinking her at night, missing her a lot…

Missing her more than his GF
Though he doesn’t know why and how
And the thing is, he is in love with her
And wanting her more than anyone else now…

My friend who is adorable, yet vulnerable
Coz he is having dilemmas
Of whom to love forever
And be his companion for the rest of his life..

My friend who is an ideal man
For he had sacrificed a lot
For the benefit of his family
But I know God will not forsake him
‘Coz HE knows what he is aspiring for

Someone who will love him best
Someone who can understand him
A true lover and a friend as well
Making his days full of romances
Someone who will tell him
“ I Love you Sweetheart,
I will be yours forever ‘till death do us part…

Your Sweet Love
by seekerblue

Your sweet love
Awaits my thirsty lips,
Like aged tequila
Waiting to be savored,
Sip by sip,

How Much I Love You
by brydenrod

when you count all the happiness
in a child’s smile
when you count all the dreams
that I have for you
when you count all the stars
in a night sky
when you count all the hope
that I desire for you
when you count all the grains of sand
on a beach
when you count all the words
that I speak to you
when you count all the drops of rain
during a Seattle day
when you count all the desire
that I believe for you
when you count all the snowflakes
of a winter storm
when you count all the faith
that I have in you
when you count all the leaves
during an autumn wind
when you count all the life
that I share with you
when you count all the pleasure
between two hearts
when you count all the passion
that I enjoy with you
You will almost... almost know
how much I love you

How Did You Know?
by daisyv

I am just here alone, thinking
reminiscing the past..
When I still don’t know how to love again..
Until you came into my life..
Melting my heart,
My heart that is as hard as stone
That cannot be melted by just a fire alone

How did you know that I need someone…
Like you to be with me..
To soften my heart
And feel what love is, again
After the sorrows and pain
Left to me by loving and caring…

How did you know…
I can love this way again
The love that was almost taken by
The emptiness of being alone
After giving the same love and concerned…

How can I forget?
Those miserable days
Of having no sunshine in my life
Until you came rushing
As if you are trying to beat
The deadline set by loving

How did you know..
I need someone like you
Here now in my life
And make me love again

How did you know..
I need to fill the emptiness
Here in my heart
To embrace the coming light ..
And let the sun shine in my life again…..

How did you know

I Know
by sabrinaa

Out of all the people in the world, he has the power to break my heart.
(then dont give him the power)
But i like him so much.
(there's other guys in the world)
But he's my world.
(yes but are you his?)
I think so, he says he loves me
(loving someone and being in love
with someone is different)
I dont want to let him go
(you're gonna have to)
I dont want to fall
(you're gonna have to)
Is it gonna hurt?
(it always does)
But he can change
(yes, but only if he wants to)
What if he wants to?
(then he will)
But do i still have to let him go?
But why? i dont want to lose him
(you wont)
Then why do i have to let him go?
(because if you don't already,
then he's gonna have to let you go)
But if he really wanted to,
wouldn't he have done it already?
Then why hasn't he?
(because he cares)
So do i
(i know)
Is it gonna hurt?
Who will catch me?
(if he really doesnt want to let you go,
then he will catch you when you let go)
And if he doesnt?
(then he was ready to let you go)
Idk what to be without him around
(Be, you)
I never wanted this
(i know)
i cry everyday
(i know)
for him
(i know)
Its not easy, is it.?
My heart is breaking
(im sorry)
I know....

Knowledge Gilded
by gothchick

We once waltzed on marbled floors
Bedecked in gilded clothes
Surrounded by gilded doors
we recited poems of Poe’s
And compared Baudelaire’s
Spoke of philosophies woes
And conversed intently with flair
we followed the waltz until tired
And sit did we, for many an hour
Talking, laughing, we so desired
Knowledge which we must devour
And every single precious second
That we sit together reading
It is knowledge that has beckoned
Yet enriched by such proceeding
And waltz we will many times more
In gilded clothes all around
Surrounded by the gilded doors
With knowledge well unbound