Thursday, February 25, 2010

Love written in stars!!

Two Hearts Together
by Shelly Dyke

I sit here pondering our misfortunes,
Wondering how we got this far,
Remembered love but forgotten days,
Seems so long just to be taken away,
Two lost hearts, finding hope in one another,
Only to be cast apart,
Year after year they find that loves still there,
The kind of love, thats true and rare,
But year after year they deal with their blows,
Apart for now, but always
in each others hearts,
They struggle through their lives,
Hoping one day their paths again will cross,

Having to never again feel that loss.

Time to Say Goodbye
by amore21

I gave you my heart
A chance to be torn apart
But I knew the love for you
Was from the start

In your giving way
In those happy days
My feelings for you
Words could not say

The warm summer nights
With kisses of might
Deep down I thought
This could be right

But I learned It was a lie
To point I would cry
So I knew, my love
It was time to say goodbye

A Love Written in the Stars
by womball

Each time I'm with you- it still isn't enough.
Each hug we share, each time we kiss,
My love for you is not fully expressed...
it can't be.

I love you beyond your face,
Beyond your smile, beyond you body.
I love everything about you,
I love your heart.

This love I feel inside
Is like no other I have ever felt before.
This one is so special, so magical.
Each time I look at you
I see a handsome face with a gorgeous heart.
The longer I look at you,
The more I know I am loved.

Each gentle kiss drives me crazy,
Each hug makes me want to cry-
Because I know what we have is so precious,
And I am so blessed to have you to hold.

I love you more than words,
More than there are stars in the sky.
But as long as Pegasus flies in the night sky
And as long as Orion stands
proud above the world,
I will love you.

5 Kisses
by chihiro

Here's 5
kisses for you

for making
me smile
I think of you

for each day
this week
I haven't seen you

to accompany
this HUG

for the days
till we meet

because I want to


My Angel
by carmelo

We met in our early days
And went our separate ways
Years later we met up again
And then I swept you of your feet

Do you believe in destiny?
Did heaven send you to save me?
Or is this just serendipity?
Could fate have brought you to me?

Your Beauty brightens my day
You color is never shades of gray
Your voice melts my heart away
You are in my thoughts everyday

I am in a state of bliss
You make me smile which
Bring me happiness
And that is one thing
I don’t ever want to miss

You helped me more
Than you will ever know
You told me something
Which I never knew
That you love me too

Your timing in my life is great
But angel, you came a little late
But you’ve always had
a special place in my heart
Because my darling Angel
You will break my heart
So please don’t let us part
Because my darling Angel
I love you with all my heart

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poems sometimes makes fusion

The Promise
by Captured

by weirdchild19

It started with a message.
They chatted -N- then they met.
She was captured by his sweet words and his glowing blue eyes.
Thinking nothing could go wrong.
He was caring and sweet
with something he was hiding.
She tried to be tough,
but at the same time she needed him.
She thought he wouldn't do no wrong.
Until the day she was trapped in his plan.
They got married on a nice fall day.
He acted so sweet and loving,
Then his hidden anger came out
in a small fight they had,
He hit her, -N- held a knife to her
-N- scared her.
At that moment her life was in his hands.
She was more scared then ever.
She had never thought
that he would ever do no wrong.
But she still stayed with him,
knowing he could do it again.
Why did she stay? It was because she thought she wasn't strong enough
to live her life without him.
One day she got the strength to break free -N- become strong to live life with out him.
She once knew he was caring -N- loving.
With the help of her family, She left and realized she could do it on her own.
She was still young and very pretty.
Now no one thought that this girl would of grow up and be a loving
woman she had become.
No more will she ever have to hide.
Her life was just starting to just begin
Her eyes will no longer hide the pain
Her voice is full of joy once again
And she smiled with no fear!

Hold Me
by velmagm_05

Rest your head on my shoulder
whisper in my ear
Tell me that you love me so,
that's what I wanna hear

Caress me baby and hold me tight
Cause I love you with all my might

Kiss me with your tender lips
And touch me with your fingertips

You bring me chills right down my back
I want you forever and that's a fact

Until my soul fly into heaven
When my heart stops from beating
I will still be loving you
Until death do us part
That is my promise to you
Before I say goodbye
Set my wings
And fly away from you

I look through the dazzling stars
And asking them to draw your face
In the dark night
My tears start falling down
From my lonesome eyes
While the stars drawing your face

The wind blows my tears
Only the light of the mellow moon
Witnessed this feeling of emptiness
Because I am missing you
Even the sun and sky will tell you
That I miss you so much

I will always hold my promise forever
Until the end of time
And my heart only knows
That I still need your love

Our Hearts

Your smile...
It brightens the darkness in my heart.

Your eyes...
They show me your soul
and how it connects to mine.

But your heart...
It tells me all your wishes, all your hopes,
and all your dreams.
It tells me how much you trust me.

I like knowing this, but none of it can match up to when your heart tells me
how much you care for me and love me.

And in return...

My heart tells you the same. Because I do love you. With my whole heart I love you, and if you look into my eyes, you will see
that I also love you with my soul.

The Only One
by brookeb87

He’s the only one that’s
on her mind from sunup to sundown
The only one that
brings butterflies to her stomach
The only one that she
wishes she was with each second of the day
The only one that she wants holding her
The only one that she wants caressing her
The only one that she wishes for
The only one that she wants in her future
The only one that she’s
completely head over heals for
The only one that she wants kissing her goodnight
The problem is… he means absolutely the world to her and he doesn’t even know it… and he never will know.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Wish I Am the One
by daisyv

Wish I am the one
Who owns your heart
Wish I am the one
Who can make you happy
When you are feeling blue
Coz he is not truthful to you

Wish I am the one
Sitting beside you
Holding your hands
Touching your face
Telling you "wanna kiss your lips"
So sweet and tender

Wish I am the one
Whom you have loved
To let you know how much I love you
And to show to you
How much I wanted to care for you

Wish I am the one
You are waiting for
To let your love flow
But I am just your friend
And will remain as your truthful friend

Even I know I love you not just a friend….

Whisper of the Wind
by nakipie223

I hear your voice, whispered in the wind,
It calls softly to me
I know when I hear it,
That you want to be with me.

The wind moves my hair about my face
In the manner that you do;
When, in your arms I am embraced
My love I give to you.

It reminds me of your fingers
When you touch my face;
It tells me of your love
In your heart’s secret place.

It brings your thoughts to me
each time we are apart,
It keeps our thoughts together
And stirs within my heart.

Oh, would it be that we could meet
Above the breezy sky,
And bind your wings with mine complete
So, together we could fly.

I hope this wind will blow your way
To brush your face as mine;
Till we are one for every day
Our love and lives combined.

When Worlds Collide
by seekerblue

I retreated to the slumbering couch
To read about “the big bang” theory,
When out of the corner of my eye
I saw you glide by like retreating darkness.

Tall and elegantly dressed
You sat down two chairs from me
Oblivious of the cosmic stir
You had set in motion in my universe.

I tried to concentrate on the dominant forces,
Present at the first moment of creation.
As if that could somehow compare
To the strong force now rippling within my heart.

You stood up to announce your departure,
And as you walked by quietly, you glanced down,
And pierced the silence with a Mona Lisa smile,
To let me know, that you knew.

That no matter how strong
The forces that hold this universe together
There is no force of attraction, not even gravity,
Stronger than that between a man and woman.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Love & me #Literature & #poetry

You and I
by carmelo

Lay here beside me, hearing my heart
Softly I’ll whisper my feelings for you
What you’ve meant to me from the start
How you make me feel the way I do

So here I am with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
There’s nothing to hide in these arms
Just a love that runs deeply and free

Living without you is being alone
And I hope that someday you’ll come back
And make this place feel like a home
Before this fragile heart begins to crack

As I dream I don’t want to wake
And find that you’re not next to me
Because without you my heart will break
By my side is where I always wanted you to be

You and I is how my soul has seen us
You and I is all my hearts every known
You and I was all I wanted nothing less
You and I to always be on our own

my angel
by angelanne

i'm sitting here writing,
and thinking of you.
i love to love you
it's my favorite thing to do

i love this feeling,
this feeling they call love
god sent me an angel
straight from heaven above.

he sent me an angel
so gorgeous and sweet
god sent me you
and you swept me off my feet.

you got here to earth
and walked right up to me
you said,angel i love you
you think you could love me?

at first i was scared
wandering what do i do
i was falling so hard
i was afraiad to love you.

so i nelt down and prayed
and ask god what to do
he said go ahead and love him
i sent him to you

i sent him to love you
and hold you when you cry
he's going to make you happy
until the day that you die

i then made my decision
and thanked the lord above
for sending me this angel
and for sending me someone to love

so then i walked up to you
with my eyes full of tears
i told you yes,i can love you
i said it perfectly clear

i promised to love you
and stand by your side
and you promised to dry up
all the tears i had cryed

i promised to be faithfull
and promised to be true
i promised to be there
and to always love you

so i'll end this with saying
that dreams do come true
god sent me an angel
and that angel is you!

In Love With You
by sweetiebabies

. . . the tears
. . . the confusion
. . . the pain
. . . the grief
. . . the truth

I am still in love with you

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines day!

by noeni23

Wish I had magic I could
send warm rays of sun light
your way

Wish I had magic I could
brighten your days,lighten
your heart,rekindle the sparks
in your eyes a smile on your face

Wish I had magic I could ease
your aching heart take your sadness
And make you happy again

Wish I had magic I could make
your heart a bit lighter and
return happiness and laughter
to you the way you use to be
But since I have no magic

My wish is that some day
that magic will send you
someone to ignite the magic
you once had and lost

I Love You Forever
by BrownEyedGirl

Just three little words
Don’t seem like enough
For someone whose smile
Still brightens my day,
Whose touch can make me forget?
The rest of the world

They don't seem like enough
For someone whose always been there
To celebrate with me
When everything goes my way
And to hold my hand
When my whole world
Seems to fall apart.

But even though 'I Love You'
Can’t express the depth
Of my feelings for you
I hope you know what's in my heart.
Because loving you
Means more to me
Than anything in the world
And it always will.

Our Souls Meet at Nine
by spiritmoon

Every evening dead at nine
we go in our gardens dead on time,
me on my step and you at your gate
neither of us will ever be late.

We clear our minds and think of each other
knowing our souls will meet together,
my body stays, my soul floats away
to be with you again today.

I land behind you and kiss your neck
with a slight and breezy gentle peck,
you turn and smile,you are aware
that i've arrived, you know i'm there.

Our souls have met, they act as one
your soul is happy that i have come,
together under the sky above
they hug so tight and fill with love.

After a while thier time is up
they have to part like a love sick pup,
back to thier owners they travel again
tomorrow they will do the same.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February dreams!

by mandate0

I dream a dream of you and I as one
A dream of you and I at last together
I dream of walking, laughing hand in hand
And of a love I know will last forever
I dream of gazing into your blue eyes
And getting lost within your loving gaze
I dream of feelings that must then arise
And love that keeps our two hearts all ablaze
I dream of special smiles meant just for me
And knowing looks that say “ I love you too”
I dream of reaching out to touch your face
And knowing all my love is just for you
I dream these dreams
they’re always on my mind
They never let me rest or so it seems
I dream these dreams and yet I know inside
They are not real
they’re just my hopeless dreams

by ladybug454

in the midnight hour thinking…

I sit and think…
Wondering what the next day has planed for me
I’ve had my share of it
I’ve given my share of it
Will I ever get my fill of it?
I believe life has some great plans for me
I’ll step wisely…
I’ll talk cautiously…
I’ll take everything it gives to me…
I’ll share it…
I’ll treasure it…
I’ll respect it…

I have said many times we are only as good as our word. It defines our character and my dad taught me…my character is what will take me where I am to go…if it is good it will take me to good places…if it is bad it will take me to bad places…so I chose to do the good thing, to think the good thought, to forgive, to love, to share and most importantly to respect all: nature, life, people, the law of reciprocity.

Choice I learned long ago from a wise man…you have a choice…you can say no…you can say yes…I have lived by that from that day forward…

A woman told me…what ever you do in life be sure you can face yourself in the mirror the next day…so I have a face…I think about everything I do before I do it…and I ask myself…will I be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow…then I proceed one way or the other…it depends…

Love I have no fear in it…I give it freely…I receive it freely…as a child…with innocence…with purity…and all the honesty I know…

My hope…that I will receive love always…

We are the ying and the yang…we love perfectly…we hurt deeply…but…we keep doing it because we are…Gods Children Chosen By Him…

Goodnight my sweet love…for the blessing of you, bestowed upon me, is…