Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Poems sometimes makes fusion

The Promise
by Captured

by weirdchild19

It started with a message.
They chatted -N- then they met.
She was captured by his sweet words and his glowing blue eyes.
Thinking nothing could go wrong.
He was caring and sweet
with something he was hiding.
She tried to be tough,
but at the same time she needed him.
She thought he wouldn't do no wrong.
Until the day she was trapped in his plan.
They got married on a nice fall day.
He acted so sweet and loving,
Then his hidden anger came out
in a small fight they had,
He hit her, -N- held a knife to her
-N- scared her.
At that moment her life was in his hands.
She was more scared then ever.
She had never thought
that he would ever do no wrong.
But she still stayed with him,
knowing he could do it again.
Why did she stay? It was because she thought she wasn't strong enough
to live her life without him.
One day she got the strength to break free -N- become strong to live life with out him.
She once knew he was caring -N- loving.
With the help of her family, She left and realized she could do it on her own.
She was still young and very pretty.
Now no one thought that this girl would of grow up and be a loving
woman she had become.
No more will she ever have to hide.
Her life was just starting to just begin
Her eyes will no longer hide the pain
Her voice is full of joy once again
And she smiled with no fear!

Hold Me
by velmagm_05

Rest your head on my shoulder
whisper in my ear
Tell me that you love me so,
that's what I wanna hear

Caress me baby and hold me tight
Cause I love you with all my might

Kiss me with your tender lips
And touch me with your fingertips

You bring me chills right down my back
I want you forever and that's a fact

Until my soul fly into heaven
When my heart stops from beating
I will still be loving you
Until death do us part
That is my promise to you
Before I say goodbye
Set my wings
And fly away from you

I look through the dazzling stars
And asking them to draw your face
In the dark night
My tears start falling down
From my lonesome eyes
While the stars drawing your face

The wind blows my tears
Only the light of the mellow moon
Witnessed this feeling of emptiness
Because I am missing you
Even the sun and sky will tell you
That I miss you so much

I will always hold my promise forever
Until the end of time
And my heart only knows
That I still need your love

Our Hearts

Your smile...
It brightens the darkness in my heart.

Your eyes...
They show me your soul
and how it connects to mine.

But your heart...
It tells me all your wishes, all your hopes,
and all your dreams.
It tells me how much you trust me.

I like knowing this, but none of it can match up to when your heart tells me
how much you care for me and love me.

And in return...

My heart tells you the same. Because I do love you. With my whole heart I love you, and if you look into my eyes, you will see
that I also love you with my soul.

The Only One
by brookeb87

He’s the only one that’s
on her mind from sunup to sundown
The only one that
brings butterflies to her stomach
The only one that she
wishes she was with each second of the day
The only one that she wants holding her
The only one that she wants caressing her
The only one that she wishes for
The only one that she wants in her future
The only one that she’s
completely head over heals for
The only one that she wants kissing her goodnight
The problem is… he means absolutely the world to her and he doesn’t even know it… and he never will know.