Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SOUL MATES & SMILE - unknown poet with known thought

My Love for You
by mandate0

If you could see into my mind
I think that you would surely find
A love that binds you to my soul
A love that I cannot control

It’s not a love I’ll ever see
Returned my dear from you to me
A missing piece a gaping hole
A fearsome ache within my soul

This love for you I can’t restrain
It’s something I cannot contain
It daily tears into my heart
And rips my very soul apart

So I keep looking for a way
To keep this love for you at bay
That I might find for me at least
A needed bit of inner peace

But I know this will never be
I love you far too much you see
To push my love for you aside
No matter how I feel inside

They Way You
Make Me Feel

by anoni1981

I shiver when you hold me near,
In your arms I feel no fear.
Your tenderness takes my breath away,
I feel like a young kid who wants to play.
I am happy when you look at me,
There is no place I would rather be.
I can’t help but smile with you,
I love you – yes I do.
These are all things you make me feel,
That’s how I know you care for real.

The Gift of You
by JD99

Your words they leave me speechless
As you carry me away
To a far off place that's shielded
From many cares of the day.

Your words are a magic carpet
That I float upon so free,
You sooth me with your loving balm
Not a care in the world for me.

Your words are like choice morsels
To feast on
And to savor,
As we travel

To the Garden of Love
Where all is well
And all is joy --
A special secret garden.

The Garden of You,
The Garden of Me,
The Garden of Hope,
Where we both can be.

A Lover's Quarrel
by shaeshae

Words that were so cruel ended in a closed
Oh how could she have missed the signs it would
lead to this
Now her tears fall like the endless ocean's
A love that they both have seem to missed all
because she got pissed
The devil was in the mist, she was the one who fell
for his tricks
Angle in disguise he professed to be, Now her heart
is sure to bleed
For he planted the seed of rage, And a lover's
quarrel was engaged

Your Smile
by caffrey

you gave me a smile as you turned to me
the look of love I could plainly see
your tender touch I feel on my skin
bringing forth love from deep within
you caress my body your arms enfold
we begin to make love your close to hold
your fingers trace down onto my thighs
your intimate love puts me on high
our pulsating bodies don't want to part
we now know what's felt within the heart
we've reached the point of no return
our bodies entwine with passion and burn
you touched the depth of my very soul
I feel desired, so loved I'm whole

Soul Mates
by caffrey

think I've finally found my soul mate
was it destiny or was it fate
you touched me softly and reached my soul
we are as one, we are as whole
I love your touch and tender kiss
and your loving arms is sheer bliss
you're my miror image my inside out
it's definitely kismet, of that there's no doubt
you put love back into my lonely heart
we know it was meant, right from the start