Sunday, November 21, 2010

Love & Poetry Defines the way of life!

In your morning
by miniterider

I'll be there in your morning
I'll be there in your night
Be there just to tell you
Everything will be alright

You are my darling angel
The only one I need
I'll be there in your morning
Please don't give up on me

Be there just to hold you
and feel your tender touch
Be there just to tell you
that your love means so much
Be there to hold your hand
and walk you through your day
Be the one to pick you up
if things don't go your way
Be the one to kiss your lips
and warm you through the night
Be your shoulder to cry on
when you're filled with dreadful fright

I'll be there in your morning
I'll be there in your night
Be there just to tell you
You'll never leave my sight.

My Ty: My first born
by tanyal

When I think of you, I think of a rainbow,
Distant; strong,
so beautiful but so far away

I think about when you were little,
with your bright blue eyes;
your red lips always in a mischevious grin.
I think about your pale blonde hair
with cowlicks all around.
My own personal little Dennis the Menace.

When I think of you, I think of sunshine,
I remember the way you used to
light up a room with just your smile.
The way we all laughed at your silly antics; your monkey ways.

Now I think of you; I think of a thunderstorm.
All dark; moody and not quite sure when the lightning will strike.
The downpour that chases everyone else inside.

But like any good mother I will be there
to weather the storm with you.
And when the downpour is over,
we can watch the sunshine come out
and the rainbow that was once my little boy reappear.

x Lisa x
by tanyal

Five years old sitting on the swing all alone.
You walked up beside me so the story goes.
Seven years old
running down the railroad tracks,
Fleeing my family never looking back.
Nine years old and there's homework all around.
You're lying beside me trying to figure it out.
Eleven years old and we're moving away.
Weekends with you, begging my mom to stay.
Twelve years old here we go again.
We're moving so far
so we vow our friendship will never end.
6 years go by you turn eighteen,
A promise made so here I am.
A little courage from me you're with him
Another two years pass
I'm coming home to stay
My children and I cannot stay away
Twenty one years old
I meet the man of my dreams
You're there at my wedding
everything is great it seems
Twenty seven years old I set you up again
Now you're married to my good friend.
So here thirty is should we run and hide?
I think not ....
As long as I have my best friend by my side.