Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

as per the news go FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings- he U.S. Food and Drug Administration will revisit the issue of amalgam fillings that contain mercury, officials said.The FDA will take up the issue at a meeting of the dental-products panel of its medical devices advisory committee Dec. 14-15 in Maryland, The (Lousiville, Ky.) Courier-Journal reported.Dentists and many health experts say the mercury-based fillings are safe, but some consumers and scientists argue mercury can contribute to a host of health problems, including Alzheimer's."I'm not surprised the FDA is looking at this because of the public outcry that has been going on for decades," said Holly Hruska of Frankfort, Ky.She had her amalgam fillings removed in 2004 after suffering several health problems she blamed on mercury, including tremors, anxiety, nausea and double vision.But many health experts discount the effects of the mercury in amalgam fillings.

"The anti-amalgamists don't like it because they don't like it, not because they have science to support what they say," said Dr. Robert Baratz, a Massachusetts physician and doctor.He said opponents of amalgam fillings represent "the unscientific fringe," and not the general public.

Source - here

So Finally Again they are going to re investigate the matter- Previously we covered it  here- A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

But It is now again in spot light so let's see what will happen next .