Monday, December 13, 2010

Mid Decemeber Literature & poetry!

The poem
before the poem...

by keoni

It seems that i've said all i need to say,
When a whisper so tiny send chills your way.

To imagine that you might know about Love,
Makes me laugh,
because neither one of us
has ever felt true Love.

Its clean, and pure, like the water you dream of.
Keep looking ahead, i see the same thing.

Promiss me nothing, and let me dream.
I can do it all, tall strong or petite and neat,
But I will not do wrong, not with you around.

True Love is for Kings and Queens,
not for, oh wait a minute,
I almost forgot who we are.

Nah, i never forgot who we are,
not since the last week of May,
wow, i got something to say...2bcontinYoud...
get rrrready this one is good baby...HA

Opened door still guarded
by Ivette

As I wander through the clearing,
Watching the flowers sway,
The meadow, a place for dreamers,
Has become my home…my final resting place

One key around my neck, a sign of purity;
The patience is over,
so I pull the key from its place
I watch it…soaring through the trees and vines
Waiting…watching…for a single soul to catch it.

I stand at the entrance to wait…
calmly breathing…
Guarding my heart and soul,
but looking for the one
Who will find the key and bring it back to me;
Opening the door to a guarded, simple soul.

Only in dreams do I see the man…
a heart for truth and honor
One with eyes that shine
like the starry night sky
Keeping a smile to guide the lost souls home…
So only in my dreams he lies and waits…
giving me sweet company.

The door is opened, but still quite guarded
As I watch and wait for him…
I see in the distance
No knight, no prince, no ruler or king is he
Just a man, but more
with the kindest, dearest heart.

His image now branded in my heart and mind
As my eyes continue to search and seek him
His arrival at the door surprises me…
But I won’t turn him away…
for we both know who he is

The one to make me complete…
happiness and laughter and peace
He will give me life anew and no reason…
No reason…to live life guarded again…
He brought me freedom…freedom…
in the image of the key.

Let our words be sacred
by keoni
I know a woman who is right,
she walks in sunshine and glows all night.

Holder of so much I dont know,
she explains things to me easy and slow.

Although we both know
what needs not to be said,
we say it anyway,
as we sleep in seperate beds.