Thursday, March 5, 2009

good poems

Hello bond! :)
Here is today's Love Poem you've requested! Your subscription information is located at the end of this e-mail!

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Messenger Of Love
by nakipie223

I got up this morning,
Got shot at with a bow;
The arrow went straight to my heart,
It was Cupid, you know.

He said he had a message
He thought I'd want to hear;
He told me that you loved me,
And that you held me dear.

He said you'd want an answer
If I felt for you the same,
Because if I really didn't,
It would be a crying shame.

So I told Mr. Cupid
To fly on back to you,
And shoot you full of arrows
So you would have a clue

Of just how much I love you
You mean the world to me.
I wish to spend my life with you
Through all eternity.

The Other Half of Me
by hscoffee21

We've been through a lot
Together, you and me,
But that confirms it even more
That we are meant to be.

Our love wouldn't be complete
If challenges didn't arise.
We know our love can last
And bounce back from our past.

You've always been there for me
Through thick and through thin.
I know if you're on my side
I will always win.

You complete me
In every single way.
Sometimes you finish things
I'm trying to say.

You are my other half.
The true love of my life.
I hope one of these days
For you to be my husband, and I your wife.

some goog poems

Meet Me In This Dream Tonight
by beckiboo1981

Lean back upon your pillow,
Join me in this place I know,
Close your eyes for just a moment,
Relax your body mind and soul.
The place that only dreamers use,
And poets find release,
The place I long to meet you,
And fulfill this fantasy.
It's here I lay beside you,
Fingers trailing over your skin,
Our cheeks touching slightly,
I don't want this dream to end.
You slide your arms around me,
Pull me tight against your chest,
Moving into loves position,
Were not in this dream to rest.
Your heart beats with my heart,
As our bodies lay entwined,
Our eyes now tell the story,
Drunken by the lovers wine.
After quickened breath and passion,
After ecstasies fulfilled,
We lay snuggled, softly kissing,
Knowing we have shared this thrill.
My mouth flavored with your honey,
The after taste where lovers dine,
Making love would be much better,
If it were not just in our minds.