Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Buried Love by mizz

Dressed in temptation she conseals and hides,
Her gift of suffering and pain that presides.

Masked in sweetness she gives birth to confusion,
Yet they flutter aimlessly in her illusion.

Inside her past,a brutal scar surely lies,
the thorns that tore and ripped into their eyes.

She left them- soulless bodies, burning alive,
Cuddling lost moments of joy to survive.

In every heart she tears open her design,
unlocking cold wounding memories of mine:

"She forced false belief : he's your one and only,
later plunging you aside; so sick and lonely..."

A cold-blooded veil- now cloaks my sighs,
as enshrouding tears, flow from my eyes.

draining and flooding the blush of my cheek,
fading light from my smile, so false, so weak.

Veins reep colourless, struggling to shut loves door,
Mind's deep tragedies, raceless -can fight no more.

Love is that cruel wench, who bathes me in her trance,
She makes nights resltess with the hurt in his glance.

She's evil: forbidding me to forget what he said,
She shrieks him in my ears; her presence undead...

The heart pulses- hope uncertain of life-now,
but reigns again- his adamant love somehow