Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pay your attention

14 th November was celebrated as children’s day.
it was a birthday of PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU.
He is a first PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA. He loves kids & so today we celebrate his birthday as children’s day.
My dear friends 14 th November the entire world celebrated children’s day. But some children’s who are not having parents (ORPHANS) are away from this celebration. Those kids who work as a child labours are away from this happiness. What they did wrong? Why we are not bringing them with us with our children’s to njoy happiness? Why they are away from all facilities & all joy of childhood? Why our so called cultured ppl are running away from their responsibility?
At lest today make some poor kid happy. Not by giving him money or by showing him sympathy but providing him good education or At least allow them to njoy or by providing them protection. They need a love they need a simple care.
They don’t have parents is not their fault? It’s the destiny. But by our simple efforts we can change this situation everyone just need to put their effort a single & little one effort. Now a day child molestation & child abuse is more common. We call our self a modern human …..?????????????? is it a modern thing that ppl using kids in porn industry? Its brutality. even Animal never do such things. & we so called humans allows to happen these things in our day today life. Its not a manly thing. We know a childhood is gods gift but some time god forget to give this to some but we can help god by giving some one his or her childhood back. Look guys that baby is not asking you for your right. But just asking for his or her own right. So this is right time to show them a love. those who are taking their life’s right are going to suffer because I am going to destroy them & you are going to support me. Show me your support or not but show your support to those kids. They need you & your support with some little love.
& if you are not going to do that then please circulate this within your friends.
If you really wanna help them:-
1) Never make them realise them they r orphan
2) Encourage them for their good activities.
3) If some one trying to enforce the child labours. Alert the police or go for law. If you r not going to do this then give a simple call to police from booth without your name .
4) Help the foundation which helps such kids. You will find them in your local area also.
5) For Indian’s on every national holiday there is free medical & dental check up of kids in primary health centre & in dental clinics the treatment is free so go for it & bring as many kids you can bring.
6) If you find something related to child abuse just first preference to protect the child bcz psychological effect of such things can make its impression on mind, soul, psychology, emotions & future personality of child.
7) Kids just need your love give them love.

Say no to child labour.
Now pls sign here & circulate this in your all friends.