Thursday, April 9, 2009


Love On A Lazy Summer's Day
by truthinakiss

The meadow looks so beautiful this morning
The river just ambles on by
Barges and boats leave their moorings
Not caring where they are going or why.

The couple on deck are waving
Encouraging the artist in me
I carry on with my engraving
Carving a heart in the bark of a tree.

The riverbank dotted with primrose
Buttercup and purple flowering sage
Honeysuckle grows in the hedgerows
Surely this must be true loves stage.

A skylark hovers over the meadow
In the bushes the yellow hammers sing
I watch intently as the swallow
Catches her prey on the wing.

Mother nature is displaying her beauty
Her wisdom, her magic, her charm
One day you will share this with me
When I'm holding you in my arms.

Please my Lord hurry the day
My love and I have been so long apart
Help me Lord to find the way
To the girl who holds my heart.

Your Guitar
by nakipie223

Let me be the guitar
on which you like to strum;
Let me play the melody
which from your heart comes.

Let me sing the chords
that make the song come through;
That bring forth your truest love
buried deep inside of you.

Play the notes that sound your thoughts,
make me live through every string;
Giving voice of your true love,
that to me you bring.

May my voice fill all your needs,
for the hours when you play
As we become both sound and soul,
together blending all our days.

by Carmelo

Take this hand and fly with me
As we head off into the sunset
Across the oceans and seas
To the place where we first met

Take this heart from inside me
Cause it's always been for you
Your love is all it knows and sees
There's nothing it wouldn't do for you

Take these eyes so I can see
Everything in your world
We'll face our fears and never flee
Our dreams will be our world

Take the strength from inside my soul
Let it guide you to a safer place
Far away where fear has no control
Our sanctuary wrapped in loves embrace