Sunday, May 31, 2009

A word which express feeling

by womball

I want you Always.... With me
Share in my life.... My hopes,
Laughter and Tears,
Every smile and any sorrow...
I want you Always...
To be a part of,
Every Today, Every Tomorrow...
I want you Always.... In all my dreams...
A part of every fantasy...
I want you Always To love and live with,
To awaken beside each new day
We will share together...
I want Always... To see your sweet smile,
Hear your laughter,
Listen to the soft sound of you sleeping beside me...
I want to Always.... Give all the happiness
You so rightly deserve....
Bring you every joy within my reach...
I will Always....
Be your best friend, your confidant...
The one who shares in all you do...
Through the good and the bad,
I will stand by you...
I promise to Always. Give you all the love,
That fills my heart....
Give you all the passion,
That fills our nights...
To grant you’re every want,
Every need any wish....
Today, Tomorrow
And Always....

Would You Be
by nakipie223

Would you be ever with me?
Walking side by side
Living day by day together
Would you be my guide?

Would you know my soul
Ever yearning, never still
Living always in your love
Seeking shelter until

Time for us to make the journey
That faces everyone
To soar among the heavens
Till eternity is done.

Kiss Me
by nakipie223

Kiss me, my Prince
I am waiting for you
To bring my heart to life
To bring my love to you.

Show me, my Prince
Of what beats in your heart?
That makes your heart move
Of you, I am a part.

Hold me, my Prince
Your loving arms I need;
To fly through time and space
And dine on honey and mead.

Lead me, my Prince
Upon your life’s quest;
And hold my hand all the while
Until at last we rest.

Love Within
by daisyv

As I sat down remembering
My first meeting with you
I can help but to wonder...
Is there something within
That makes me stand out
From your other friends ?

You have told me then...
I am different
Though I am thankful but
My mind still seeks
What makes me special
For you to keep me,
Here with you...

Something in my mind keeps coming back…
Can’t help but ask
Is there love within your heart?
This is the question I wanna ask…

Within your heart, you told me
“I wanna keep you,
For I want you to be my true friend and lover too”
These words make my heart beat faster
Feeling the love within…
Though I know
It is just a long distance love affair
But still... there is LOVE WITHIN…

Somewhere... Someday...
by daisyv

Somewhere… Someday…

I know somewhere you are there
Thinking of me
Coz you loved me this much
But the distance where you are
Makes this moment so near yet so far…

Somewhere... Someday...
You will be here
To be with me along the way
Because you will not let me be..
Alone, because I belong to you
As you belongs to me

Someday… Somewhere…
We will be together
Dancing in the moonlight
To celebrate the love
Within our hearts…

Somewhere... Someday...
I will be yours
And you will be mine
Making our love
Forever in our hearts...

My Heart and Yours
by scarfacegurl

you had my heart from the start
i never realized that you also held the key
i love you even more than i love me
i hadnt realized that with you was where i was meant to be
now i do
now i know that my heart beats only for you
when i sleep, i hear my heart beat my favorite tune
it screams out your name with each beat
like the waves of the ocean
and the rustle of leaves.
i hear your name and see your face every where i go
i hear your voice and then i know
when and where i want to go and who i want to be with
when you're by my side, i can't fail
and if i fall, i know that you'll catch me right before i hit the ground.
trying to win your heart is like tryin to catch something i can't see
but i know its there because when i lay on your chest i can hear it beat.

You're Everything
by bcassata

I am the constellation, to your night
And I am the shelter to your storms
I'm the deepest of your desires, and
The flame to your candle that burns.

I am the waves to your bluest ocean
I'm the rhythm, inside of your heart
I'm the rain that falls from your sky
I am the day that's before your dark.

I am the garden to your reddest rose
I'm all the stars, to your every night
I am the wings to help you soar and
The vision whenever you need sight.

I'm a sunrise, to your every morning
I am the treasure lost neath your sea
I'm the sunset to your every evening
I'm the beauty in nature that you see.

I'm the bird, who sings in your trees
I'm the dreams, whenever you sleep
I am the destiny you've searched for
And I am the journey, that you seek.