Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Shortly After Midnight
by womball

Shortly after midnight
Into your room I go
And stand there gazing down at you
With eyes that love you so
Your head upon the pillow
Your arms down at your side
Your lips in a faint smile
Then next to you I slide

I kiss your eyelids softly
Run fingers through your hair
I feel your breath upon me
Do you know I'm there?
I put my arms around you
And hold you, oh so near
I whisper of my love for you
Although you cannot hear

I cherish every moment as
I hold you close, my dear
For time goes by so quickly
And morning's almost near
Though' you won't know I've been there
With you throughout the night
My love for you is ever close....
As darkness is to light

The First Time I Saw You
by womball

The first time I saw you,
I already knew.
You had my heart,
I truly loved you.

You make me whole,
There is no debate.
You're the one I love,
You're my soul mate.

You make me complete,
There could be no other.
The only one is you,
My one and true lover

I love you with all my heart,
My soul and mind
A love that together,
We surely can bind.

I loved you from the beginning,
There will be no end.
A love that forever,
Will only ascend.

My Special Someone
by womball

I bet you didn't know
That you just passed my mind.
You do this so many times each day
Since a guy like you is so hard to find.

I saw a falling star
Just the other day
For I sat there and thought
But only had one thing to say.

The wish I just got
I really do not need.
Because the only wish I want
Is a wish I have already received?

Some might even say
That I'm in another place
Every time I think of how you look
And that smile on your face.

To conclude the way I feel
About all the things you do
You are that special someone.
You're like a dream come true.

You're Unbelievable
by Bonnee(salma

You blow me away
with the loving things you say
I feel like a breeze
on a warm summer day.

You fill my heart
with so much love
how can I not
thank the heavens above.

I can't believe
I finally found you
I can't believe
it's a dream come true
I can't believe
that you love me too.

Still Loving You
by womball

When I first told you I loved you I had no idea
What those words would come to mean
All the joy, all the happiness I felt
Then was only the beginning
Do you remember how we used to feel?
How we were content to look into each other's eyes
How we would seek each other's glance
Just to share a secret smile
How the memory of a touch or a kiss
Could make us happy for hours
Sometimes still, when you're unaware
I stop and watch you thinking or dreaming
I wonder if you truly know how special you are to me
Everything I could ever ask of life
I find when I look into your eyes
You’re my life, my world, and my forever
And if I could write a hundred words
Or make a thousand wishes
They would be about you....


Here I am, restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
Wondering if the sight of your face will ever light up my eyes again.
I am afraid of losing you.
Afraid that I will never touch you again.
I miss the memories we made.
How we made love everyday.
How every word you tell me comforts even the deepest fears I have.
I love you.
And because I love you I will justify how devoted I am to you.
Regardless of what happened, I will never give up on you.
I will never quit on the promise my love made to you.
Your love for me I could never repay,
And someday you will see that we were meant to be together.
We were meant to get married and have kids.
We were meant to live our lives with nothing but love to fall back on.
I love you.
And because I love you, here I am.
Restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
Wondering how a perfect love can go wrong.
But I will never give up because I am in love.
I may falter, but I will never fail.
I am too persistent to fail on you.
You are my driving force, the reason I do my best.
But without you, I am lost. I cannot go on.
So I'm asking myself,
Why am I here restless in my bed again.
Wondering if I ever cross your busy mind.
And today I swear this vow.
I am not an angel but I am true.
I will always love you.

Without You
by womball

When you are not by my side,
I feel very lonely.
Without you being in my arms,
I feel like I am missing something.

When you are not around,
I do everything to make it seem like you are.
I could not live without you
Right here by my side.

You are so very special.
Too much for me to say
If I did not have your love,
I wouldn't know what to do...

When I look into your eyes,
I cannot imagine living without you.
When I see your beautiful smile,
I cannot help but think of all the good times we have had.

Without your love, and support,
I could not make it in this world.
Without your smile, and always happy face,
I would always be sad.

Everyday I am with you,
You bring a smile to my face.
And I just can't resist the joy you bring to my world.
What would I do without you?

You Are My World
by womball

The thought of you makes me wonder
How little things in life can get me under
It really made me see
That you mean a lot to me

You’re the light of my everyday sun
The laughter in my fun
You’re the formation of my favourite constellation
And you relieve me of all of my frustration.

You showed me the miracle of love,
And helped me when things got rough
You were there for me from the start
And now you’re the beating of my heart.

You’re the weakness in my knees
The warmth in a cool breeze
You’re the smile on my face
And the pace in my race

You invaded all of my thoughts
And impressed me with you’re knowledge
With all the special moments you’re stealing
You give my life real meaning

You are my knight in shining armour
Protective, like a daughter’s father
The thought cut through me like a knife
When I realized: you are my world

by chinkygiggles

You told me you'll just hurt me,
so I guess I must believe you
Now I manage stay away from you,
although it gives me so much pain
I am constantly thinking of you,
I almost wanted to text you
but I never did
I don't think I will ever do..
Maybe in time..
but not definitely soon.

Hair Brush
by GerDoyle

Get here as fast as you can,
Everything I told you,
Means nothing anymore:
Means something to me.
Anything that involves you, my life.

Knowing you are there.
In my life,
Never leaving;
Gentle touches.

In that sense, making sense anymore is unnessesary.

Leaving you would destroy me
Open as I am, I could not open to another.
Vastate my emotions

Your hair brushes,
Out into the air,
Under the invisible thread that holds us, I see the life we have; advance, slowly.

If only in dreams
by puresilence22

If in dreams I could still have you,
if in dreams you'd still love me too,
if in dreams there could still be me and you,
then I won't wish for reality if it only means losing you.

If in dreams I could still hold you,
if in dreams your promises would be true,
if in dreams you wouln't find someone new,
then I won't live in reality if it means living without you...

If in dreams you would always stay,
if in dreams, beside you I still could lay,
if in dreams nothing could come our way,
then I won't ask for reality if reality means pain...

If in dreams I could still feel your kiss,
if in dreams you'd treasure our mem'ries,
if in dreams it would still be me that you need,
then let me keep on dreaming if reality means tears...

If in dreams I would still feel your body next to mine,
if in dreams we could last a lifetime,
if in dreams I could turn back the hands of time,
then I won't ask for reality if it means you'll be leaving me behind...

If in dreams you would come back,
if in dreams we could have what we had,
if in dreams we would never be apart,
then in dreams I will live because reality hurts so bad...

but then again dreams are just dreams,
I'll wake up again after a long sleep,
the pain goes on as the new day begins,
for the dreams I held in my heart got away with just a blink...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

This Is better

Wings of a Dove 
by womball

He walked into my life and from the first moment, I knew
That loving him was all I wanted to do
When I look into his gorgeous brown eyes
Or listen to his sexy voice
My heart just beats so fast
In Him I have found my perfect love
God sent him to me from heaven above
Gave you to me to love on the wings of a dove 

When I think of all the things we do- I just smile
And my heart is filled with joy for a while
When I am away from him, his love, I do miss
Dreaming of his arms around me, and his loving kiss
In the night I dream of his lips on mine
This is the greatest love I could ever find
On my knees, I pray to God above
Thanking him for sending me an angle to love
And giving such a beautiful love on wings of a dove