Friday, February 11, 2011

Europe may ban or restrict use of Amalgam fillings (Silver Amalgam Another view)

       Following are the links of my Previous posts with same topic – Silver Amalgam fillings  

These links are same but on different  blogging platforms – so feel free to join me on them or Subscribe!


A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

Dental Amalgam or Silver amalgam fillings are again in the news- This time due to mercury content in it. The restorative material is being used in dentistry for longest period & now there are some controversial findings about it – Which according to every Dental expert must be studied in depth but every study until now just shows the finding but non-conclusive. So in depth study is what we all needed to go for Mercury free practice.
            So with few studies that carried out with their help
 European commission may soon restrict or ban the Mercury containing restorative material.

According to this Article -Here (Guardian Weekly) 

Entire page is in downloadable & printable format at the end of this article
       Some countries – Sweden last year, and Norway, Denmark and Germany,
have banned or restricted the use of mercury fillings. But not France or
the UK. The European commission is due to publish the findings of its
review on dental amalgam fillings in March. In a preliminary report,
published online in July, the company tasked with the study, Bio
Intelligence Service, recommended phasing out mercury in dental care in

       Doctors and patients are increasingly critical of what are
technically known as dental amalgam fillings, allegedly responsible for
certain neurological or auto-immune disorders, such as Alzheimer's
disease. - because of this Some Dentist prefer to say this-  “As a matter ofprecaution I would rather not use them for my patients,”

A causal link between exposure to dental mercury and the onset of
disease is difficult to establish, according to several organisations
including WWF-France, RES and Générations Futures. However, for
  those of you who have mercury fillings it is preferable not to rush to the   dentist's to have them out. "Careless removal can be more dangerous
  due to the amount of mercury that may be released in a short time,"
  Grosman warns.

"France's 40,000 dentists use it less and less for two reasons: the fuss
about mercury has made them cautious, but also for reasons of
appearance," says Michel Goldberg, the spokesman for the French
Dental Association (ADF).
  A report published by France's Healthcare Products Safety Agency
(Afssaps)in 2005 concluded that mercury fillings were harmless. Three

years later the health minister Roselyne Bachelot assured France's
upper chamber that "the amount of mercury released into the organism
by a dental amalgam is very small and well below the threshold at which
toxic effects may be observed". She added: "We know of no proven
cases of a patient having suffered mercury intoxication due to dental
  Nonetheless, Afssaps recommends that mothers expecting a baby or
breast-feeding, and anyone with kidney problems should avoid mercury
fillings. "There is no health risk," says Dr David Siarri, a Paris dentist, but
at the same time he admits that he uses "very few dental amalgams and
only in certain cases."

Below I am Submitting the Entire Source page as a PDF format which you can Download or print.

Web page of SAF ban in Europe