Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A beauty of rose

A beautiful rose as a symbol of love

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

pay your attention

14 th November was celebrated as children’s day.
it was a birthday of PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU.
He is a first PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA. He loves kids & so today we celebrate his birthday as children’s day.
My dear friends 14 th November the entire world celebrated children’s day. But some children’s who are not having parents (ORPHANS) are away from this celebration. Those kids who work as a child labours are away from this happiness. What they did wrong? Why we are not bringing them with us with our children’s to njoy happiness? Why they are away from all facilities & all joy of childhood? Why our so called cultured ppl are running away from their responsibility?
At lest today make some poor kid happy. Not by giving him money or by showing him sympathy but providing him good education or At least allow them to njoy or by providing them protection. They need a love they need a simple care.
They don’t have parents is not their fault? It’s the destiny. But by our simple efforts we can change this situation everyone just need to put their effort a single & little one effort. Now a day child molestation & child abuse is more common. We call our self a modern human …..?????????????? is it a modern thing that ppl using kids in porn industry? Its brutality. even Animal never do such things. & we so called humans allows to happen these things in our day today life. Its not a manly thing. We know a childhood is gods gift but some time god forget to give this to some but we can help god by giving some one his or her childhood back. Look guys that baby is not asking you for your right. But just asking for his or her own right. So this is right time to show them a love. those who are taking their life’s right are going to suffer because I am going to destroy them & you are going to support me. Show me your support or not but show your support to those kids. They need you & your support with some little love.
& if you are not going to do that then please circulate this within your friends.
If you really wanna help them:-
1) Never make them realise them they r orphan
2) Encourage them for their good activities.
3) If some one trying to enforce the child labours. Alert the police or go for law. If you r not going to do this then give a simple call to police from booth without your name .
4) Help the foundation which helps such kids. You will find them in your local area also.
5) For Indian’s on every national holiday there is free medical & dental check up of kids in primary health centre & in dental clinics the treatment is free so go for it & bring as many kids you can bring.
6) If you find something related to child abuse just first preference to protect the child bcz psychological effect of such things can make its impression on mind, soul, psychology, emotions & future personality of child.
7) Kids just need your love give them love.

Say no to child labour.
Now pls sign here & circulate this in your all friends.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I written it & i wanna give a name to it will u suggest me pls?


one day will come,when you realise my love
one day will come,when you invite me for love.

one day will bcome very special my love
one day will start the era of my love

one day i will hold you so tight my love
one day we will kiss passionately my love

one day we will undress each other my love
one day we cuddle & cares each other my love

one day we will unite togather my love
one day is not enough to show you all my love.
so Every day will bring that one day my love

love for some one I love

Our love is like the wind
Strong & growing……………
Our love is like river
Forever flowing…………..
Our love is like the sun
That shine so bright…………
Our love is like a moon
With its gentle light……..
Our love is rare
Our love is true
A Bond that has grown
Between U & me

Thursday, October 16, 2008

perfect night

Your hand in mine
the music plays
candle light shines
our bodies sway.

The beat of the music
the beat of our hearts
lost in our passion
we can't pull apart.

Giving and taking
all that's inside
soulful seduction
nothing to hide.

Bodies exploding
erotic desire
two become one
consuming fire.

Only Love You

Into the sky so high
The angels fly free
Yet I will still hope
She will fall for me.

I will catch her fall
Deep into my arms
My heart her home
Where she belongs.

Her love is so deep
I'll explore her sea
To unlock her soul
To find our destiny.

Open up your heart
Let me deep inside
I promise to be here
Whenever you cry.

I can be your friend
And also your lover
I will be your guide
You and I together.

I'll be your sunlight
Whenever it's dark
I will be the love to
Embrace your heart.

This is my promise
I promise to be true
And forever faithful
I will only love you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The Disease

Sometimes we are fools,
All part of the disease
That entraps and ensnares us all
With such straightforward ease.

Sometimes it comes too quick,
Catching us all off our guard.
Sometimes it's really slow
Heading straight for our heart.

It's a disease that is incurable,
One many people seem to get.
Its effects are lasting and sometimes unbearable
It's something I have met.

I meet it head on, not one foot moves from its spot.
I'm not afraid of this disease for ill give it all I got.

They say love is about taking risks,
Letting down your walls and letting loose.
For love can be a very great thing,
Not exactly an object of abuse.

So let your heart free
Be willing to take the fall.
The things you love the most,
Are the ones that are worth it all.

new poetry with funny mode by the poet


The Disease

Sometimes we are fools,
All part of the disease
That entraps and ensnares us all
With such straightforward ease.

Sometimes it comes too quick,
Catching us all off our guard.
Sometimes it's really slow
Heading straight for our heart.

It's a disease that is incurable,
One many people seem to get.
Its effects are lasting and sometimes unbearable
It's something I have met.

I meet it head on, not one foot moves from its spot.
I'm not afraid of this disease for ill give it all I got.

They say love is about taking risks,
Letting down your walls and letting loose.
For love can be a very great thing,
Not exactly an object of abuse.

So let your heart free
Be willing to take the fall.
The things you love the most,
Are the ones that are worth it all.

MY LOVER by RosesAreBlue

The centre of his pleasure
that's where I long to be,
For whatever pleases my lover
will surely pleasure me.

Gazing into my lovers eyes,
they burn with passions fire,
I long to be the star of his dreams,
the object of his desire.

As I kiss and lick my lovers flesh
and partake of sensual delight,
To feel his wrath upon my lips,
How could this not be right?

To be the centre of his pleasure
that's all I want to be,
for if it pleases my lover,
then it surely pleases me.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Flower colour combination

The colour combination in this is yellow,dark pink(i.e. red+white+black) both colours are primary and this what makes this flower special

Romancing You

I want to know your secrets
that nobody else knows.
I want to see inside you
where all your dreams grow.

I want to know the little things
that all add up to you.
I want to know the secret hopes
of things you want to do.

I want to find each little spot
that makes your insides glow.
I want to reach that hidden place
where only you can go.

I want to whisper in your ear
things so sweet and true.
I want to do these things and more
I want to romance you.
by Jus

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

bear grylls


Buried Love by mizz

Dressed in temptation she conseals and hides,
Her gift of suffering and pain that presides.

Masked in sweetness she gives birth to confusion,
Yet they flutter aimlessly in her illusion.

Inside her past,a brutal scar surely lies,
the thorns that tore and ripped into their eyes.

She left them- soulless bodies, burning alive,
Cuddling lost moments of joy to survive.

In every heart she tears open her design,
unlocking cold wounding memories of mine:

"She forced false belief : he's your one and only,
later plunging you aside; so sick and lonely..."

A cold-blooded veil- now cloaks my sighs,
as enshrouding tears, flow from my eyes.

draining and flooding the blush of my cheek,
fading light from my smile, so false, so weak.

Veins reep colourless, struggling to shut loves door,
Mind's deep tragedies, raceless -can fight no more.

Love is that cruel wench, who bathes me in her trance,
She makes nights resltess with the hurt in his glance.

She's evil: forbidding me to forget what he said,
She shrieks him in my ears; her presence undead...

The heart pulses- hope uncertain of life-now,
but reigns again- his adamant love somehow

Buried Love by mizz

Dressed in temptation she conseals and hides,
Her gift of suffering and pain that presides.

Masked in sweetness she gives birth to confusion,
Yet they flutter aimlessly in her illusion.

Inside her past,a brutal scar surely lies,
the thorns that tore and ripped into their eyes.

She left them- soulless bodies, burning alive,
Cuddling lost moments of joy to survive.

In every heart she tears open her design,
unlocking cold wounding memories of mine:

"She forced false belief : he's your one and only,
later plunging you aside; so sick and lonely..."

A cold-blooded veil- now cloaks my sighs,
as enshrouding tears, flow from my eyes.

draining and flooding the blush of my cheek,
fading light from my smile, so false, so weak.

Veins reep colourless, struggling to shut loves door,
Mind's deep tragedies, raceless -can fight no more.

Love is that cruel wench, who bathes me in her trance,
She makes nights resltess with the hurt in his glance.

She's evil: forbidding me to forget what he said,
She shrieks him in my ears; her presence undead...

The heart pulses- hope uncertain of life-now,
but reigns again- his adamant love somehow

Sunday, August 17, 2008

some new poems i loved

I Miss Us
by juuuulia16

I miss the way we used to love
The way we talked
The way we hugged
The way we looked into each others eyes
And say I love you until the day I die.
You were my everything
That special one
I was sure of that
Like nothing else.
Picturing the future
You always in it.
I thought we would last forever,
Just like we said.
But I guess we were wrong
Because now it’s over
For so long.
I will love you
Until the day I die.
You will always be perfect in my eye.

By A Fire Burning Bright
by Hope

Night of enchantment
Having sipped wine
Side by side blissfully
On pillows we recline

Overflowing in desires
Passions we ignite
As we stir the embers
Into sparks of delight

Passion burning within
Naked flames dance
As sensual lips caress
Pleasure we enhance

By a fire burning bright
Kissing soft and slow
Eyes gazed knowingly
Embraced in the glow

Four Seasons of Our Loveby bcassata

In December, snowflakes fall from the sky
Those snowflakes as precious as your eyes
Pure romance, our tender hearts will chase
Cuddling up so ever warm by the fireplace.

In beautiful spring, during April’s showers
Before nature is blooming with sunflowers
I will hold you close to kiss you in the rain
It’s you my lover, that my heart has gained.

It’s in the midst of summer, neath the stars
You and I lay, til the moon comes our way
The stars are aligned and the mood is right
And your beauty, reflects in the moonlight.

In the autumn, leaves falling from the trees
Some are yellow, orange, brown and green
I’ll follow my heart and follow my dreams
It’s your love my darling that’s guiding me.

I fell for you as the leaves do in November
Love, is as beautiful as December’s winter
It’s through these four seasons, of our love
That my tender heart simply grown to love.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Reason For My Poetry (You)

Reason For My Poetry (You)
by bcassata

You’re the reason, of my poetry
The true meaning behind words
True love developing it’s wings
Reaching high beyond the birds.

I love you for who you truly are
For nothing less, For only more
Love, A ocean of true emotions
Joined together from it’s shores.

You’re the inspiration to poetry
Even though love, goes beyond
The distance words can explain
In a poem, prose, or even songs.

I love you every step of the way
For who you’ve made me today
The love I feel, within my heart
No words cannot express to say.

Those Tears On My Pillow

Those Tears On My Pillow
by Hope

Pretending that I feel fine
A smile covers despair
Sadness is easily hidden
No one would be aware

I go off into a quiet place
When I am feeling low
There I shall cry for hours
No one would ever know

Its easy masking sorrow
If I keep it out of sight
Weeping tears in silence
As I hug my pillow tight

Only my pillow will know
Tears I cried over you
Heartache is never heard
When hidden from view

Those tears on my pillow
Shall be shed silently
Yearning goes unnoticed
Its hurt you cannot see

Those Tears On My Pillow

Those Tears On My Pillow
by Hope

Pretending that I feel fine
A smile covers despair
Sadness is easily hidden
No one would be aware

I go off into a quiet place
When I am feeling low
There I shall cry for hours
No one would ever know

Its easy masking sorrow
If I keep it out of sight
Weeping tears in silence
As I hug my pillow tight

Only my pillow will know
Tears I cried over you
Heartache is never heard
When hidden from view

Those tears on my pillow
Shall be shed silently
Yearning goes unnoticed
Its hurt you cannot see

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Love Against The Storm
by Elizabeth_M

Raindrops fall against the window pane
Thunder crashes loudly
In an angry refrain
Lighting flashes through the sky
To some this would be
Such a frightful sight
But tucked together
All safe from harm
Away from the fury
Of the angry storm
Wrapped together against the night
In each other’s arms
We find sweet delight
Never has there been
A love more true
Than the sweet love
That I share with you

Loneliness consumed me
I stayed awake at night
No love was there beside me
To warm the cold dark night
Listening to the clock tick
Each lonely hour away
Crying the tears of a broken heart
Until the break of day
Then by chance I saw you
Just a face within the crowd
But even then I knew you
Would make this sad heart proud
Now we are together
Love is oh so sweet
No more will tear drops
Fill these eyes of mine
No more will the nights be long
For you are here beside me
We’re making memories all night

Sunday, July 13, 2008




many people asks me - what drives you? What drives me?
i think Obssession to be Uniqe one to be THE ONE, Desire to be second to none.
wish to conquor whole world , A thirst to win & win.
or I cant say..........i dont tell it....i am not able to EXPRESS it ..but ....I CAN FEEL IT. ONLY I CAN FEEL IT.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Castle Made Of Dreams by hope

During the night they travel
To their dream destination
Where castles in the sky
Held a magical fascination

Soaring over clouds above
Uplifted on my fantasy flight
I heard you call my name
Meet me in dreams tonight

My heart uplifted upon high
The key to a castle I collect
I hear your voice beckon
Where our dreams connect

The castle made of dreams
Glowing brightly high above
Its here lovers rendevous
To our intimate night of love

You And I -- by xxakasha67xx

I close my eyes, it’s you I see
Your beautiful heart has captured me
You speak to me … I feel your soul
Loving you is my only goal

My beloved one day you’ll see
Together forever we will be
The love we share will see us through
Forever and always I’ll love you

I found you for a reason, this I know
We are meant to be … our love will grow
My feelings for you are so strong
I will wait my love however long

To be with you, I long so much
Holding you tight … feeling your touch
Resting my head upon your chest
Hearing your heartbeat as we rest

This day will come … we will be
Growing old together you and me
This love we share will never die
Together forever you and I

I DREAM by lisanjamie08

As I look at the stars at night
and dream of what is to be. . .
My heart begins to smile
for it is you I see.
Knowing that you're close
but yet so far away.
I dream of you at night
and think about you every day.
For every moment without you. . .
seems like an eternity.
I dream of the day we kiss
and I can hold you close to me.
So until that day comes
you'll always be on my mind.
And I will love you. . .
till the end of time.

Friday, March 21, 2008

A SPECIAL WORLD by chris baker

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.


Souls Connected
by Jennifer Rutter

Do you know how much I want you?
Do you know how much I care?
I wish you could see inside my heart
And see the love I have to share

You know it's not so easy
For me to give a part of my heart
But it's what I have to do
If I want a chance for love to start

Our heart is like a jigsaw
We need to find the missing link
To make our souls connect as one
Before the loneliness makes us sink

I try so hard to drop my guard
To hopefully let you see
That beyond this cold exterior
There's a warmer side to me

My heart is slowly melting
Your compassion is helping it thaw
As the pedestal that you placed me on
Makes me feel I'm ten foot tall

I'll love you like no other
If you give me just a chance
As the passion in which you crave for
I'll give you all in our romance

Saturday, March 15, 2008

As Long As I Live

As Long As I Live
by William J. Fleitz

Rivers of teal
Skies of blue
Mountains caped white
But all I see is you
The sun burns bright
The full moon shows
My love for you
Is all I know
Your eye's of green
Your lips so red
You will have my love
Till I am dead
Your kiss so wet
Your touch so soft
You came to me
Your innocence lost
It is your love
To me you give
You will have my love
As long as I live


impossible to express
i take the help of poetry,
but i dont know how to creat a poem i am myself takes the poem from other poets
& publish it here
i am sorry that i publish it here but i am thankful that you all allows me to do this.
if anything from this blog hurts anyone I am sorry for that
but my intention is not to hurt anyone.
i jiust wanna epress my love.

unconditional love

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.
when i met you from fling,
i never knew this would turn into a thing,
we want to be together,
we don''t want no other,
we fell in love,
thanks to the man up above,
you mean the world to me,
together is how i want us to be,
never to be apart,
cause you stole my heart,
together we will be,
just you and me,
honest and faithfully,
because our love is unconditional

love always find his way

whenever the wind is blowing...
i can hear it whispering your name..
and i realized i found my soul mate..
from the very day you came..
i was so blinded by my tears..
until you came to wipe them off..
you started giving me ur friendship..
and ended up giving me your love..
my thoughts are always witg you..
and you will always be in my heart..
this bond between us cant be broken..
no matter how far we are apart..
i can survive my lonely days..
as long as we stick together..
during sunshine..during rain..
and even through the darkest storm..
loving you fills my heart witg joy..
it was destiny that lead me to you..
every second i cannot talk to you..
is like an eternity without air..
i dont have a clue where i would be..
in a world without you there..
its like we were made for each other..
judging from the love we share..
for this special feeling you give me..
nothing else could ever compare..
you are the sunshine of my life..
without you..its so dark & cold..
out of everyone in this world..
you are the only person i want to hold..
the day i can put my arms around you..
is when my world will cease to be gray...
i believe that day will someday come.. will always find a way

christmas wish of ANGEL

You make the world
a better place
and so much brighter too,
because there's so much
in all you do.
Your light shines through.
That's why I'm
sending a Christmas wish
from my heart to you

Angels goodnight

Just when I think I've lost my way
Something illuminates the dark
There you are leading the way
Love shining from your heart

Many friends have crossed my path
And I thank God for them all
But I got an extra special blessing
When your friendship answered my call

You stayed by my side every step
Even when others fled
I know that because you're here
I can face whatever's ahead

Your smile and laugh urge me on
And encourage me to be strong
Your loving support helps me stand
When the road is rough and long

So much that I can thank God for:
My family and health
But when He blessed me with you
He gave me more than wealth

Mortal words could never explain
What you have come to be
You are my life, my world, my heart
You are EVERYTHING to me


Every time I think of you….
My heart leaps and bounds,
It goes to an ecstatic flutter,
And awaits your very sound.

Every time you're near me…
I feel like a beautiful princess,
Forever in your arms,
Awaiting your gentle caress.

Every time we talk…
Knowing what we will say,
There maybe no words said,
But it creates happiness every day.
Every time I am near you…
I love you more and more each day,
My heart unendingly fonder,
But what more can I say.

My heart grows more each day…
I hope it'll never end,
Because you make me forever happy,
You are my godsend.

love collection

You are my heart, my hope, my help,
The passion thats is me,
The whole of which I am a part,
My peace, my love to be.
You are my future, present and past,
My ship, my sail, my ocean,
The wind that brings me home again,
Our home for all our emotions.

You live within my heart, yet I am
Without you and all alone.
With you I am full of life;
Without you I am stone.

Am I foolish? Yes, perhaps,
But also this is very true.
I think of life as something I
Can only spend with you.

collection of love

Never in my wildest dreams
Never in my deepest sleep
Never thought that I would be
In this love so true and deep

Everything you do for me
I wonder if you're aware
That it's not the big things I care about
It's the everyday grin and bear

I can see that you're exhausted
I see you're physically drained
But you know what has to be done
And you never once complained

I hope you know and realize
That I appreciate everything you do
I know that whenever I need it
You, my wonderful husband, will always come through

collection of love

Never in my wildest dreams
Never in my deepest sleep
Never thought that I would be
In this love so true and deep

Everything you do for me
I wonder if you're aware
That it's not the big things I care about
It's the everyday grin and bear

I can see that you're exhausted
I see you're physically drained
But you know what has to be done
And you never once complained

I hope you know and realize
That I appreciate everything you do
I know that whenever I need it
You, my wonderful husband, will always come through

Saturday, March 8, 2008

YOU by audra

Falling in love with you,
No turning back,
Finally I feel
Like my life is on track.

Your love affects me
Like nothing I've seen,
Nothing will part us,
Let nothing between.

With you everything
Just falls into place,
Being with you,
I love to feel your embrace.

With you all time stops,
No cares on this earth,
I can never tell you enough
How much you are worth.

I feel your heart beat
With each breath that you take,
Each time you touch me,
My knees start to quake.

The light of the moon
And the stars can't compare
To my love for you,
To you only I'll share.

I think about you
Day in and day out,
I finally know now
What love is all about.

The moments I'm with you

I can not explain,
These feelings for you
I can not contain.

Please tell me you'll love me
Til the end of your days,
I want you to know
You set my heart ablaze.

You are the air that I breathe
And without you I'd die,
To be with you for always
Is on what I rely.

My heart wants to explode
From these feelings brand new,
It's covered in love
Like the fresh morning dew.

It's filled with desire
To love you forever,
It's want is to hold you,
And let go, I'll never!

I'll never stop loving you,
I'll never forsake,
Even the thought

Makes my soul start to ache.

I'll be here for you
Until all time will end,
My lover, my soul mate,
My very best friend.

Friday, February 29, 2008



TWO BECOMES ONE - by Elizabeth Ann Mason

As darkness falls
Upon a moon kissed weary earth

Stars sparkle in ebony skies
Dancing in sweet rhythm
To our whispered words of love

Two bodies wrapped together
In a sensuous lovers embrace
A deep hunger for each other
So plain to see upon each face

Each heated touch
Each fevered kiss
Kindles white hot passion
Brings oh such bliss

Two hearts come together
Now to beat as one
Two souls joined forever
Two bodies become one


The blink of an eye
A moment in time
Open your heart
I will open mine

Wanting to know you
Getting to know me
Thinking of you
With every breath I breathe

Out of the shadows
Into the light
Wanting true love
The time is right

Wanting it all
In you it's there
Wanting romance
Inhibitions bared

The touch of a hand
First kiss, Desire
A beautiful feeling
Of love on fire


my Angel says good night to me with this

Just when I think I've lost my way
Something illuminates the dark
There you are leading the way
Love shining from your heart

Many friends have crossed my path
And I thank God for them all
But I got an extra special blessing
When your friendship answered my call

You stayed by my side every step
Even when others fled
I know that because you're here
I can face whatever's ahead

Your smile and laugh urge me on
And encourage me to be strong
Your loving support helps me stand
When the road is rough and long

So much that I can thank God for:
My family and health
But when He blessed me with you
He gave me more than wealth

Mortal words could never explain
What you have come to be
You are my life, my world, my heart
You are EVERYTHING to me


Monday, February 25, 2008

Stars on earth

Fire in the sky


Beautiful island


Sky high


Some little love

Love you

Fountmount fun



Heaven falls here

Heaven is here

Hiding sun

Secret window

Fire in flower

Yellow fire

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sky meets to earth here at the level of your eye

Colour the Time

White screen set of real Director

Nature is real director of each day. Every day has its own Hero. Everyday hero, charabter, canvas, script, screenplay, scenario everything changed -but -director- naaa -The one & only NATURE.

Walk with fog

Just one walk with this fog-some time i was inside the fog,some times fog was surrounding me, but i know we were walking togather.

Mystic fog

Nature Lovers

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My eve.

One single eve shows me a great joy of happiness. This eve comes when sunset scenario was in front of me. The same eve shows me eagerness of birds to return their nest. Same eve shows the peaceful wind. Same eve shows me passion of colour & silence of air but in the night that eve disappears. This hurts me. My evening my eve .

Palm trees in evening

Palm iseland in evening

Colour of my evening

One evening many colour

Colour of single evening

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Friends forever

I miss u my friend. I will never forget u.

Best & loyal friend

In human life every one can betray him except his loyal dog. I miss mine