Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 t0 2010 Just a number change But feelings Are the same!

I'm Still In Love With You
by latina94

Daydreaming is a hobby now
since it shows me your face
my phone is always on my lap
in case your call I miss
Your voice replays in my mind
your scent is still in this room
Like an annoying fly you come into my mind but I don't mind because it brings me closer to you
When you said goodbye, my heart cried and sang a sour tune, but I still think of you all the time and wish you hadn't said goodbye, and as cheesy as it sounds even though you broke my heart I'm still in love with you.

I Knew You Knew I Knew
by keoni

Just a note in case you check,
please have faith and don't forget,
I feel you close, so much love,
Ii wonder what is next...
Baby, you're the best.
I love you so... dont let go...
I'm with you wherever you go, scream it loud, let's tell the world, walk with me, I'm so in love, I cant stop my heart is locked, I knew you were feeling it I knew it, I knew it was true, love is so magical, I love loving you.

This Heart
by Carmelo

I come alive when you’re close to me
With a heart beat, that goes on and on
Can you feel it, tell me what you see
It’ll beat for you even after I’m gone

Even after all these years and sacrifices
It still held you close, it’s never did let go
With you it’s never had to think twice
From the first time you ever said hello

It carried a light with a love you gave
And always guided me out of darkness
Your love is what made me so brave
With the sweetest touch, your caress

This heart inside me is now forever yours
All the feelings it holds are just for you
My soul’s no longer behind locked doors
I’ve surrendered it, I’ve given it to you

My Love for You
by Carmelo

Can’t wait to sleep and close my eyes
So I can see your smile and your face
We’ll journey through the night skies
While you hold me in your warm embrace

I’ll feel the warmth of your touch
And the caress of your hand
It’s a feeling that I’ve wanted so much
A feeling that only you understand

Sharing a love the only we know how
Without any borders or bounds
With history behind us, we live for now
As we follow our hearts and their sounds

All our fears will disappeared
To another place, far from our reach
Our souls have again been cleared
With destiny’s soft and tender speech

We’ll fly forever, together and always free,
My loves in your hands, your soul in mine
Facing our worlds together, we’ll never flee
While we carry a love so pure so divine

by Carmelo

When you look in my eyes, tell me what you see
Is the hope you been searching somewhere inside
Do you see home, a place you’ve longed to be
Where you know that you’d never be left outside

It’s my heart song that’s for you
It’s my heart song that beats for you

Can you feel the emotions run through my soul
And the strength it holds for those dark days
It’ll lift you up, heal all wounds and make you whole
Your heart will feel love in so many ways

It’s my heart song that’s for you
It’s my heart song that beats for you

Can you hear the way my heart calls for you
It’s like sirens that wail across the night skies
It calls your name just to make it through
Another lonely night to look deep into you eyes

It’s my heart song that’s for you
It’s my heart song that beats for you

When my spirit soars and takes flight
Do you see it, feel it coming over you
With all its warmth and shinning light
And every feeling it holds so true

It’s my heart song that’s for you
It’s a song that was always meant to be

My Journey
by Carmelo

I’ve traveled so many miles of road
Always searching for a missing piece
A heavy heart and soul was my load
And a mind that had no peace

Every crossroad was empty, so lonely
So I kept on walking with no direction
Always looking for my one and only
Hoping to someday make that connection

So many years and too many tears later
Fate deals me a hand I can’t ignore
Nothing could have been greater
A familiar face walked through my door

I opened up my heart told her everything
Left myself wide open, heart wide open
Not knowing what these feeling would bring
Until the night I heard your voice again

It only took a few words “it’s me”
And again you turned my world around
So filled with shock, I’m on my knees
Tears rolling down my face, hitting the ground

Now I’m here forever to be with you
And together you’ll never be alone
With so much love between us that’s true
You’ll never face life again on your own

by Carmelo

Look at me, tell me what you see,
what you feel
Do you see the dreams you’ve held for so long
Is this what you’ve longed for; something real?
This love I hold, that’s always been so strong

Touch me; gently hold me
in your warm embrace
And let our hearts beat together as one
For an eternity and beyond
as I look upon your face
Let these flames inside burn
brighter than the sun

Kiss me; let me feel the warmth of your lips
And the gentle sounds of your breathe
Let them embrace in an every lasting eclipse
So we can give life to each other as we breathe

Hold me in your arms forever and never let go
Rest your head across my chest;
across my heart
Let your dreams capture
everything from my soul
Let your body feel how the passion flows

My Angel
by Carmelo

Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw your face
I never thought I would see the day
I’d have you standing with me in this place
My Angel gave up heaven to stay

You saw something in me no one else could see
Right through me eyes into my soul
You weren’t blind, you only saw the real me
My Angel saw we both made each other whole

I was always seen as the black sheep
Because of my youth and wicked ways
But your eyes saw a love, so pure so deep
My Angel turned the fire into a blaze

So many voices warned you, I was no good
The Echoes fell, your clear mind never swayed
So wrong, you knew I was misunderstood
My Angel had no fears she was never afraid

by Carmelo

Ever since I saw your face
I could never get you off my mind
By your side was the only place
For me with our souls forever entwined

Holding your hand is all I’ve wanted
For the rest of my life, for an eternity
My strength would remain undaunted
Beyond the space of time, beyond infinity

This captured heart that you tamed
Wouldn’t rest while it was away from you
Until your voice deep inside me reclaimed
What was only for you, a love so true

The flame in this soul of mine for you
Has always burnt brighter than any star
It’s been the light that pulled me through
It made me and you, made us who we are

WOW! THESE ARE THE BEST POETRIES TO END THE YEAR! this is modern literature Wow look at these words placed so delicately as an Ornament! Amaizing! I am glad that I am reading them Thanx guys & Keep it Up! You are giving me moral & keeping our spirits up! Wish You a prosporous new year!