Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011 Calendar #wallpaper

Monday, October 24, 2011

Literature & poetry - Listen, Love,Temptation & apple Of Eye with tears!!!!

by rrb312

The edge of the moon scratches my shoulder

I'm awake but pretend not to be

The wind pushes up the hair on the back of my neck

I ignore it and turn away

Silence means nothing if not a broken heart

Each star has something to say but then gives up

It's the grass that's screaming to tell me

But if not this time dreams may never be


Apple Of My Eye!
by angiee9

Staying up until 5am
Talking about nothing
Did you feel it too?
Did you feel that something?
Staring blank into eachothers eyes
Thinking of all the reasons why
Why are we doing this?
Why can't we stop this amazing bliss?
Now I know why it all came
Now I know, it won't be the same
Just to talk and wonder why
Just why, you are the apple of my eye

sleeping with tears
by kystrum

Its hard to sleep with tears in your eyes
As you tell yourself everything's ok but you know its lies
Its hard to smile at this moment in time
When all I can think out are the memories of when you were mine
Our time may have been short but my feeling will last forever
Even if we have gone our ways and we aren't together
I miss you so much your all I think about when im going to sleep
As I turn on my music and listen to the lyrics and the beat
As tears fall down my face with constant thoughts of you
Iv given up on trying to stop there nothing I can do
You have a hold on my heart and control of my mind
Because I still love you and I think about you all the time
Now im sleeping with tears instead of you

Love is
by katee_luv

"Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres."

go nail shannon
by beadsnbeauty

go nail shannon
she is your type
perfect looking and nice
sweet and considerate

you drove me to fathood
i wanted to get rid of you
forever you mean sonofabiscuit
i didnt ever want you to touch me

go nail shannon
everyone calls her princess
she has tired of her husband
plus she has the perfect figure

when you insult me sonofabiscuit
i just want to drive daggers
into your eyes into your heart
into your thighs into your balls

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Love-poetry & literature - Once there was A love & Now there is Passion

Once upon a time
by kirstyalex

Once upon a time, in a land far far away,
I met the man of dreams, where my heart will always stay.
He turned my life around, true love he made me see,
My heart was always locked and only he had the key.

My heart cries out for him, every day and every night,
I only want to be with him, to hold him oh so tight.
To be lying right next to him, to look him in the eyes,
To be able to tell the whole world, I've eventually won 1st prize.

I know i'll be with him soon, not a minute i will waste,
Not wanting him to leave me and keeping me embraced.
I want to have him there with me, through all the good and bad,
I want him to understand how i feel, even when i'm sad.

I know he already knows it, how much i honestly feel,
The love and care i hold for him, is nothing short of real.
He's the only one that knows me, who's seen me break down,
But is always there to make me smile and take away my frown.

How does he do that stuff, I couldn't ever tell,
But all i do really know, he has saved me from my hell.
So my love i tell you this, for it is long overdue,
You mean the whole world to me, I really do love you.

Without You
by emmick1My tears are flowing for you
As my mind wonders and heart beats
My body is nothing without you

And as the wetness of my cheek are beginning to dry
I feel like I'm going to die
I keep trying to forget you
but I can't stop loving you
I'm nothing without you

The beats within my chest were real,
Something that no one will ever steal
I gave you my heart
But now were apart
All I know is that I'm nothing,
without you

undying love

Never knew how it all started,
but your love has engulf my
every being since i met you.

When we kiss i feel love,
when we touch i feel love,
even though we are miles between us at times
i still feel your love.

Forever in my thoughs
your will be in my heart,
with the love we share
no distance or time will
keep us apart.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Trailer (#Video) (Info) (#hollywood)

   Bill Condon Director of  Stephenie Meyer's Novel Based Movie - The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1  
Decided to release this Part 1 on 18 Nov. 2011 & part 2 named as The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 will be release on 16 Nov. 2012.
Breaking down Trailer is not as much impressive as other trailers of this saga But who knows what visual effects & treat we will receive here in this part.
See the trailer below - click below to view it !!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love - Poetry & Literature- the way of Life & romance

What a woman wants

by Shelly Dyke

A woman wants to be held tight,
to be told everything will turn out all right,
she wants a man who understands,
that she can't always be strong,
she wants comfort in the night,
to be told she's safe in her lover's arms.
She wants to be told she's beautiful,
especially when she doesn't feel it,
she doesn't want to hear frustrated sighs
when she's down,
she wants to hear
I Love You.

A woman wants compassion and love,
she needs to be told every day
that she's loved in every way,
when she's down
and you don't know what to do,
just hold her close to you,
she needs to be touched in every way,
she wants to be romanced,
she wants to be fought for,
to know she's worth the sacrifice
that you will go through.
She wants to know you love her deeply,
And if you don't show it she'll think you don't.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dentist: Do you Know?? - Mountain dew Mouth



                          The Severe form of tooth caries that found in a an individual who drinks sweetned Soft drink/ mountain dew like product is commonly known as mountain dew mouth.

                          20 ounce ( 0.59147 litres )  of Mountain dew contains- 19 teaspoons of sugar, 93


milligrams of caffeine and acid that causes enamel erosion & Thus helps in tooth decay. Mountain Dew soda, a product of the Pepsi Company, has been deemed the

 culprit in creating a high incidence of severe tooth decay in children.

                           This problem is not just concerning children's but the person who consume mountain dew. The severe form of tooth decay is observed in such cases. Not Just this mountain dew but Soft drinks which are sugar laden are also causes the same result in any individual.



Montain dew mouth


Source- here


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2' Trailer & immortals trailer #Video

These are the movie that we all are waiting for -

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Incredible Earth day movie coming in 2012 (Video) Must watch

This Is The Movie _ I will definitely recommend you all to watch in 2012 Earth day!! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Movies - The entertainment this year!

Dolphin Tale

This is The movie inspired by true story - courage & hope !! I think this is good movie to watch !

The Perfect Host

Host must be generous - ;) What do you think guys?


Taylar Lautner as an action hero - Again after twilight - I Think more the blood pumping action we see here more will be the hit for this movie.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

This one - I am gonna watch on first day first show. What you say guys?? 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Movie I Loved - the number 23!

The Number 23
                           This is Suspense thriller kind of a movie- Strong point is it's story & of course the acting of the given character – Direction is very good here specially depicts the exact effect.
                           Story line- A simple person with Dog catcher's job one day came across a book which He thinks is based on his life some similarities are there special similarity is Number 23 & when that book  story convinces him that this is his story & obsess him with Number 23 the book ends without any further detail about anything that happened to the character so This guy try to find out who is this author who knows so much about his life-Then he find out the author who is in jail for Murder of the one character resembling in that book . Our guy meets this author in jail & found that this man is in jail for a crime that he never committed -then who is real criminal & How this Number 23 did similar things to this criminal & our guy ? What happened to the stories real end? Does the obsession of number 23 take our guy to the end of the journey Or reveals his horrific past??

                            This is what the story is all about twist turn & Then twist-Suspense all over & then The unusual end. Not meaning death of our guy . This movie is incredible watch for some serious movie junkies like me.

                         Acting is very good & Mostly the direction is by far the super. Needless to say a great suspense movie with best acting performances & better direction with equally talented script.

IMDb – 6.2 link
Jinni-  link

Friday, April 1, 2011

Calendar Wallpaper Of April 2011!

This Calendar April 2011 is for all people who follow this blog or follow me on my twitter!
Enjoy the New April 2011 Calendar wallpaper on your screen friends !!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love & Life : Literature & Poetry!

My love
by sinclair

the first time i saw you i was afraid to approach you and the first time i approached you i was shy to talk to you, the first time i talked to you i was afraid to tell you what you mean to me. but now i have you i will never let you go, no matter what it takes. you are really heaven sent. Naomi, i know the right time will come for me to show you what you really mean to me.

Our hearts,
always as one

by obi michael

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

I dream
in black and white
by lonely1234ab

When i dream, i dream in black and white
and lonely shades of grey and blue,
when i cry
the tears upon my face
seem to paint pictures of you,
when i lie alone at night
on a bed made for two,
with thoughts running through my head
thinking about you

if only my mind was blind
then i would not have to see,
pictures of you and me
and things that used to be,
the way you used to hold me
and the way you used to kiss,
i took these things for granted then,
but now they're the things i miss

so now i dream in black and white
and lonely shades of grey and blue,
and when i cry
the tears upon my face
seem to paint pictures of you...
seem to paint pictures of you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Conscious sedation in dentistry (Dental Phobia/Fear/Anxiety-causes & management)

Conscious sedation In dentistry

Most of the modern dental offices focuses & encourages patients for regular dental care & routine oral Check-ups. Oral health is considered first when it comes to overall health. Dental practitioners are now giving importance to patient experience. To make patients experience better now lots of dentists are turning towards sedation dentistry.

    Previously we mentioned here About Dental Phobia & Anxiety.


      Dental Phobia/fear/Anxiety - Causes & Management


   Blogger   -link

   Posterous -link

   Tumblr    -link




This sedation dentistry is another way to deal with Anxiety or phobia of dental treatment. Sedation provides a way to overcome fear & achieve a positive result.


benefits of sedation dentistry-

1.  Helps anxious patients to maintain routine dental care


2.  Less post-operative soreness


3.  May require fewer visits for complex procedures



Sedation dentistry also known as – Sleep dentistry/Twilight Sedation/Conscious sedation.

In this procedure patients are given a combination of sedatives & pain relieving drug. Which creates a dream like state than general anesthesia. This procedure must be done under experts observation or by expert himself because if overdose is given then airway obstruction may occur which may cause some serious problem.


Deep relaxation in this procedure coined the term sleep dentistry but patient is alert in this state. So now you have another way to overcome your dental phobia.




Warning on sleep dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Expressing Love : Literature & poetry

Computer love
by RikkiRae

She sat at her computer
and typed with frantic haste
There was so much she needed to say
and so little time
Her heart poured out so easily
through her fingers
As the words appeared
on the screen before her

She filled her screen
with her words of affection
Then waited anxiously for him to type his reply
Her heart skipped
as his reply appeared before her
She read and reread his words of endearment

Then hurried to reply as her heart beat quickly
With her emotions
building higher with every word
Telling how she yearned to be able to touch him
Longed to be able to see him,
to gaze into his eyes

Her heart cried with sorrow,
tinged with a little fear
Of being forward,
having said too much, too soon
Her emotions, now too strong,
gave her no choice
She had to speak
of what was deep within her heart

The pain of lost loves still lingers inside her soul
But she is a woman
and so was born to be loved
She craves love
as the flower needs the spring rain
For without love,
a woman cannot truly be complete

Gone was her shyness
as words flowed from her heart
As she described
the true depth of her emotions for him
Reading his reply,
her heart leapt with magnificent joy
There on the screen before her was his reply:
I love you

Patterns of the stars

 by claire_o

Lost... Between the breath of stars
Floating galantly through the
Gently being tossed
through the patterns of the stars
Being held back from my destination
A force so strong
The heavenly gods could not destroy
Setting me up for contemplation
As a decoy.
Floating in this space
Framed by confusion
Lack of experience
Keeps me in question
As the deafening silence keeps me in motion.
Rumpus awakens
As time time stands still
The strength and frequency
I can often feel
But never can I reach an absolution.
Confused between the patterns of these
Insightful stars
They stand so close, yet so far
I stand in the midst of it all
Undecided now of my destination.
Between gases on fire
I take a breath between the stars
And realize my true desire.

by keoni

I secretly make love to you in my mind
all day, and night.
I openly wish for the day we stare again.
I gratefully thank God
for the time I have had with you.
I'm ready, are you?

by fletch

I love you forever
Through thick and thin
If you're ever in turmoil
I'll help you win

Whatever you face
I'll help you through
I'm always your friend
And will always be true

I promise to listen
A friend to value
If ever you're sinking
I'll be to your rescue

Help weather any storm
If ever your feeling blue
I promise unconditonally
To always be there for you

Any time in the future
I can always be relied
A friendship bond shared
Will remain forever tied

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Unexplored & untamed!

               I never tried to cross this entire region - just because it always looks like desert in between mountain ranges. but in this golden hour sunshine this desert really looks like it is not a desert but a dry area!  next time I am going to cross it! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Movie I Loved !

 Om Shanti Om

(Hindi - Bollywood movie)

This 2007 blockbuster Movie is Directed by Farah Khan. A first attempt & it is successful attempt.

Story plot- Reincarnation story, In era of 70s Struggling extra actor Om prakash Mukharji (Shahrukh Khan ) falls in love with  Top actress named Shanti of his time. Deepika Padukpon played this role of Shanti .of course it's one sided love & she doesn't even know his name or even his presence. But due to some

Monday, February 14, 2011

Wedding Guest Or trouble (Funny)(Video)

He is just Invited to a marriage & he Rocks again......  Mr Bean & the Wedding ceremony- Yep There is always a fun in every moment of life- this guy teaches us that! 

& do you know how he collects money to give others a gift .....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Europe may ban or restrict use of Amalgam fillings (Silver Amalgam Another view)

       Following are the links of my Previous posts with same topic – Silver Amalgam fillings  

These links are same but on different  blogging platforms – so feel free to join me on them or Subscribe!


A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

A Spot light on Silver Amalgam filling - Safe Mercury practice in Dentistry !

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

Amalgam fillings are again in spotlight - FDA To Revisit Mercury-Based Fillings

Dental Amalgam or Silver amalgam fillings are again in the news- This time due to mercury content in it. The restorative material is being used in dentistry for longest period & now there are some controversial findings about it – Which according to every Dental expert must be studied in depth but every study until now just shows the finding but non-conclusive. So in depth study is what we all needed to go for Mercury free practice.
            So with few studies that carried out with their help
 European commission may soon restrict or ban the Mercury containing restorative material.

According to this Article -Here (Guardian Weekly) 

Entire page is in downloadable & printable format at the end of this article
       Some countries – Sweden last year, and Norway, Denmark and Germany,
have banned or restricted the use of mercury fillings. But not France or
the UK. The European commission is due to publish the findings of its
review on dental amalgam fillings in March. In a preliminary report,
published online in July, the company tasked with the study, Bio
Intelligence Service, recommended phasing out mercury in dental care in

       Doctors and patients are increasingly critical of what are
technically known as dental amalgam fillings, allegedly responsible for
certain neurological or auto-immune disorders, such as Alzheimer's
disease. - because of this Some Dentist prefer to say this-  “As a matter ofprecaution I would rather not use them for my patients,”

A causal link between exposure to dental mercury and the onset of
disease is difficult to establish, according to several organisations
including WWF-France, RES and Générations Futures. However, for
  those of you who have mercury fillings it is preferable not to rush to the   dentist's to have them out. "Careless removal can be more dangerous
  due to the amount of mercury that may be released in a short time,"
  Grosman warns.

"France's 40,000 dentists use it less and less for two reasons: the fuss
about mercury has made them cautious, but also for reasons of
appearance," says Michel Goldberg, the spokesman for the French
Dental Association (ADF).
  A report published by France's Healthcare Products Safety Agency
(Afssaps)in 2005 concluded that mercury fillings were harmless. Three

years later the health minister Roselyne Bachelot assured France's
upper chamber that "the amount of mercury released into the organism
by a dental amalgam is very small and well below the threshold at which
toxic effects may be observed". She added: "We know of no proven
cases of a patient having suffered mercury intoxication due to dental
  Nonetheless, Afssaps recommends that mothers expecting a baby or
breast-feeding, and anyone with kidney problems should avoid mercury
fillings. "There is no health risk," says Dr David Siarri, a Paris dentist, but
at the same time he admits that he uses "very few dental amalgams and
only in certain cases."

Below I am Submitting the Entire Source page as a PDF format which you can Download or print.

Web page of SAF ban in Europe

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smile A Cause

Be nice & smile to everyone you meet. You don't know what they are going through, & they might need that smile, & treasure it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

True Love-Soul mate- Poetry & literature

Love is all I haveby JPT
Love is happiness
Love is pain
Love is sunshine
Love is rain

Love can put you to sleep
Love can keep you awake
Love can hurt so deep
Love can feel so great

Love can be heaven
Love can be hell
Love can be you're lost
Love can be you're found, as well

Love for you is all I feel
Love for you, so true so real
Love for you is all my life
Love for you Nancy, My Queen, My Wife

True loveby rrichie12177
How do we know our love is true? True love has a surreal feeling to it, true love is like a dream that we wish not to wake from, it has the ability to bring us much pleasure in life, it relaxes us. The surreal feeling that is true love, must be embraced and accepted, for it has its roots in the real world, from where it is nourished.

Lustful dazeby kurvykristen
Stopping to stare at you, to take all of you in; oh I have missed you
Finally you're where you belong, my warm bed, us together; naked at last
Two lost lovers reuniting at such a late hour, still these moments are too few
So much to say, lips keep meeting together in sensual bliss; time moving much too fast
Your love for me is so apparent, though our situation not ideal
Our eyes with such a lustful expression meet as you say I Love You
Baby, I'm never happier than when we are together; with you, in love is how I feel
Nothing else matters, only focussing on ourselves, I hate that you were hers to steal
Time continues to press forward, separate lives, our children grow; and our love still stays
I try to remember each little detail of our romance, fearing it will become nothing more than a blurry haze
Please come to me once again, with lust in your eyes and love in your heart -- sooner than later
You were missed the second you left the warmth of my bed, me left naked and alone -- you're such a heartbreaker

...I love you, too.

Something new with youby Panther's pickle
What is it I dont know

We're both stronger than we know

Through all the upset and the tears

Not felt like this in years

It's a certain kind of something

This feeling like in the long term

We give each other so much love

Do what real friends really should

It is so tough and we've both been pushed

Had these turmoils, had to adjust

Things are different now

The heavy sadness has began to lift

Still even so we both battled it

No one really understands our private aches

To those things we both relate

I don't know what I would have done

Without my very special one

You give me something no other can

Or ever really has

It's strange because even when I began to think.

My goodness am I going mad

I had my thoughts upon other things

Like if you were properly eating

How silly it might seem to others

and i don't want to molly coddle

Or act like I am your lover

Not because I don't love you

But because with you I want it to be real and true.

I love those majestic things

Singing birds and angel wings

I adore walking, love the sea

Like boats and woodland glades

Skimming pebbles in the lake

All the beautiful things

They allow my mind

To wander off and have quiet time

So much you are about,

In my thoughts without a doubt

Every day in every way

I just think we got a special click

This feeling I share with you

Is really quite unique

Maybe we've been together before

Or maybe it's my whimsy talking

But in my heartfelts there you are

How you make my words do the most imaginative walking

If one day you should again

Decide to wander from my dreams

Please stay with me, don't stray

Be real, be honest, I know you are

Let's for our time find our own magical bliss.

I would wait a lifetime just for you to kiss.

I would hold you close forever more

You wouldn't have to wonder

If I was true

After all I have been through

I tell you this

I would not ever cheat on You

I am really not the cheating kind

Felt those heartaches before

It's so different and it will be different this time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

For Better Oral & Dental Health

For Better Oral & Dental Health

 This is the New Year’s dental & oral health resolution for better Oral & Dental Health.

Follow these tips for your best smile. 


Instruction for better Dental & Oral health

Thursday, January 20, 2011

General Health relation to Oral health – Periodontal Health contributes to Healthy Respiratory system.


General Health relation to Oral health –series- Periodontal Health contributes to Healthy Respiratory system.

A new study states that the Periodontal Health directly affects the respiratory system. In simple language we can put it as – Maintaining Oral hygiene in proper condition can reduces the risk of respiratory system problems.

So previously we mentioned here how Oral Health & General Health are related – Here

Gum diseases & heart disease relation - Here

Now below is the PDF format view of the topic –Oral health affects the respiratory system.



Healthy Gums May Lead to Healthy Lungs


This article is just another proof of how the entire connection is there.




Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Poetry of the month (literature & poetry)

by Kdgrippo

I feel you everywhere…
Your arms are wrapped around me tight
I see your wink over the morning paper
And your smug grin, as you wait for me in our bed at night

I feel your loving presence…
You’re still everything to me
You’re in every laugh that I hear
And every smile that I see
You’re still a part of all I do
You’re locked tight in my memory
(I’ve thrown away the key)

You’re still all I want (for me)…
You’re in every poem that I write
And every song that I sing
You’re part of every good book that I’ve read
You're the dominant player in all my dreams
You were (and are) my heart’s desire
In the still of night I still feel your fire
And I’m now newly acquainted with the sting

I’m trying so hard…
To keep you ever near
By far my greatest fear, babe,
Is that you’ll disappear
Don’t leave me honey
I still need you by my side
I promise I’ll get on with life
I just need some time

In the meantime…
Let me go on loving you
In the only way I know how
With all that I am
With every breath that I take
With every smile and every tear
With every kindness I bestow
I still will walk in faith…

I pay tribute to you, love
You were ~ I AM ~

Can you hear me now?


Can you hear me now?
Am I coming in clear?
Do you know my voice?
Can you feel me near?

Can you see my face?
Do you know my touch?
Can you feel my heartbeat?
Was my love enough?

Do you know my thoughts?
Can you read my mind?
Can you see the future?
Do you understand time?

I miss you still
More than I can say
Do you know I love you?
I wish you’d stayed

We’ll never know
What might have been
But If I had the chance
I’d do it over again
(Wish I could have said
“Goodbye, old friend.”)

Do you understand feelings?
Is sentiment allowed?
Can you see me baby?
Can you hear me now?


This is it, don't get scared
by keoni

Sometimes i run to a dream
she's imaginary it seems
always there and never not
loving me no matter what

I realize she is dream
that I should take better care
of what is real
next to you is where i feel

for now we wake and wait
to see if we got what it takes
to really bow down and love
given each other from above

My dream pillow
by DianeCook63

When I sleep perchance to dream
I float away on clouds of cream
To faraway and exotic lands
Being held in your hands
Through the mosques and citadel
Into the villages where the natives dwell
Mountains and beckoning trees
Lakes, rivers and enormous seas
Over all this I fly with you
Together in my dreams we two