Friday, September 4, 2009

You're My Life
by bonnee(salma

Don't take it away
true love don't come easy
you know how I feel about you
don't make me go crazy.

Sometimes I wonder
and worry so much about it
but you tell me you love me
please don't doubt it.

For no sane reason loves break up
they do this all the time
Amer you know I love you so
still it enters my mind.

Every day is different
just like night & day
don't make me go crazy
don't take your heart away.

I'm so wrapped up in you
so unforgetable that's what you are
you're my heaven on earth
you're my shinning star.

Amer I love you
so much more than I can say
I'll love you twice as much tomorrow
and I need you in every way.

Rock Solid
by Firewerks

Now that you have found me
The sky is blue once more
Loving living each day now
New heart I so adore

Now that I have found you too
The birds they sing so bright
Warbling songs of happiness
and how this feels so right

And though we live so far apart
With miles of distance long
I feel you right here in my heart
A bond so bold and strong

Although this seperations hard
I hope that you can see
My love for you's rock solid girl
Till you come back to me

Broken Dawn

by Firewerks

Late at night when sleep won't come
Inside my head that beating drum
and how she left me standing at her door

When I think back to all the days
spent in her arms, that loving gaze
all we shared like shards upon the floor

Words were thrown like slivered glass
pierced and rended heart at last
could I live life like that and more

Did the heart that opened and I adored
get bumped and bent and over-scored
Into an angry, hurtful voice that I abhor

The years of hope now tarnished seem
with blinded eyes I held the dream
of finding someone true for evermore

Oh how does Love get split in two
what can be done to get us through
those hurtful drumbeats, crashing down the door

Shining Star
by Firewerks

Since I began this journey long
Questing for your spirit strong
Discovery of just who you are
Heart a blazing shining star

A simple thought occurs to me
As your great depth I slowly see
No person that I’ve ever known
Has as much as you have shown

Even I with Spirit vast
Am swallowed by your shadow cast
I have naught to judge you from
Cept starry sky or morning sun

All that you reveal to me
Causes me to surely see
That you are far beyond my realm
I deeply trust you at our helm

So when I underestimate
Your skill or heart or spirit great
It’s not because you don’t stand tall
But next to you, I am so small

And this is hard for me to say
Cause by your side I want to stay
I’m deeply humbled by who you are
You’ll always be my shining star