Friday, February 5, 2010

February dreams!

by mandate0

I dream a dream of you and I as one
A dream of you and I at last together
I dream of walking, laughing hand in hand
And of a love I know will last forever
I dream of gazing into your blue eyes
And getting lost within your loving gaze
I dream of feelings that must then arise
And love that keeps our two hearts all ablaze
I dream of special smiles meant just for me
And knowing looks that say “ I love you too”
I dream of reaching out to touch your face
And knowing all my love is just for you
I dream these dreams
they’re always on my mind
They never let me rest or so it seems
I dream these dreams and yet I know inside
They are not real
they’re just my hopeless dreams

by ladybug454

in the midnight hour thinking…

I sit and think…
Wondering what the next day has planed for me
I’ve had my share of it
I’ve given my share of it
Will I ever get my fill of it?
I believe life has some great plans for me
I’ll step wisely…
I’ll talk cautiously…
I’ll take everything it gives to me…
I’ll share it…
I’ll treasure it…
I’ll respect it…

I have said many times we are only as good as our word. It defines our character and my dad taught me…my character is what will take me where I am to go…if it is good it will take me to good places…if it is bad it will take me to bad places…so I chose to do the good thing, to think the good thought, to forgive, to love, to share and most importantly to respect all: nature, life, people, the law of reciprocity.

Choice I learned long ago from a wise man…you have a choice…you can say no…you can say yes…I have lived by that from that day forward…

A woman told me…what ever you do in life be sure you can face yourself in the mirror the next day…so I have a face…I think about everything I do before I do it…and I ask myself…will I be able to look myself in the mirror tomorrow…then I proceed one way or the other…it depends…

Love I have no fear in it…I give it freely…I receive it freely…as a child…with innocence…with purity…and all the honesty I know…

My hope…that I will receive love always…

We are the ying and the yang…we love perfectly…we hurt deeply…but…we keep doing it because we are…Gods Children Chosen By Him…

Goodnight my sweet love…for the blessing of you, bestowed upon me, is…