Sunday, November 29, 2009

A journey of Love! Starts!

Journey of Love
by bcassata

Let us journey into a endless sea of love
Where dreamers have always dreamt of
Let our destiny take us so ever far away
It’s our hearts guiding us along the way.

Let’s promise our hearts, to one another
Promise to cherish and love, for forever
Embracing love, My heart falls in place
With just a loving smile upon your face.

Let’s adventure, in the depths of the sea
A place where deep emotions, flow free
Capture my heart, with loving affection
Love will guide us in the right direction.

I fell for you, I fell as petals from a rose
With you I’ll blossom, for you I’d grow
Let’s bring our hearts destiny into place
It’s our journey of love our hearts chase.

As Long As You Love Me
by daisyv

I don’t care if we cannot met regularly
I don’t care if we just meet seldomly
I don’t care if you we cant be together the way I wanted to be
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you are far
I don’t care if we just sometimes chat
and if I need to wait for the chance to chat
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you can’t send email
I don’t care if I am always waiting
I don’t care if you just respond thru tx
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if am here crazy for your love
I don’t care what others will say
I don’t care if I have a foolish heart
As long as you love me this much

Who cares anyway…
As long as we love each other endlessly…
But this I care to love you more than you’ll ever want me to…
For I love you more than you’ll ever know…

Since You
by coydog

I thought I knew beauty
'til the day I saw you

I thought I knew devotion
but all others, untrue

I thought I knew happiness
'til you showed me the way

I thought I knew trust
but all others, betray

I thought I knew faith
'til you made me believe

I thought I knew honesty
but all others, decieve

I thought I knew hope
'til my soul you did save

I thought I knew patience
when no others forgave

I thought I knew love
'til you showed me love true

I've learned all these things
since the day I met you

by Rosa

Forget the times he walked by,
Forget the times he made you cry,
Forget the times he spoke your name,
Remember now your not the same.
Forget the times he held your hand,
Forget the sweet things if you can,
Forget the times & Don't pretend,
Remember now he's just your friend

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The best things in life are worth fighting for- Love Of November!

My Promise
by Coydog

The best things in life are worth fightin' for
The best things in life, they take time
I dream about you walkin' through that door
and one day I know you'll be mine

This is my promise to you
Just keep holdin' on
and baby I'll be true
Until the time is right
I'll be waiting for you

They say that our love is a fantasy
They say that our love isn't real
that it will all end in tragedy
How can they know how we feel?

This is my promise to you
Just keep holdin' on
and baby I'll be true
Until the time is right
I'll be waiting for you

I'm not gonna listen to what they say
I'm not gonna stop loving you
No matter how hard, I'll find a way
don't care what I have to do

So this is my promise to you
Just keep holdin' on
You know I'll be true
Until the time is right
I'll be waiting for you

'til then this is all I can do
This is my promise to you

My Love, My Angel
by Carmelo

When I look back at my life
I see all the things I’ve done wrong
The heartache, so much strife
I was unbreakable, I was so strong

Oh how I wish we could turn back time
Just so I could tell you I love you
Oh my life’s been an Unspeakable crime
When all I really needed was you

As I walked through hell and back
I somehow knew I was never alone
And when my blue skies turned black
I still knew I was not on my own

When I thought all hope was gone
And I watched everything as it fell
Sorrow is where forever I’d be drawn
If it wasn’t for you my Love, my Angel

Carry Me Away
by Sweetie_D9

As days passed by, as months goes by,
Each season brings in a new feeling with them…
Each season uncovers a new desire for you.

I want to lay with you in the fields of flowers,
Enjoying the fragrances of spring…
I want to lay with you by the cool water,
During the hot boiling summers…
I want to stroll along your side, admiring the changing colours of leaves,
During the fall of the sweetest autumns…
I want to find shelter in the warmth of your arms,
From the harsh cold of the winters…

The soft roars of the wind make the leaves tremble…
The way my knees tremble,
When I think of you.

I can’t stand up,
I just feel like laying down…
In the freshly cut grass, the sweet fragrances of flowers mixed together…
Looking up to the blue sky ahead,
I close my eyes…
Lost in your thoughts.
I wonder what you are doing right now…
Listening to the whistling sound of the wind,
I’ll let it carry my dreams of you along.

When I’ll open my eyes again,
The sun rays caress my skin,
Softly, gently…
The way I wish your lips would.
The warmth of the sun spreads slowly,
Lightly, I feel like I can spread my arms
And let the wind carry me away…
Away, somewhere…
Where you are.

But instead, it’s my hair that’s getting carried away…
Wonder how it will feel to run my fingers through your hair…

Alone Together
by caffrey

As days passed by, as months goes by,
Each season brings in a new feeling with them…
Each season uncovers a new desire for you.

I want to lay with you in the fields of flowers,
Enjoying the fragrances of spring…
I want to lay with you by the cool water,
During the hot boiling summers…
I want to stroll along your side, admiring the changing colours of leaves,
During the fall of the sweetest autumns…
I want to find shelter in the warmth of your arms,
From the harsh cold of the winters…

The soft roars of the wind make the leaves tremble…
The way my knees tremble,
When I think of you.

I can’t stand up,
I just feel like laying down…
In the freshly cut grass, the sweet fragrances of flowers mixed together…
Looking up to the blue sky ahead,
I close my eyes…
Lost in your thoughts.
I wonder what you are doing right now…
Listening to the whistling sound of the wind,
I’ll let it carry my dreams of you along.

When I’ll open my eyes again,
The sun rays caress my skin,
Softly, gently…
The way I wish your lips would.
The warmth of the sun spreads slowly,
Lightly, I feel like I can spread my arms
And let the wind carry me away…
Away, somewhere…
Where you are.

But instead, it’s my hair that’s getting carried away…
Wonder how it will feel to run my fingers through your hair…

A Love Written in the Stars
by womball

Each time I'm with you- it still isn't enough.
Each hug we share, each time we kiss,
My love for you is not fully expressed... it can't be.

I love you beyond your face,
Beyond your smile, beyond you body.
I love everything about you,
I love your heart.

This love I feel inside
Is like no other I have ever felt before.
This one is so special, so magical.
Each time I look at you
I see a handsome face with a gorgeous heart.
The longer I look at you,
The more I know I am loved.

Each gentle kiss drives me crazy,
Each hug makes me want to cry-
Because I know what we have is so precious,
And I am so blessed to have you to hold.

I love you more than words,
More than there are stars in the sky.
But as long as Pegasus flies in the night sky
And as long as Orion stands proud above the world,
I will love you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

fullMoon Night at kas

fullMoonNight copy
Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
This is the Kas lakes view in Night ! full moon night it's Forest area & lake is full of Creatures! Nearest town is at least 40 min away on bike Its my Home town! But that was The night when I was alone in the winters full moon night, It's like full moon reflection making enchantment on me! I shoot this photo & Enjoyed the fire their ate some Sweet corn & came back to town!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

best poems!

Your Touch
by caffrey


Without You
There is No Me
by Carmelo

Come and take my hand and never let go
Lets both hold on until time stops
And let our love forever shine, let it show
Until the stars, clouds and sky drops

You and only you could tame my soul
With the first smile that you gave me
That first glance made me whole
It was all I need to set my pride free

That moment my heart was yours forever
And it has always been beating for you
It will be until the very ends of forever and ever
With the flame you started, burning so true

My life’s never been the same without you
And I’ve lived with your love always inside me
It gave me strength and pulled me through
Your love opened my eyes it made me see

Without you, there is no me

Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Poetries that I came across this Mid November

All I Need is You
by daisyv

Days seems so slow
Even the clock that runs so fast..
I don’t know why
But maybe its just so hard to wait for you….

Waiting for you since the start
That we have trusted each other
For the love that is so immense
That can move even the highest mountain…

My heart that always says
You are my everything
Because you are all that I am dreaming
And all that I am hoping for

Now that we have one another
So near ‘coz of the feelings that we have
Yet so far for we can’t still be with each other
Making my heart even hungered for your love….

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
by bonnee)salma

Where did the time go
how quickly it passed by
seems like just yesterday
you tagged along by my side.

If we don't hang onto life
it gets just outta our reach
the years wash it away like
the waves upon the beach.

All we have left are memories
our own personal book
when we need a smile we open
just to have a look.

Years can change everything
same as people do
when I saw your picture I'm a shame to say
I didn't reconize you.

You're all grown-up now
and have a life of your own
but all those yesterdays
are never really gone.

Mom would be proud of you Lee
and of all the things you've done
I know you think life's over
but a part of it's just begun.

Just Wanna Be With You
by bonnee)salma

I wanna lay with you
knowing I'm safe
to wake in the morning
and see your face.

If I get scared
through the night
you're right there
to hold me tight.

To wash away
all my fears
to dry my eyes
of all their tears.

I wanna feel your
arms around me tight
to keep me safe and
warm each night.

Just wanna be with you
no other place
to kiss your lips
and touch your face.

To be in your arms
is my dream come true
its pure heaven
just being with you.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Moment of truth!

Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
Eve. some times become Cloudy & stormy But still shows glimpse & hopes Of New tomorrow with golden edge of cloud

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Novembers poetry round!

Physics 101
by seekerblue

It was not physics that taught me
The relationship between time, and distance,
But rather my love for you.

When those blissful moments
Spent in drinking sweetness from your lips
Made time vanish in the blink of an eye!

And the torment of those fruitless days
Spent in the absence from your warm embrace
Made time stand still for an eternity!

My Lover's Tears
by seekerblue

In the heat of the sultry, summer evening,
The rain of my white-hot kisses
Sears her aching body with sensual delight.
But the night quickly fades into morning,
To reveal her flowers weeping tears of dew,
That quenches my insatiable thirst,
For my wet lips have become stained
By her love.

by chunter1014

you were my boyfriend

you were my bestfriend

we were so great togeather

you promised to love me forever

you promised their was no one to take my place

you promised to give me my space

you promised to be there when i needed you

you promised to take care of me too

but, you kept pushing me to the end

always replacing me with your friends

until we have totally grown apart

didnt you know it would break my heart

now we are two different

people in the same spot

pretending to be something we know were not

we always kiss and hug

just like we are still in love

we both know its not the same

there is no one here to take the blame

i just need someone to get me through it

i don't have many friends like you to do it

i'm glad your still here to listen

just someone to give me their attention

but we have tryed so many times before

now it feels like someone has closed that door

maybe someday we will try another first date

hopefully by then it wont be too late

i will love you till the end of time

but i might not be here

when you make up your mind

If You Left Me Now
by Firewerks

If you left me now, don’t know what I would do
This hearts not mine to keep in here,
it now resides with you
Way down deep inside of me,
is right where you belong
Never have I felt like this,
a love this deep and strong

I you left me today, how would I pull through
Don’t know exactly where I’d be,
or what the hell I’d do
You are such a part of me, I can’t imagine this
Living my life all alone,
or without your sweet kiss

And why do I love you,
this much and in this way
It’s all those little things you do,
think about, and say
Befriended and endeared to me,
like no one ere before
Keeps me coming back to you,
and keeps me wanting more

You know that I am trusting,
you with my tender heart
I’ve trusted you completely dear,
right from the very start
This has gone now way too far,
already too damn late
My heart’s completely tied to yours,
and to our common fate

If you are not real serious,
or of this dream not ready
Or if my heart’s not big enough,
or your compass isn’t steady
Break my aching heart right now,
damn, break it plum in two
Cause it’s not fair to let me keep,
this growing Love for you

Friday, November 6, 2009

Calender Nov 2009

Free to download & Use as a wall paper only. All rights reserved!

I loved It! Pure feelings & exactly expressed!

I See Us
by Carmelo

Looking back through my dreams of you
I took a journey down memory lane
Back to the place where my love grew
A place away from my fears, away from pain

Followed the winding roads for miles and miles
Over bridges and through all the crossroads
Seeing your face along the way,
seeing your smiles
My life’s no longer just a walk down lonely roads

Walked down and I took a step into my heart
Feeling all the emotion it’s held for you
They’re so strong,
so real even when we’re apart
I feel your sweet embrace,
what you make me do

Looking ahead, there’s a light so bright, so pure
Drawn towards it,
I was guided by sweet whispers
The echo’s of an angel carrying a soul so true
As I enter the light,
I see you, I see me, I see us

by Carmelo

Come along with me, take my hand
Let’s dream together, reach for the stars
Hand in hand, together we’ll stand
These feelings, these dreams are ours

Close your Eyes and take a journey with me
To a place we’ve never been, never seen
Let your spirit soar, set your soul free
You’ll see there is a place so real, so serene

Open your heart let your feeling flow
You’ll see there’s no sorrow, no pain
You’ll find I’m here, just let your love grow
I’ll promise you it won’t all be in vain

So come along with me, let’s fly away
To where the stars meet the heavens
Let’s join the angels and where they play
And forever I can be with you in heaven

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just for you!


by daisyv

I have been waiting for so long
For you to come along
As I am thinking of our younger years then
When I am in love with you
But I am too hesitant to let you know
Though I know you feel that way too

And now that I have found you
And I know you love me too
I know I am in heaven
When I am with you

Honey, you are all that I need
All your love in you heart
I can’t almost believe
That we are together now

Nothing could change what I am feeling now
What you mean to me
For no words could express
How much I need and love you

I know I am in heaven
When I am lying besides you
Because all I need is you
Your love , and nothing can ever change that

Now that our dreams will come true
No matter what happen
Through good and bad times
I’ll be there standing by you
For I don’t wanna let you go….

by daisyv

All day I am thinking about you
Thinking if you are thinking of me too
All day I am dreaming about you
Dreaming that we are together and never apart….

All day I am trying to drive your thoughts away from me
But you are always there constantly
You never leave my mind
Your thoughts keep haunting by

Though you are far from me
My heart sees you here constantly..
Your love keep burning deep inside
Here in my heart…

Your face that is painted on my mind
Makes me sleepless, though I am trying to sleep
The love that I am feeling for you
Makes me smile constantly even you are not with me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Untamed & untouched

Originally uploaded by sundayperfect
This is the kanher lakes back water viewed from Yawateshwar platue a good scene to see & better relaxment! My town is like a hill station district! Its amaizing place to be & I am proud that this is my town Every town has some special untouched & untamed nature whats your town has let me know in comments!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cant live without you!

Lost Without You
by daisyv

I know deep in my heart
I will be lost without your love
For I know how your love
Keep my heart beat sway with gladness

I know you have love me this much
For I can see your face vividly in my mind
Every day as I lay down on my bed
Even upon awakening, you face is there

I know that our hearts beat as one
Even without seeing each other
They can feel, and see what is inside
It’s the love for each other since the day we meet….

I am thankful that you are my love
I choose you just for me,
And be together, forever as the days will pass
Because nothing can change our love for each other ‘till the last days of our lives.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

November The month of starting the Winter!

Our Love
by daisyv

It was many years ago
When you told me you love me so
But I wasn’t sure, if it was true
For you didn’t insist the feelings that you had ..

How would I know
When you kept hiding
The feelings in your heart
Trying to ignore and escape
The love growing deep inside …

How lovely it would be
If you have tried and ask
If deep down in my heart
The same feeling is inside…

And now that we already know
That the love is still in our hearts
I want to hear from you
That you love me so
And still want my heart
For I know deep inside me
My heart wants no one but you…

And to share with each other
The feelings we have kept inside our hearts
Hoping tomorrow, we will be one
Embracing the love we have kept
That didn’t weaken
Even we didn’t see each other
For so many years....

Great saying-

Life is all about living!