Monday, October 25, 2010

Home precautions with Herbal & Ayurvedic help for gum problems.

Question :-  I regularly suffer from infected gums, and I’m very conscious that when my gums are infected, my breath is bad. Do you have any suggestions?

Answer: -

1.       My suggestion is first go for routine dental check up ask your dentist for any periodontal health concern. Get oral prophylaxis (gingival & subgingival scaling with tooth polishing) done.

2.       Then get proper brushing technique from your dentist. Use that technique twice a day.

3.       Then Massage your gums daily. Floss your teeth daily. Rinse thoroughly after every time you eat. This will do the best.

4.       In India Leaves of neem (Azadirachta indica) tree are used to massage gums. its twigs to brush teeth.

5.        In Salt & haldi (turmeric) is also used in gum diseases.

Answer :- Gum infections, or gingivitis, begin when bacteria in the mouth stick to the teeth, forming plaques.

These deposits then cause the gums to become inflamed. Symptoms of this include bad breath and can also be seen when cleaning the teeth – often you will see blood on your toothbrush after brushing.

Left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease, whereby the bacteria cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, bone beneath the gums erodes and the teeth become loose. Eventually the teeth will be lost. This is the commonest cause of tooth loss in adults.

Herbs can be used to treat the infection, but if you have not already done so, go and see your dentist as well.

They can show you how to clean and floss your teeth correctly. It is important not only to clean your teeth thoroughly and regularly, but also to floss your teeth daily too.

In addition to this, try taking 50mg a day of Co-enzyme Q10 – studies have shown it to be helpful in controlling gum disease.

To speed up the healing of gums and to reduce inflammation, rinse the mouth thoroughly with tea made from herbs such as sage or chamomile.

Sage contains antiseptic compounds, so try a mouthwash made by adding two teaspoons of dried sage to a cup of boiling water, leave to stand for 10 minutes, strain and when cool use it to rinse your teeth.

You can make up enough to last a couple of days in one go. Just remember to store the excess tea in your fridge.

Chamomile also contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds. Again make up a strong tea as before and use it as a mouthwash.

Peppermint, which is normally used as flavouring for toothpaste, is also antibacterial. Again you can make an effective mouthwash in the same way as previously described.

You can make all these teas even more effective by adding a teaspoon of Echinacea tincture to each cup. Echinacea is another effective antibacterial herb.

An easy way to help your gums is to drink green tea, it contains several antibacterial substances.

One final thing to mention, smoking can encourage the development of gum disease, so if you smoke, try to give it up.

Source Here

Always remember following things for better periodontal health-

·       Brush your teeth twice a daily. With appropriate brushing technique.

·       Gargle & rinse your mouth after every time you eat.

·       Floss your teeth at least once a day. Use a proper method of flossing.

·       Vitamin C is very good for periodontium. Balanced diet will define your periodontal & general health.

·       Massage your gums twice a day. Massage improves blood circulation in particular areas.

·       Eat fibrous food.

·       Avoid alcohol, smoking & other habits.

·       Visit your dentist regularly for routine dental check up.


Neem Tree

Neem Uses and Benefits

Neem's Medicinal Uses