Thursday, November 4, 2010

Some Most common Dental emergencies (Patient Education article)

I am writing & publishing this “Patient education” article just to give the patient a moral support & encouragement to visit dentist without any fear & patient must recognize emergency of the treatment so few common emergencies are explained in very simple language. But if you are having any kind of dental pain – please visit your nearest dental office.


Some Most common Dental Emergencies

1)    Hyperemia (Acute reversible pulpitis)

2)    Acute irreversible pulpitis

3)    Acute abscess cases-Acute Alveolar & Periodontal abscess & Dento alveolar abscess

4)    Avulsed tooth.

5)    Fractures- Dental & bone fracture

Acute reversible pulpitis (Hyperemia)-

Symptom- the acute pain while drinking cold water & while eating is the symptom.

can be treated successfully by palliative procedures. Normal dental tooth cavity preparation & cavity feeling with sedative cement base will bring the comfort. Very simple procedure completely relives the pain.

Acute irreversible pulpitis-

Symptom- persistent pain, pain while eating, drinking, Pain is irregular & mostly observed while drinking hot tea or coffee but pain is spontaneous & occurs while bending over & disturbs sleep.

It’s an endodontic emergency- where root canal therapy is required. Pulpectomy is another name for this procedure. This procedure requires some time because root canal cleaning & shaping is required so if possible then only it is done in single sitting, or if possible then regular interval short appointments are given. These appointments most times given with patients convenience. This procedure is done under local anaesthesia.

Acute Abscess cases

Acute alveolar abscess/acute periapical abscess/acute apical pericementitis/phoenix abscess

Where localized collection of pus in alveolar bone is observed some time the pulp of the concerned tooth is dead or some time tooth might remain vital

Endodontic treatment is carried out to give the comfort.

Acute periodontal abscess- tooth might be vital in such cases. But instant incision & drainage of pus is mandatory.

Avulsed tooth- when entire tooth comes out of socket this condition is known as tooth avulsion. This avulsed tooth must not be dried or washed with detergent & scrub. It must be stored in proper media like patients own saliva, Milk, Coconut oil & visit your dentist .

Remember this tooth is out of its socket & only your dentist can properly fix this tooth.


Maxillary or mandibullar fractures must be treated immediately.

Tooth fracture is another emergency which is divided in crown fracture & root fractures. If root fracture is vertical then prognosis will be poor.

These are the most common dental emergencies.

After the treatment all that pain you are suffering from will be vanished. 



This article is exclusively for a common man & this article is just for the benefit of the patient.

Please regularly visit your dentist to avoid dental emergencies- some emergencies like accidental fractures due to sports or adventurous activity will be avoided by using mouth guards & perfect head gears.

Some emergencies like abscess can be avoided by maintaining proper hygiene & practicing some brushing techniques & flossing regularly as per your dentists recommendation or prescription.

Some small caries can be avoided by the time when they are just started. This treatment done at initial stage gives you a benefit of healthy mouth & avoid that agony of pain.