Sunday, November 14, 2010

What you have to do before visiting Dental office?

What you have to do before visiting Dental office?

·         First & very important thing is as soon as you are in need of dentist or services from dental office call them & fix your appointment & confirm it with date & exact time. In some dental offices you must be physically present to take an appointment, in such case, do it as per the rule.

·         Visit dental office on given time. Remember time is precious.

·         Always have a healthy snacks 1 hr before the visit. So if your treatment procedure prolongs then you don’t have to starve. Make sure that you don’t over eat.

·         If you are under some medication. Tell your dentist about it & consult your general physician about the whole dental procedure.

·         Bring all the previous dental records with you to the dental office. Also bring your recent medical records. Always mention your medical records in chronological order.

·         If you are having some kind of drug allergy, drug history or medical history personally tell this to your dentist.

·         If you are under age then bring a responsible person with you.

·         Remember that dentist is there to help you & he is protecting your teeth & helping you to maintain good oral hygiene which is contributing to improve your overall personality. So never fear or get panic to visit your dentist. Visiting your dentist is necessary for your oral health & it shows good effect on your personality. 

·         What ever you are feeling tell it to your dentist. If you are having any kind of fear, discuss it with your dentist. Dentist is always there to help you & make sure your smile is healthy smile.

We dentist Care, Protect, restore& Enhance your beautiful smile & your Oral & Dental Health.