Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dentist : Do you know? The difference between Paratrigeminal Syndrome & Horner's Syndrome

Do you know?

Paratrigeminal Syndrome common in patient's with poor oral hygiene & having oral infection.


Horner’s syndrome Known as “sympathetic opthalmoplegia

Clinical features

Miosis- contraction of the pupil of the eye due to paresis of the dilator of the pupil.

Ptosis- drooping of the eyelid due to paresis of the smooth muscle elevator of the upper eyelid.

Anhidrosis & vasodilation over the facedue to interruption of sudomotor & vasomotor control. Its chief significance lies in the fact that it indicates the presence of the primary disease.

The exact features of the syndrome depends upon degree of damage of the sympathetic pathways to the head & the site of the damage.


Lesion in the brainstem may be tumors or infections Or in the cervical or in high thoracic cord occasionally will produce this syndrome. Preganglionic fibres in the anterior spinal root to the sympathetic chain in the low cervical and high thoracic area are rather commonly involved by infection trauma or pressure as by aneurism or tumor to produce Horner’s syndrome.

Involvement of the carotid sympathetic plexus by lesions of the internal carotid artery may produce the typical facial sweating defect as well as facial pain & sensory loss.

Additional reading-

Wikipedia- Horner’s syndrome

Health Encyclopedia- Horner’s syndrome



Paratrigeminal syndrome also known as raeder’s syndrome

Clinical features-

Severe headache or pain in the area of trigeminal distribution with signs of ocular sympathetic paralysis.

The sympathetic symptoms & homolateral pain in head or eye occur without vasomotor or trophic disturbances. These signs & symptoms usually appear’s suddenly.

Common in middle aged males.

Signs are some time exactly like Horner’s syndrome. But  Differentiating factors are

1)      presence of pain

2)      No change in sweating activity of the affected side of the face.

According to Lucchesi & Topazian dramatic improvement occurred after elimination of dental infection.

For more click here



Raeders syndrome


Additional Reading-



This above article is just for patient education & for general information of the dentist's around the PDF included is owned by singapore medical journal. feel free to add some more information in it.