Friday, December 3, 2010

Root canal Therapy- A procedure to save your tooth & you from pain!

  Root Canal treatment (RCT)- Procedure to save your tooth & you from pain.

Few days back one young patient with swelling which is covering his entire left side of the lip & that swelling has just covering his left lower eye lid, he was having tremendous pain & Upper front teeth are paining so much, he just requesting us Please, Doctor remove these painful teeth.

I was shocked by his request. He was just 19 years old. Yes the pain he was having is a sever pain. But removing his teeth in so much young age will really cause some problem for that young patient.

when I first saw him entering in my dental office he was hiding his face because of swelling & just requesting for removal of the two teeth. He also mentioned the pain he is having is very much & swelling is so much that he wasn’t able to open his left eye.


During dental check up again

he mentioned me “Sir Please, remove this tooth & stop this pain”.

While checking his dental condition I said “ they are your front teeth & if we remove them now, then the gap will be visible for all the time when you will open your mouth. That will be embarrassing situation. Your smile will look so bad. All other concern will arise like if you decide to do implant in that area that will be expensive. & if you want FPD adjacent tooth will involve in that procedure so that won’t be conservative & will be expensive too.”

“Then how you gonna stop my pain? It is paining so much.”

I told him, “I will stop this pain, without removing these teeth.”

Then he mentioned me “These two front teeth are moving. How you can save them? “

With smile I replied “ Yes, That is grade II mobility. I have myself checked it, & I can save those teeth.”

“I am exam going student, tomorrow I am having my exam paper. Do I have to worry about it?”  He asked me again with worry.

“are you prepared for your exam? “ I asked him my question with concern.

He said “yes, I am prepared but with this pain & swollen face, I don’t think I will able to write my papers.”

After hearing his statement I assured him “ I am sure that, before leaving our dental clinic say within next 25 min. your pain will be gone & not only pain but your swelling will also start reducing. By tomorrow there will be no swelling or very little & No pain at all. You just have to complete our treatment plan that we are just putting on schedule.  you just have to follow the appointments & we attain all this without loosing your front teeth. ”



Then after telling him the entire treatment plan, We managed his short appointments as per his exam schedule. We explained him entire procedure of the treatment & what we are going to do on our scheduled appointment. after taking his consent we started our treatment.

When we done our that days treatment procedure. My patient said “Now all my feelings are at peace. Feeling absolute no pain & swelling is reducing in size Even now I am able to open my left eye. Thanx to you doctor, you saved my teeth & saved me from pain.”  With that he reminded me our next appointment for  his RC treatment & I wished him best luck for next days exam he smiled & left the dental office.  I also turned to my next patient who was waiting in a waiting room.

Lots of question in mind my friends-

Is it Possible to save this much of paining teeth with this much big swelling?

 What is this procedure by which we saved this patient’s teeth?  Can you explain it all?

These are the few questions that I can guess & if you have some more questions please visit our contact me section & feel free to ask your question. I will be more than glad to answer your questions.


The procedure is known as Root canal treatment procedure. Which we can divide in following steps-1)debridement & cleaning the pulp chamber – In which we (dentist)remove all carious part of the tooth & take access to the pulp chamber & then we remove the pulp from chamber & canals too then thoroughly clean these canals.

2)Biomechanical preparation of the canal – with specific instruments like small files we clean & shape the canals. Ones we got the desired size & shape of the canal. We go to our next step

3)Obturation – here we fill those canals with inert material & seal them with resin.

4)But patients comfort & restoring the tooth is our main goal so to achieve it we try to do following- we try to restore the crown structure if needed we can use posts to build crown core & then restore the crown. Most of the time we use prosthetic crowns to restore the tooth function.

This is the simple process & patient is under local anesthesia while cleaning & shaping of canal. So this is a painless procedure.

In some specific cases you can do this entire procedure in single sitting, But for abscess cases we have to do it in few sittings.

This is the painless & safe way o save your tooth or teeth. This method is proven & used by all dentists. So don’t fear & save your tooth. That tooth is important part of your body this is what we all dentist think.

Video of this procedure-







If you have any question feel free to ask in our contact us section form here.


Directly ask about root canal procedure to your dentist.