Wednesday, March 31, 2010

this this months wallpaper calendar!


SOUL MATES & SMILE - unknown poet with known thought

My Love for You
by mandate0

If you could see into my mind
I think that you would surely find
A love that binds you to my soul
A love that I cannot control

It’s not a love I’ll ever see
Returned my dear from you to me
A missing piece a gaping hole
A fearsome ache within my soul

This love for you I can’t restrain
It’s something I cannot contain
It daily tears into my heart
And rips my very soul apart

So I keep looking for a way
To keep this love for you at bay
That I might find for me at least
A needed bit of inner peace

But I know this will never be
I love you far too much you see
To push my love for you aside
No matter how I feel inside

They Way You
Make Me Feel

by anoni1981

I shiver when you hold me near,
In your arms I feel no fear.
Your tenderness takes my breath away,
I feel like a young kid who wants to play.
I am happy when you look at me,
There is no place I would rather be.
I can’t help but smile with you,
I love you – yes I do.
These are all things you make me feel,
That’s how I know you care for real.

The Gift of You
by JD99

Your words they leave me speechless
As you carry me away
To a far off place that's shielded
From many cares of the day.

Your words are a magic carpet
That I float upon so free,
You sooth me with your loving balm
Not a care in the world for me.

Your words are like choice morsels
To feast on
And to savor,
As we travel

To the Garden of Love
Where all is well
And all is joy --
A special secret garden.

The Garden of You,
The Garden of Me,
The Garden of Hope,
Where we both can be.

A Lover's Quarrel
by shaeshae

Words that were so cruel ended in a closed
Oh how could she have missed the signs it would
lead to this
Now her tears fall like the endless ocean's
A love that they both have seem to missed all
because she got pissed
The devil was in the mist, she was the one who fell
for his tricks
Angle in disguise he professed to be, Now her heart
is sure to bleed
For he planted the seed of rage, And a lover's
quarrel was engaged

Your Smile
by caffrey

you gave me a smile as you turned to me
the look of love I could plainly see
your tender touch I feel on my skin
bringing forth love from deep within
you caress my body your arms enfold
we begin to make love your close to hold
your fingers trace down onto my thighs
your intimate love puts me on high
our pulsating bodies don't want to part
we now know what's felt within the heart
we've reached the point of no return
our bodies entwine with passion and burn
you touched the depth of my very soul
I feel desired, so loved I'm whole

Soul Mates
by caffrey

think I've finally found my soul mate
was it destiny or was it fate
you touched me softly and reached my soul
we are as one, we are as whole
I love your touch and tender kiss
and your loving arms is sheer bliss
you're my miror image my inside out
it's definitely kismet, of that there's no doubt
you put love back into my lonely heart
we know it was meant, right from the start

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poetry reflecting Movie love! Or Literature love


both movies based on NOvels!!

by carmelo

When I close my eyes, I hear a voice
Deep inside me, I hear you calling me
Whispering softly; expressing your rejoice
For the love you could now set free

I have no doubt, the deeper inside I look
I see your presence around my soul
You know my heart wasn’t all you took
It wasn’t the only thing you stole

So deep in my thoughts at night
I hear you whisper my name as I dream
Don’t be afraid; everything’s alright
No matter how things might seem

Whispers is what I hear when I am alone
Coming from your soul and your heart
Telling me that I’m not on my own
There’s nothing that would keep us apart

by gothchick

The vampire who stalked my dreams
Who hid his face or so it seemed
Who followed me through ancient towns
Who walked by me and also ‘round
Thrice circled, I was by you
Although you hid your face I knew
I knew one day you would find me
And this you did so unexpectedly
My vampire, my love I now know too
These dreams, for years I’ve had-were you
And all this time I’m sure you knew
But you had chosen to bide your time
Knowing one day we’d meet online
Me unto you and you unto me
In memories that span centuries
And so now the dreams continue
Old worlds, and new ,and me, with you
Bound we are by soul and heart
‘Ever we go, we’ll never part
By ancient love and ancient law,
we are forever entwined with awe

Lost in You
by mp123

I am losing myself
In you

Your smell
Your taste
Your touch

Frantically trying
To make some sense
Clouding my mind
Making me dense

Something unknown
Feeling like home
Is all of this real
How can this be what I feel

One moment with you
Unspoken dreams came true
Tell me it is no fake
Please promise....

My heart you won't break

by Kdgrippo

I listened to the radio today –
someone singing of ‘morning desire’
and I was reminded of a love of long ago,
ages past;
of laughter echoing
into time.
…Rain on a tin roof,
dreams that almost came true,
…and you, -
and unspoken thoughts
carefully woven between the lines.

I hear you’re married now,
and not too happy I’m told
(you know how rumors fly,
and our love has long since died.)
but I still remember fondly
ancient memories we two made
when life was a series of
easy, carefree days.

I continue to contemplate
on time long spent and gone
and I can’t help but wonder
if you’ve also heard that song.

Miles Apart
by pothole50

We are both tonight many miles apart
But we've always been from the start
When I met you it was so long ago
From that moment our love did grow
I liked you as we started to chat
About any thing, or this and that
Then something special happened to me
And it was by your side I wanted to be
I traveled down with a penguin for you
And you had a little present for me, too
We went to the beach for miles we walked
We went to the pub for hours we talked
Then back to yours we had a dance
Round and round then I took a chance
And leaned forward and stole a kiss
I never knew it would be like this
We spent the night so close together
Next day we walked, such cold weather
Then I had to leave to travel away
But knew in my heart would be back someday
For I love you with all my heart
But tonight we are both many miles apart.

Poetry in the end of march

My Everything
by caffrey

You mean the world to me I hope you know
my heart told me it loves you so
you are my sun, my moon, my night and day
my whole reason to live, what more can I say
you are the light of my life,
the beat in my heart
but I knew that right from the start
you are my everything, my begining and end
you're my soul mate, my lover, and my friend
you fulfill my desires, my hopes, my dreams
just want you to know what your loves means
you kiss my soul with your intimate touch
no wonder I love you so very much

by Carmelo

When I close my eyes, I hear a voice
Deep inside me, I hear you calling me
Whispering softly; expressing your rejoice
For the love you could now set free

I have no doubt, the deeper inside I look
I see your presence around my soul
You know my heart wasn’t all you took
It wasn’t the only thing you stole

So deep in my thoughts at night
I hear you whisper my name as I dream
Don’t be afraid; everything’s alright
No matter how things might seem

Whispers is what I hear when I am alone
Coming from your soul and your heart
Telling me that I’m not on my own
There’s nothing that would keep us apart

All I Know
by Carmelo

Here we are; it’s just you and me alone
Once again we’re looking into our eyes
Embraced in a love that we’ve both known
There’s no more hiding behind a disguise

Since I saw your face,
it’s all I’ve wanted to see
Standing tall right next to you
is what I’ve dreamt
Holding my hand is where you’ve wanted to be
It’s the only place your
heart's ever been content

Deep in your soul is where the truth has lived
Wrapped in a fire burning so warm so bright
Protected by your heart its how it survived
Always in the glow of its soft white light

So many lost years but still you’re all I know
I reached out to the stars searching of you
Looking for your resonating light
to shine through
Hoping to see your spirit fly past in full view

Monday, March 29, 2010

Love forever! This is the truth!

Visions of a Dream
by Carmelo

Sleeping, I’m dreaming visions of you
I feel you’re around me, feel your presents
Watching over me like you always do
And the air around me carries you scents

Holding my hand,
And touching my face
Just you and me,
In this peaceful place

We’ll drift away, on a gentle breeze
Where the heavens meet above the clouds
So far above the deepest blue seas
We’ll be alone away from the crowds

Still in my arms I held you tight,
I gently kissed your lips, sweet and tender,
As the fire-filled sky gave way to night.
Caught up in the night's magic and splendor.

We’ll glide across the stars that spell your name
And on to wards the end of time and space
Through the sun and it’s burning flames
As we hold each other in an eternal embrace

Together we’ll test the bounds of forever
We’ll find the place our hearts have longed for
We won’t give up, there’ll be no surrender
In each other is where we’ll be Forevermore

Love's Death
by seekerblue

They say our romance,
Like all mortal passion
Is destined to spiral,
From the heights of ecstasy,
To the pit of monotony.

What say yea then, my love?
If this be true, let us endeavor
To fall from the heavens,
Like two shooting stars
Setting the night on fire!

These Hands
by Kdgrippo

These hands pulled me close
And soothed my fears…
They touched me gently
And dried my tears…
They held my own hands
In a subtle clasp…
With comic gestures
They made me laugh.

These hands touched my heart
And set my soul afire…
They woke up my body
With a burning desire…
They caressed me softly
Like a velvet glove…
They showed me caring,
They showed me love.

These hands!
Your hands!

by miniterider

i want to wake every morning
to see your sweet face
sit at your side
as you're dreaming in place

lean over to kiss you
as though it's our first
make it last forever
as though it's my thirst

i want to touch your body
as though it's my world
a never ending journey
i'm anxious to explore

i want to hear you breathe
as air fills your lungs
and know that you're real
and sent from above

i want to look into your eyes
and get lost in time
to know all your thoughts
and what lays on your mind

i want to lay at your side
and feel your heart beat
and to know forever
it's your love i seek

i want to hear your voice
as an angel sings
and give praise and glory
that you've given to me

i want to hold you forever
as though we'd never grow old
and keep you at my side
wherever we may go

i want to lay you down
each and every night
take the stress of your world
'til you're feeling alright

i want you to know my heart
and all that i say
is to keep you forever
our love eternal to stay

Sunday, March 28, 2010

MArch is the love guru

Special Someone
by ttjodj

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you.

by jaswinder

I'm sorry for all the times i made you cry
I'm sorry for all the times
that i made you hurt inside

I'm sorry for all the times i treated you so bad
I'm sorry for all the times
that i took advantage of what i had

I'm sorry for all the times i didnt believe you
I'm sorry for all the times
that the rumors weren't true

I'm sorry for all the times i started a fight
I'm sorry for all the times
that i just wasnt right

I'm sorry for all the times i never said your name
I'm sorry for all the times
that i was the one to blame

I'm sorry for all the times my trust wasn't true
But I'm not sorry for
the time i fell in love with you

Without You
by seekerblue

If I can’t have you,
What use have I
For two, empty arms,
That once embraced you,
Like a mother holding
Her new born babe?

If I can’t have you,
What use have I
For two, blind eyes,
That once glimpsed
The face of an angel
The day I feel in love?

If I can’t have you,
What use have I
For two, cold lips,
That once breathed
In the soul
Of your passionate kisses?

If I can’t have you,
What use have I
For a single, lonely heart,
That once
Made love to you
In lavender fields of blue?

Forever Yours
by jhemm

Just being with you means everything.
Getting to know what makes you laugh,
Or brings tears to your eyes,
What makes you mad or let out a sigh.

I live for every moment,
You have changed my life for the best.
To be there for you,
Is a pleasure I must confess.

I love waking up next to you,
Just knowing that you’re there,
To begin another day,
And share my daily prayers.

Through the trials of togetherness,
That life has in store,
Not once have I wished we never were,
I just want you more and more.

We work hard for each other,
Always making up after petty fights,
Never losing that special closeness,
Never losing our will or might.

Share life with me now,
Stay by me forever,
We stand united as one,
Life will always get better.

Listen my dear,
To the words I am about to say,
I promise I’m forever yours today,
The same way I’ll be tomorrow and was yesterday
..I love You...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Portrait of love - March special!

My Promise of Love
by Veeraj G

Even though I am far from you..
I love you with all my strength.
Ask the sleepless nights I've spent for you..
Ask the miles I've walked for you..
Ask the kilometres that
my love travels every second
Ask every single drop of tear I've shed for you..
Ask every drop of blood that
came through my nose..
Ask all the days I've gone without eating..
Ask every single day since I've known you..
how much love I've given you.
Not just a gift bought on the
eve of Valentine's day and given..
My love has been nurtured,
cherished and offered to you..
I've never made you feel bad on any day..
Then try to buy you the next day..
I've really given my best
I'm powered by your love Hanaa..
And fueled by the belief that we're meant to be.

I didn't give you diamonds today though I could.
because I'm instead giving you my true love
and all that's mine is yours too..
More precious than any
diamond in the world is..
Swearing on my life to fight for you.
What I've given you cannot wear and show
You can only feel and cherish for yourself.

Gift me your belief in that
we'll be together forever
Your belief in the battle I am mounting..
Gift me your sincerity
Gift me your trust
Show me you are faithful to me..

I will stand by you, stand up for you.
On some days you will feel discouraged..
You will be tempted by the evil..
You will lose hope.
But remember, you sink I sink with you too.
But I won't let go.

I won't give up the fight, I'll go the distance.

My Heart <3>
by Kimtena14

You're my one true love this i know for sure,
When i get sick you're my only cure.

When I'm in darkness you're my only light,
When i was once blind
you were my sense of sight.

You opened up my eyes and helped me see,
How wonderful love could truly be.

You're always there for me and
I'll always be here for you,
Even when times get too tough and
you dont know what to do.

You taught me how to love,
you taught me how to share,
You taught me whats really taught me how to care.

We'll always be together,
even though we're apart,
Your my one true love and
you will always have "my heart."

This Moment
by Brenda Van Wyk

Just a simple smile,
A soft caress, a sweet kiss
Just a step away
From unthinkable bliss
When you kiss me
when both the moment
and the kiss feels perfect
I’m looking into your eyes
and feeling this warmth truly
when you hold me in your arms
I want this moment to last forever

Teach Me
by riyen02

Teach me not to look in the sky at night
So that I can’t see the stars so bright
That was the same sky
That we used to watch while walking hand in hand at night.

Teach me not to like the roses
So that I will ignore those beautiful things
And forget those flowers
That you always gave to me.

Teach me to forget the words “I love you”
So that I will not remember
Those sweet words that you always whispered
With passion and fondness into my ear.

Teach me to be numb
Both my body and my heart
So that I can’t feel anything
When I think that you are gone.

The Day an Angel
Kissed Me

by womball

You brought a smile to my lips,
You brought color to my cheeks.
You made my heart beat faster,
You made my knees go weak.

You outstretched your arms,
And wouldn't let me fall.
You didn't do it quick enough,
Because I fell for you after all

And in your eyes I can see the future,
With your words you melt my heart.
It's like love covered my eyes,
And I'm walking in the dark.

But all I have to do is grab your hand,
And you will lead the way.
Thinking back now,
It all happened that day.

When I was blinded by love
And could not see.
That was the day,
When an angel kissed me.

One of a Kind
by jamillion

Liking you is a must,
Without dying thoughts or miserable lust.
Wanting you in my life,
Hard to find like an original spice.
You're the main ingredient,
Understandng through obedience.
Patience is what we'll follow.
Consumed thoughts such as a run on,
We're the main ingredient.
Understanding with obedience,
as if the moon is still at night,
the shoulder to lay on inspite.
How long can we do this,
Without that dying thought,
We'll endure in it.
My life, my love, my world....

by annie09

I see water dripping down the leaves
I see trees moving from the wind
sun comes out flashing its rays
as I look up I see the sun smilling at me
I see birds flapping their wings
I hear cars running down the street
I feel wind blowing on my face
I see trees turning back to green
smell of rain seems to fade
I smile at how beautiful this is

His Eyes
by annie09

It was his eyes that seem to
draw me towards him.
It was his eyes that seem to make me
forget about the pain.
It was his eyes that made me feel safe.
It was his eyes that I first saw myself in.
It was his eyes that help me recognize myself.
It was his eyes that told me
everything is going to be all right.
It was his eyes that gave me comfort.
It was his eyes that made me come to life.
It was his eyes that cried for me.
It was his eyes that looked at me.
It was his eyes that said I love you.

Impossible Love
by unicorn065

I still remember the first time we met
it is just like any ordinary afternoon
of chatting... then you held me enthralled
with your words... and something
happened to me... I felt an electric
tingle coursing through my veins
and into my heart giving it a jolt
and I knew... I knew from that moment on
that you are the one i have waited for
all these years... but you came late into my life
a vast expanse of time and space separates us
will our love be strong enough
to bridge that great vastness between us....

My Search is Over
by womball

I've searched for you
Beyond the stars,
Throughout the years,
And so very far...

Somehow I knew
That you were out there,
But that's the thing...
I didn't know where.

When I couldn't find you
I just kept crying,
But I couldn't give up...
I had to keep trying.

He’s out there, I'm thinking.
I continued my search
For the love I was seeking.

From hour to hour,
And from place to place,
I didn't give up
In this heart-rushing race...

The days went by,
As well as the years...
It had brought me nothing
But painful tears

Then all of a sudden,
There you stood...
Like a beautiful angel
Floating in the woods.

Where have you been?
All of my life
I long for the moment
To call you mine.

In love's embrace
We'll be together.
Our love is protected,
And will last forever.

Fate has lead me to you,
The one from above...
My search is over,
I've finally found you,
My one true love

Friday, March 19, 2010

March have the Passion!

Love is in the Air
by funlopez

Love is in the air, to me love is all those things that God made for us the sun, the air, and all the beautiful women in the world, of course it says in the Bible that we can only have one. So with that in mind I have chosen to show you that I can be your knight in shining armor, the man of your dreams the one who will love you forever not even in death shall I stop loving you. We only get one chance in life to find the right one so why don't you open your heart to the heaven-sent man who is willing to make all your dreams come true, who will stand by your side in good times and bad and follow you to the ends of the earth.

for my one and only
by ishna09

i never thought this would happen,
that i think of you every now and then,
it's weird how it turned out this way,
just merely your presence completes my day.

the way you make me smile,
in your own crazy style,
gives me an idea that you were sent,
that when i'm down, you'll be my strength.

for the simple yet sweet things you've done,
for the moments of laughter and fun,
i've known a great part of you,
even though i never planned to.

no one knows if this will be forever,
but there's one thing i want you to remember,
just be there as you always do,
'coz i can't afford to lose someone like you.

You Are My World
by womball

The thought of you makes me wonder
How little things in life can get me under
It really made me see
That you mean a lot to me

You’re the light of my everyday sun
The laughter in my fun
You’re the formation of my favourite constellation
And you relieve me of all of my frustration.

You showed me the miracle of love,
And helped me when things got rough
You were there for me from the start
And now you’re the beating of my heart.

You’re the weakness in my knees
The warmth in a cool breeze
You’re the smile on my face
And the pace in my race

You invaded all of my thoughts
And impressed me with you’re knowledge
With all the special moments you’re stealing
You give my life real meaning

You are my knight in shining armor
Protective, like a daughter’s father
The thought cut through me like a knife
When I realized: you are my world

Dream Girl... !
by rowving

You come to me in a dream
Stepping out of the computer screen
Those starry eyes gleaming
Warming up my heart racing
Your face lightend up in a bliss
Those lips asking for a kiss
Oh yes you are mine and mine
and only to be mine

Round and round we go
Oh let the music flow
My girl you are mine
Yes forever you are mine
Yeah till the sun dies catching a cold
Yeah till the moon explodes in a fiery boom
Yes my girl you are mine and mine
and only to be mine

In the dead cold of the winter
You bring me the smiles from spring
On the snow that covers the grass
You wake up little flowers to sing
This dainty head that rest on my chest
Looking up asking me to kiss your forehead
My little baby yes you are mine and mine and only to be mine
Yes you are mine and
forever and forever mine....!

As Long as You Love me
by daisyv

I don’t care if we cannot meet regularly
I don’t care if we just meet seldomly
I don’t care if you we cant be together the way I wanted to be
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you are far
I don’t care if we just sometimes chat
and if I need to wait for the chance to chat
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if you can’t send email
I don’t care if I am always waiting
I don’t care if you just respond thru txt
As long as you love me this much

I don’t care if am here crazy for your love
I don’t care what others will say
I don’t care if I have a foolish heart
As long as you love me this much

Who cares anyway…
As long as we love each other endlessly…
But this I care to love you
more than you’ll ever want me to…
For I love you more than you’ll ever know…

The Master Key
by womball

In these eyes can you see?
You own a special part of me.
Deep within my secrets;
Under all my scars
Keeping it locked away,
For no one to enter or mangle like prey.
Taking only what they want
Throwing the rest away.
But you see only one
Has the very special key.
The tears I have shed;
The pain I have felt;
The hours of praying,
And all the doubt...
Wondering if the someone
Special has lost the key.
My soul was empty
My heart was bare.
Until, I looked in your eyes,
The complete reflection was there.
Falling to my knees;
Realizing you're the one,
who holds the MASTER KEY.
In these eyes can you see?
You own a very special part of me?

Thank You, Sweetheart
by Brenda v Wyk

From all the people
You know
You chose me
The blessing of your love
surrounded me.
For me the door of love
has long been closed,
If it had not been for you
I’d still be searching for my dream.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Thank you for choosing me
Thank you sweetheart
Thank you for loving me
Thank you for who you are.

I memorized a million things,
to tell you, but words
Can't tell what feelings,
want to say.
True love only began
with a precious you.
And when it moves into your heart.
It never strays

Thank you for loving me.
Thank you sweetheart.

My Love
by Shelly Dyke

There isn't a guy in this world
Who can make me feel the way you do,
Who can get me smiling in just one word,
Who can touch my soul,
And make me whole.
There isn't a guy in this world,
Who would ever stand a chance,
Because together is where we belong,
You have got me in a trance,
You mesmerize my soul,
With just the sound of your voice,
You touch my heart,
and you make me whole.
Even though we haven't got a choice,
We have to wait until fate gives us a start,
When we won't have to be apart,
Life is so unfare,
When it comes to the human heart,
It takes a second to fall in love,
But feels like forever when we're apart.

Monday, March 8, 2010

In the March's love Summer !

by carmelo

One Look, I was captured by your eyes
Left staring into your deepest parts
Where you passion and your loves lies
The place where I see our hearts

One Touch, I was brought down to me knees
So warm, so gently and feelings so strong
They entered every part of me with such ease
Gave me a taste of love, I saw where I belong

One Kiss, I was ready to take to the skies
Flying by your side, forever soaring so free
Under your wings seeing the world
through your eyes
And letting the moon and stars
shine on you and me

One Word, I felt you opening my soul
I felt your presence deep inside burning
You filled every empty space every hole
You gave me all I needed, gave me everything

My Stillness
by carmelo

Deep inside my stillness, I hear you calling me
It’s not your voice I hear;
it’s the echoes of your soul
And the gentle beat of you heart so free
So strong, it’s kept the beast
inside me under control

Deep inside my Stillness, I can feel your hands
Holding my heart with such a tender caress
Cradled in your palms, is where it always lands
Where its beats,
forever as yours and mine, for us

Deep inside my Stillness,
your emotions run so deep
In every part of me,
in every dark space within me
From the time the sun rises to the time I sleep
It’s where your love lives, where it’s always free

Deep inside my Stillness,
I feel the breeze of your voice
And hear your whispers as they leave your lips
“My love for you,
I’ll never again have to sacrifice"
“I won’t deny the softness
of your tender kiss, you lips”

My Soul
by carmelo

My Soul lies beyond the clouds and space
That’s where it waits for you; burning bright
Wanting your gentle touch, your warm embrace
The caress of your wings,
where everything’s all right

Spread your wings and fly towards me
Rise to the heavens with your guiding heart
Following the voice of my soul, follow its plea
You’ll never be alone we’ll never be apart

It’s counted every second you’ve been away
Waiting restlessly, faithfully it’ll always wait
For your return home, for you to stay
I’ve always known from the start you’re my fate

So here I am waiting and I’ll wait for a lifetime
Because I’ve known that all I’ve needed is you
My heart’s always wanted you
even after all this time
It’s always dreamt of finding a love so true

Monday, March 1, 2010

March the season of #love! #LITERATURE #POETRY

Watching me
by carmelo

You’ve always been there to pull me through
You make me see the light when it’s dark
Turned my gray clouds to white; my skies blue
And set my soul ablaze with just one spark

You set your spirit free just to watch over me
To keep me safe, to keep me out of harms way
Forever walking by my side is where it would be
Through space and time, through night and day

I could fell your presents every night; so strong
As I’m laying in my bed slowly drifting to sleep
I always knew what my heart felt wasn’t wrong
You gave me the greatest gift, a love so deep

You watched over me from above like an angel
I was always kept under your wing
Love captured my heart, kept me under its spell

It gave me you, it gave me everything

Visions of a Dream
by carmelo

Sleeping, I’m dreaming visions of you
I feel you’re around me, feel your presents
Watching over me like you always do
And the air around me carries you scents

Holding my hand,
And touching my face
Just you and me,
In this peaceful place

We’ll drift away, on a gentle breeze
Where the heavens meet above the clouds
So far above the deepest blue seas
We’ll be alone away from the crowds

Still in my arms I held you tight,
I gently kissed your lips, sweet and tender,
As the fire-filled sky gave way to night.
Caught up in the night's magic and splendor.

We’ll glide across the stars that spell your name
And on to wards the end of time and space
Through the sun and it’s burning flames
As we hold each other in an eternal embrace

Together we’ll test the bounds of forever
We’ll find the place our hearts have longed for
We won’t give up, there’ll be no surrender
In each other is where we’ll be Forevermore

So In Love With You
by carmelo

Sitting here alone, looking at your photos
Because it’s all I have of you right now
I can feel my love inside as it still grows
And I wish that I could make you feel it somehow

My love the deeper I look, I can feel your hand
Pressing softly against my chest, on my heart
And I know now, you’ve made me understand
That you’d never again tear my world apart

Oh baby I can see everything I do
Because I’m so in love with you
I can feel this time my heart is true
Because I’m so in love with you
I’m so in love with you

Looking at your lips, I hear you whisper my love
Just like you’re standing here beside me
I can feel you there, my angel my truelove
I can feel your warmth running so free

Shine My Light
by carmelo

If you ever get lost,
I’ll be there to shine my light
You’ll see I will always there by your side
Lighting your darkness,
helping you see what's right
And lift your head up high, get back your stride

If you find yourself walking down a lonely road
Wondering endlessly with despair in your eyes
I’ll be there to shine my light, to take the load
Off your heavy heart,
I’ll lift you up, help you rise

When ever you feel you’re questioning the truth
And the struggles cloud your feelings inside
I’ll shine my light down and bring back our youth
Where there are no tears, when you never cried

I’ll be here until the end of time just for you
Forever by your side to always shine my light
To see you smile,
to feel a love so strong so true
I’ll give my soul to help you
make it through the night

My Tears, My Fears
by carmelo

I never knew love could
Be this way
I couldn’t see the pain and tears
And now their here to stay

Even though it’s been a lifetime now
The memories are as clear as yesterday
But I can’t see where we went wrong and how
I’m left wishing we could
go back to that one day

My Dreaming nights are filled with tears
And the words I speak are sounds of cries
It’s always been hard for me to sleep
Because my soul is filled with fears
And a past that’s filled with endless lies

I’ve done so many things, but none where right
I’ve lived my life with nothing to show
So it’s time now, time to walk to the light
Cause I don’t have anywhere else to go…


May be U will forget it all! But I still remember!
Hope U would like this Hi!