Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poetry in the end of march

My Everything
by caffrey

You mean the world to me I hope you know
my heart told me it loves you so
you are my sun, my moon, my night and day
my whole reason to live, what more can I say
you are the light of my life,
the beat in my heart
but I knew that right from the start
you are my everything, my begining and end
you're my soul mate, my lover, and my friend
you fulfill my desires, my hopes, my dreams
just want you to know what your loves means
you kiss my soul with your intimate touch
no wonder I love you so very much

by Carmelo

When I close my eyes, I hear a voice
Deep inside me, I hear you calling me
Whispering softly; expressing your rejoice
For the love you could now set free

I have no doubt, the deeper inside I look
I see your presence around my soul
You know my heart wasn’t all you took
It wasn’t the only thing you stole

So deep in my thoughts at night
I hear you whisper my name as I dream
Don’t be afraid; everything’s alright
No matter how things might seem

Whispers is what I hear when I am alone
Coming from your soul and your heart
Telling me that I’m not on my own
There’s nothing that would keep us apart

All I Know
by Carmelo

Here we are; it’s just you and me alone
Once again we’re looking into our eyes
Embraced in a love that we’ve both known
There’s no more hiding behind a disguise

Since I saw your face,
it’s all I’ve wanted to see
Standing tall right next to you
is what I’ve dreamt
Holding my hand is where you’ve wanted to be
It’s the only place your
heart's ever been content

Deep in your soul is where the truth has lived
Wrapped in a fire burning so warm so bright
Protected by your heart its how it survived
Always in the glow of its soft white light

So many lost years but still you’re all I know
I reached out to the stars searching of you
Looking for your resonating light
to shine through
Hoping to see your spirit fly past in full view