Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Poetry reflecting Movie love! Or Literature love


both movies based on NOvels!!

by carmelo

When I close my eyes, I hear a voice
Deep inside me, I hear you calling me
Whispering softly; expressing your rejoice
For the love you could now set free

I have no doubt, the deeper inside I look
I see your presence around my soul
You know my heart wasn’t all you took
It wasn’t the only thing you stole

So deep in my thoughts at night
I hear you whisper my name as I dream
Don’t be afraid; everything’s alright
No matter how things might seem

Whispers is what I hear when I am alone
Coming from your soul and your heart
Telling me that I’m not on my own
There’s nothing that would keep us apart

by gothchick

The vampire who stalked my dreams
Who hid his face or so it seemed
Who followed me through ancient towns
Who walked by me and also ‘round
Thrice circled, I was by you
Although you hid your face I knew
I knew one day you would find me
And this you did so unexpectedly
My vampire, my love I now know too
These dreams, for years I’ve had-were you
And all this time I’m sure you knew
But you had chosen to bide your time
Knowing one day we’d meet online
Me unto you and you unto me
In memories that span centuries
And so now the dreams continue
Old worlds, and new ,and me, with you
Bound we are by soul and heart
‘Ever we go, we’ll never part
By ancient love and ancient law,
we are forever entwined with awe

Lost in You
by mp123

I am losing myself
In you

Your smell
Your taste
Your touch

Frantically trying
To make some sense
Clouding my mind
Making me dense

Something unknown
Feeling like home
Is all of this real
How can this be what I feel

One moment with you
Unspoken dreams came true
Tell me it is no fake
Please promise....

My heart you won't break

by Kdgrippo

I listened to the radio today –
someone singing of ‘morning desire’
and I was reminded of a love of long ago,
ages past;
of laughter echoing
into time.
…Rain on a tin roof,
dreams that almost came true,
…and you, -
and unspoken thoughts
carefully woven between the lines.

I hear you’re married now,
and not too happy I’m told
(you know how rumors fly,
and our love has long since died.)
but I still remember fondly
ancient memories we two made
when life was a series of
easy, carefree days.

I continue to contemplate
on time long spent and gone
and I can’t help but wonder
if you’ve also heard that song.

Miles Apart
by pothole50

We are both tonight many miles apart
But we've always been from the start
When I met you it was so long ago
From that moment our love did grow
I liked you as we started to chat
About any thing, or this and that
Then something special happened to me
And it was by your side I wanted to be
I traveled down with a penguin for you
And you had a little present for me, too
We went to the beach for miles we walked
We went to the pub for hours we talked
Then back to yours we had a dance
Round and round then I took a chance
And leaned forward and stole a kiss
I never knew it would be like this
We spent the night so close together
Next day we walked, such cold weather
Then I had to leave to travel away
But knew in my heart would be back someday
For I love you with all my heart
But tonight we are both many miles apart.