Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wisdom of love is in loving

Hidden Evil
by khrane

The darkness inside hides in the most obvious places
In a joke, behind my laugh, within my tears.
But there is a cure for these dark cases
Something special that only I can appreciate
If it be a warm smile, a loving hug
Or the best of all a perfect date
With the one I love.
But what I must always remember
Is that darkness does not just go away
It will sit and linger
Until it has its chance to reappear
On a bad day
Or over a beer.
With this darkness it will only bring more pain
But my cure for this stands with me
And will keep it slain
For her love brings light to where there was only darkness
She makes all that was bad, good.
And helped me but what depressed me on a harness.
I miss her now, but she is always with me
In my heart
Or within my memory
She has infused herself within my heart
And there is nothing anyone can do
To pull us apart.
Without her I will only go back to who I was
The liar, and cheater
Just because
It was what took away my pain
Smashing dreams
To only spread my pain
To those who were happy
So everyone knows
How life could be crappy
The anger, depression, and emptiness.
That is what I will never miss
Pain loses its hold
Only from your kiss
For my happiness I can only thank you
For just hearing you say
I love you

A Touch
by Alone45

I lean over and whisper
Softly into your ear
While one hand is gently
Pulling you in near
It’s not the words here
That really mean the most
It’s the feeling of being touched
Feeling wanted, being close
Love is so much more
Than words that we speak
Yes love can empower you
Yet a touch can make you weak
It seems we all to often
Believe words are enough
To hold the one we cherish
So magically in love
Holding hands or a kiss
Sometimes can mean so much
Even more than words of love
A familiar, gentle touch

by daisyv

I always wanted to see you
I always wanted to hug and kiss you
This are just my emotions of loving you
Loving you this much
Missing you so much

Emotions that lead me to be sad
Sad knowing you are too far
Too far to be with me
Because we are oceans apart

Emotions that brings me
Joy and happiness
Knowing you will be with me
To show me how much you
love and care for me...

Love is limiless Illumination of peace!

If I Can...
by rowving

If I can be
A tiny pixel
So I can type
Myself into this
Just like this . ?

One little dot
On your computer screen
So you can touch me
With your finger tip... !

Cherished Illuminations
by dd789

Our affinity towards each other
was a brilliant gleam.

Years later, his luminescent memory once again captivates my thoughts
in a tranquil radiant beam.

I sometimes wonder how he attained from me that sensual passion set ablaze,
that without him is nothing but a dim haze.

I'll always know now that this precious emotion will only ever exist
between his heart and mine,
in our own utopian time without end,
under our illuminating moonbeam divine.

Never Let You Go
by daisyv

Here I am loving you
For I know you love me too
And I know we are meant to be
Coz God sent you back to me

It was the Lord above
Who makes a way
A way for us to be together
Coz He know how much
We have loved each other since the start

And now that we are back
Back to each other
I will never let you go
For I know I can’t live my life
Without you here at my side

Telling you now
How much you mean to me
I will be at a lost
If I will let you go

I need to fight for these feelings
I need to make a way
Even I know how hard it will be
For us to be together
But I have to keep you here at my side
For I can’t let you go
Coz I love you very much

I will never let you go…
For you are my life….
I breathe because of your love
The love that is so powerful
That even the Lord above
Can feel the intensity
And HE won’t let us forsaken
Coz I know
HE knows how immense our love is
for each other
And I will never let you go...

Always and Forever
by MDoty3333

I want always to be with you, sharing in our hopes and our lives,
sharing our laughter and our tears, every smile and feeling our love derives.
I want you always to be a part of my every “today” and “tomorrow”,
I want you always in all my dreams, bring part of my every fantasy, overmorrow.

I want us always to live and to love, awakening beside one another each new day,
as we share the love we hold deep inside, that will forever abide, never to stray.
I want always too see your beautiful, sweet smile, to hear your laughter and your voice,
to enjoy listening to the sound of you sleeping while lying beside me, I quietly rejoice.

I want us always to share all of the happiness we have earned and rightly deserve, each,
praying that in some way, I may bring you all of the love, and every joy within my reach.
I pray that I will always be your best and lifelong friend, your love and confidant, true,
as we share in all that we do, through the good times and bad, I will stand by you.

I promise to always share with you all of the love that fills my humble heart,
to share with you all of our special passions, forever filling our nights, not apart.
I pray God may grant you, your every want, your every need and wish, whatsoever,
as God surely knows how much, how deeply I love you, always and forever.

some thing is missing

My Love, We Belong
by mextex

Love with me and live forever more.
Trust in me and feel what love has in store
For I love and want no one else but you
For this is our reality our time is due
Because you see every moment there’s a song
Telling us our heart do belong
With every song there’s a dream
A chance at love a time to redeem

To live a fantasy in our reality
This love is just not a formality
For now we live a fantasy of love
A reality so strong we take hold of
So within our hearts this love is real
The test of time we will totally feel
Our hearts and soul will always know
Love has its truth and time will show

Goodbye, My Love
by ChartI Promise You

by BrownEyedGirl

I promise you, I will always hold you near
Embraced so deeply in my arms with care
I promise darling, I will love you eternally
You define how true love is suppose to be.

I promise it’s your trust, I wouldn’t betray
Admired by beauty and the words you say
I promise you that your love is my destiny
I would search the mountains and the seas.

I promise to you, I will never say goodbye
I’ll honor your love my darling, until I die
I promise you I’ll hold your heart tenderly
With love and with care, forever endlessly.

I promise darling, I will always be sincere
To forever love you and to always be here
I promise to keep your heart close to mine

This is my true promise til the end of time.reuse

I feel so weak, drained of my strength
My love is spent, there’s no more left
I lost my love, I’ll face the truth
Love of my life, love of my youth.

You hold her hand and kiss her lips
Look in her eyes, your voice so sweet
She has your love I treasured most
This time I know I loved and lost.

And now I know I have to go
A life ahead will be without you
I closed the chapter in my book
That spoke of happiness that you once brought.

Good bye dear heart, now I depart
So long, good luck, I know I will hurt
No need to fear, no more to hide
When tears do fall, my love good bye.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Love is Great!

I Love You Always
by estrelas33

I sit alone, and think of you
I think of all the things we do
The way we laugh, the way we cry
The way we'd love until we die
My mind seems crazy, without you here
So far away, but yet so near
You know I love you, I always will
Until the day that time stands still
The craziness we have is real
Why oh why, can't I just feel
Your loving arms around me tight
We'd stay that way all through the night
And when the morning sun shines through
We'll stay in bed, we wouldn't move
A loving kiss, a touch, a moan
We'll share with each other all we know
The beauty etched inside your heart
It made me love you from the start
We had no idea what we'd become
Why this love we felt is still so strong
My only guess is because it's true

One Heart
by Carmelo

It’s always been a mystery
What I felt deep in my soul
It felt so strong, so free
And somehow made me whole

I never thought this heart
Could hold so much for anyone
Your love filled every part
That’s when we became one

Two bodies but one heart beat
Your love’s always fed my fire
It made me feel so complete
It filled every dream, every desire

It’s always been a mystery
What I felt deep in my soul
But I see this was meant to be
As together we make each other whole

When You Love Someone
by daisyv

When you love someone
You will do anything
Anything crazy that sometimes
You can't explain...

When you love someone
You will believe in lies
And hide the truth
When you love someone

When you love someone
You can feel it deep inside
Nothing can change your mind
You will give everything
And will not think of
The consequence of loving him
When you love someone...

When you love someone
You will not surrender
Loving him and keeping him
In your heart
even if it takes some pain...

My Love Will
See You Through

by daisyv

Don’t be afraid to sail
Around the world
Even if you will be alone
Struggling for the unsure events
For my love will see you through

It is my love who will be with you
Protecting you from the fears of tomorrow
Comforting and soothing you
Nursing your emptiness
Of being alone in the wilderness...

My love for you will be your wings
To wander along and fly with easiness
And be triumphant
Conquering the world of uncertainty
For my love will see you through

Lucky Me
by spartom

I'm in love,
Lucky me,
I found a girl,
She's called Ellie,
She's smart she's funny she's all mine,
She took my hand and I felt fine,
I think of her everyday,
She makes my worries go away,
I saw her and I knew,
I saw her pretty eyes of blue,
I saw her lovely golden hair,
I couldn't help but stop and stare,
I saw her and she saw me,
She loves me back, hopefully,
There's no one else I do prefer,
Lucky me to have found her.

Beautiful Angel
by scottn

My most beautiful Angel
You will always be,
For I will love you through all eternity.
I am blessed to have been your husband
for one complete year
And now I truly know that perfect love
casts out all fear
I look forward to the future
as a gift from God above,
For He alone has made this perfect love.
As you go through this special day
Please remember that I’m here to stay!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Splendid love of passion!

Raining Here
by stones2stars

The rain is falling softly now
a gentle hush among slender
spring limbs heavy with blossoms
that fall with no sound like snow.
Drifting down the hill
tender floral boats that carry
prayers to the mother stream.
Far into the mists of this night
they will float towards
home in the sea...
I linger here in this place
of baptism...annointed with
the tears of Angels
who set free harbored dreams
that only our hearts may know.

by daisyv

I always wanted to see you
I always wanted to hug and kiss you
This are just my emotions of loving you
Loving you this much
Missing you so much

Emotions that lead me to be sad
Sad knowing you are too far
Too far to be with me
Because we are oceans apart

Emotions that brings me
Joy and happiness
Knowing you will be with me
To show me how much you love and care for me…

You're My Sweet Dream
by dirtyblack

You're my sweet dream
You're my everything
I couldn't ask for more
Cause I have it all with you
There's nothing stronger
Then the way our love flows
I'm going to upset heaven
Cause without you I don't want to go
I want to be with you beyond the end of time
I'll die over and over before I leave you behind
I know that's not in my power
We all have to face that final hour
I'll go down on my knees
And beg the lord to let you stay
There's no doubt in my mind
I'll die when he takes you away
When you're feeling down
I'm always there to make you feel better
You know you can hold me to my word and every letter
I'm like your Norah and my heart is your ark
I'm always sheltering you from the rain
I know I can't always be your Super Man
God knows
I wish I could protect you from life's pain
If I had a dime for every time that I've shown you I got your back
We would be rich
Depending on how you treat her
life can be a bitch
We had more when we had less
You and I prepared for happiness
But with happiness comes stress
Through out it all we are truly blessed
Everyday we strive to do our best
You will be my sweet dream
until we're laid to rest

Friday, April 9, 2010

Some fun Some Joy Some love

Have You Ever
by Carmelo

Have you ever felt you’re all alone?
With an empty space within your heart
And where you are, it never fells like home
It’s like a cold place, it’s always dark

Have you ever cried by yourself?
Late at night with no one around
And you feel your soul tearing apart itself
As your tears fall with a deafening sound

Have you ever felt lost not knowing?
Who you are and what to do
Not sure of where you’re heading or going
Everything you had wasn’t so true

Have you ever felt something’s missing?
And no matter where you looked
Nothing ever looked very promising
It all seems as if it was all mistook

Have you always kept this piece of hope?
That would somehow someday
Pull you through and help you cope
While fate shows you the way

Have you ever looked at anyone?
And known that this is where you belong
Like the way I know you are the one
With a Heart fill with love so strong

Summer Love
by seekerblue

In the still of the hot, summer evening,
We retire to the shade of the white porch
Watching time crawl
To the beat of rocking chairs.

You reach for my moist hand
And steal a sweet, wet kiss
In between sips
Of ice cold lemonade.

We stare off silently in the distance,
Listening to the crickets in the grass.
As we watch the orange sun die in the West,
You turn to me and tenderly squeeze my hand.

I smile and you giggle,
As your auburn hair rushes to hide
The sight of unborn children
Dancing in your sea-green eyes.

I Can't Get Over You
by klettesrose3

You know my feelings about you
have never changed,
I still want you today
just the way I did three months ago,
I have tried to forget the times
we had together but I can't ,
Every moment we had together
were something special,
I have tried to give my heart back
to the one who truly loves it,
But it just doesn't feel right,
You are on my mind all the time, everyday,
My mind tells me to forget about you,
But my heart tells me to hang on, it's not over,
I ofter wonder if you still think of me
the way you used to,
But I am to scared to know the truth,
I am so sorry I can't let go
I am trying really hard,
But I can't stop wanting you!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Finest & BEST in pain of love!

Love Is
by caffrey

I love to feel your passionate kiss
and your loving arms I truly miss
I love the way you touch my skin
with untold pleasures from deep within
I love the way you caress my soul
when we make love my body feels whole
I love the touch of your embrace
and the look of love upon your face
I love the way you make me feel
with your tender love "is this for real"
I love the thought of being together
to be as one for ever and ever

by netknight

Who I can share my dreams with,
and walk on sandy beaches,
to talk to when I need a friend...

When the road gets long and heavy
when sunny days turn rainy
and everyone has gone, still here...

Could you be The One?
You could be The One
Could you be The One for me?

So many lonely nights
I've cried myself to sleep
Waking up to lonely days...
And then I looked into your eyes
And I saw the love you keep
And I wondered, could you be The One?

To share their lives together
and face whatever weather
they will grow to be as One

Could you be The One?
You could be The One
Could you be The One for me?
Would you be The One..
For Me.

Soul Mate
by gothchick

You are the very breath in my body
And although we are far apart
We are spun together, every fiber
Our hearts beat as one in cadence
Never did think this possible
But of one thing I am sure
You are my soul mate
Never have I wanted another so
I want to fulfill your every desire
As I know you will fulfill me
Never have I felt such love
Not only in my heart but through me
Each day my feelings deepen
When I awaken I speak your name
In want and desire
When I lay down to sleep
I whisper “good night my love”
What we have runs so deep

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April (FOOL) special! Poetry!

Just You
by caffrey

I look into your eyes of crystal bluey green
so clear and bright the sexiest i've seen
every line on your face lights up your smile
as I sit and look and gaze for a while
your hands are so tender
and fit perfectly in mine
oh! to be together till the end of time
your body curls around me, so warm and snug
tender enveloping me with a passionate hug
I miss your loving when you're away from me
would be so nice if we were both free
and I love the closeness we have between
it's deep, it's sensual you know what I mean
but I'm happy with what we have both got
cos when we're together
we're seductive and hot

If I Could
by seekerblue

I’m sorry that I’m not there
To wrap you in my loving arms
Until the gentle warmth of my body
Invades every dark crevice in your life,
Like sunlight chasing the darkness away.

I would rock you gently,
Like a mother cradling her newborn child,
And I would sing to you
The words the Lord would have me say
“You are my beloved.”