Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wisdom of love is in loving

Hidden Evil
by khrane

The darkness inside hides in the most obvious places
In a joke, behind my laugh, within my tears.
But there is a cure for these dark cases
Something special that only I can appreciate
If it be a warm smile, a loving hug
Or the best of all a perfect date
With the one I love.
But what I must always remember
Is that darkness does not just go away
It will sit and linger
Until it has its chance to reappear
On a bad day
Or over a beer.
With this darkness it will only bring more pain
But my cure for this stands with me
And will keep it slain
For her love brings light to where there was only darkness
She makes all that was bad, good.
And helped me but what depressed me on a harness.
I miss her now, but she is always with me
In my heart
Or within my memory
She has infused herself within my heart
And there is nothing anyone can do
To pull us apart.
Without her I will only go back to who I was
The liar, and cheater
Just because
It was what took away my pain
Smashing dreams
To only spread my pain
To those who were happy
So everyone knows
How life could be crappy
The anger, depression, and emptiness.
That is what I will never miss
Pain loses its hold
Only from your kiss
For my happiness I can only thank you
For just hearing you say
I love you

A Touch
by Alone45

I lean over and whisper
Softly into your ear
While one hand is gently
Pulling you in near
It’s not the words here
That really mean the most
It’s the feeling of being touched
Feeling wanted, being close
Love is so much more
Than words that we speak
Yes love can empower you
Yet a touch can make you weak
It seems we all to often
Believe words are enough
To hold the one we cherish
So magically in love
Holding hands or a kiss
Sometimes can mean so much
Even more than words of love
A familiar, gentle touch

by daisyv

I always wanted to see you
I always wanted to hug and kiss you
This are just my emotions of loving you
Loving you this much
Missing you so much

Emotions that lead me to be sad
Sad knowing you are too far
Too far to be with me
Because we are oceans apart

Emotions that brings me
Joy and happiness
Knowing you will be with me
To show me how much you
love and care for me...