Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another poetry of passion

It's Got to Be You
by daisyv

We started as friends
Chatting and talking
Seeing smiling face
Everyday as we talk in the net…

So funny I remember
Talking nonsense to each other
Until finally we can see
From each others face
The different shine on the eyes
When we start saying..
“hi,,how are you?”
“ what takes you so long to be on line?”

This time is so different
From the casual conversation
We can make simple things
So significant and worth remembering

Until finally, we want each other
More each day…
Apologizing for being not on time
And this came to be
Not realizing we have finally found
Each other to be together
Wanting it to be forever

Someone to share my life,
Happiness even sadness
Just as long as we will be together
For whatever I do
Its got to be you…
Just you...