Friday, October 2, 2009

H1N1 Dark side of vaccination

B4 Getting treatment for H1N1 every one should be aware of these things-

H1N1 is virus. This Virus causes Pandemic swine flu throughout the world In 2009. W.H.O. declared this is the biggest Pandemic In last 60 yrs. But now a days it is known that now H1N1 infection is under control, But many authorities deny this- they say In winter there will be another outbreak of this swine flu-But nobody mentions will it be a sever or not? That’s one question.

OTHER bigger find is team of scientist succeeded in genetic mapping of this virus in July, More interesting thing is this virus is not showing any genetic change yet or not changing its form! May be we can say it is good news But In late winter if it changes then it might be difficult for us to find new drug to fight against it. But it is also not stated that this virus is in dormant stage or what? Is this virus shows any kind of adaptive resistance? So there are too many questions around this known Virus, but few things are sure that This Infection is completely curable & if neglected it can cause death.

Adaptive resistance-Rapidly developing & reversible resistance shown by organisms, which is based on phenotypic changes not involving any genetic change.

In seasonal flu waves 36000 die (90% of them above 65yrs) but mortality rate is 1 in thousand. But this yr in America till 24 July 43,671 infections 302 died. Means mortality is 7 in 1000. Mortality rate is 7 times greater than seasonal flu. In Pune till 13 sep. out of 985 infected cases 42 died. That means mortality rate is 4.3% in 1918 there was a flu pandemic which showed mortality rate 2.5%. That means this yrs it is greater. But still we don’t have sufficient data to analyze this Disease its effect & severity.

Before going for conclusion of any kind I want to put one more thing in light –In pune Or any other part of India we have collected data but what about the cases which we never mentioned or not even in our data? What about those deaths in which real cause is H1N1 but they are not in Data? How many deaths are exactly due to H1N1 & not because of some other disease or combined effect of those diseases?

If we consider these things in our account I must have to say that we don’t have enough data.

But this is also not a conclusion Because what about the cases in which reoccurrence is found? What kind of medicine they have taken Exact chronological order of the Infection? What medicinal regimen given in what cases? Tamyflu is the medicine An antiviral drug is used in India what side effect we find in those treated cases because it is known that in initial stage only these medicine works. So what about advanced cases? What kind of new medicine is available now? How much it is effective? I mean till what extent? What kind of vaccine is available? Because I heard about nasal vaccine & I mentioned it in my tweets too. For Indian Market it is clear that In November they will make available new vaccine. Prior to that they will test it( Hope so). But to get that vaccine in every market may be 2010 will arise. But what if before that a sever out break occurs? Are they going to use these vaccine without testing? – the answer is no At least in Indian market(because India have biggest market). But they will suggest precautionary measures. What are they – 1)Avoid going in public without protection i.e. use mouth mask. 2) use handkerchief while coughing & sneezing 3) all other general precaution 7 they will also suggest you that prevention is better than cure.

But we know nothing about the statistical data of this pandemic. We have no Idea what these drugs are exactly going to do? What is their effect on human body long term effect & short term effect. Not having any Idea. For that we need extensive statistical study which may require much more time. What we have done from 1918 when their was bigger pandemic at least we studied something or we just left this swine flu aside after that?

I am saying this because in 1976 swine flu out break IN U.S. they used one drug On 4 corer Humans Out of them 400 suffered from gali-bari syndrome & became handicapped. Who was responsible for this?

So be careful before vaccination because after that there is no coming back….

But if the vaccine is tested & its proven then its safe remember that !!!