Saturday, October 24, 2009

This really a good One!

In Hopes of
Seeing You Again

by iamthewriter

There are so many words in our vast world of knowledge and not a one of them can match the voice my heart sings with,

In hopes of seeing you again

Not sure just what has happen to me. Thoughts are jumbled, even writing helps not curb this strange emotion which has but a strangle hold on my heart,

In hopes of seeing you again

I've Never been in love like this before and am finding that just the mere thought of your eyes, turns even the most serious task into a daydream...

In hopes of seeing you again

There's also physical addictions of my thoughts in you. My nerves of of that of an old man. Hot and cold chills take there turns chasing each
other around inside my body... Sometimes my eyes become watery,

In hopes of seeing you again

I find myself in front of a mirror, mumbling things that i'd like to say to you out loud.
Even a funny diet I have...

In hopes of seeing you again

In less than twenty minutes in my dreaming of you, I look down at an empty box of donutes, in which I only meant to have one....

In hopes of seeing you again

Even if i could blame my thoughts and wishes on a childs understandin..
Damn, still can't say what I'd like to...
(if wishes were horses, then beggers would ride.) and here I sit, still thinking, just...

In hopes of seeing you again

It is stated in the book of life, (ask and you shall receive, but of those, only those who truely belaeve)... Then here I ask...

In hopes of seeing you again

Lord in heaven there's a woman that could only remind one of Eve. If there is a way to bring our two hearts together, I could only promise
to love honor and charish... I'd do all this...

In hopes of seeing You again

Although I'm a strong man, I fear, because only of the depth of my wish... Tell me is there a way of making a dream such as mine real....

In hopes of seeing you again

I need her beside me and not to leave in my hours of need. Would you let her heart open unto me so as I could help in building our two hearts as
one. A solid realtionship that would shine through, even in our darkest moments...

In hopes of seeing you again

Because you see lord, I'm not tired of being alone, but I just never want to be alone again. It's very funny to say but painstaking true, I'm just...

In hopes of seeing you again