Thursday, October 29, 2009

Finding Love! Poetry of the month ending!

by daisyv

Many years have passed
Almost 20 years I think
But still I can vividly see
Your face in my dreams

I don’t know why
But what I know is I am still in love
With the one I am dreaming
To be with me many years ago

Maybe what I have felt is true love
As the saying goes
“First love never ever dies”
For it sink deeper in my heart

My heart who buried the feelings
Because I don’t know
Where to find you
Though I have searched for you

And now that I have seen you
After so many long years
I can’t deny the truth
That my heart still wants you

My heart wants and need you
Wanting your heart even your soul
To tell me, you love me too
For I want to share my love
I have kept deep inside my heart…