Saturday, January 9, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 4

Now guys I hope you are following all tips & you are trying Your best- Talking to every one in Very soft & velvet manner Your Voice is Calming & It’s effect on others with your humbleness is They are trying to catch your words-or at least trying to listen you. You are having that grace in Your movement due to regular work out & daily diet is giving you an energy & Cool mind is always on top of you- You Think & then only speak That’s making you Captain Cool! You are trying to look good Having Good hair style Or Dressing in appropriate dresses! The result of all of this is People around you are Noticing you, making a mark, Some time A comment, some time approaching you.

& here comes the problem that comment may be a joke on you, remark may be annoying! may be this is because jealousy or some other reason but they are trying to damage your cool temper, So every time they will make their moves. Some time some bully may also get Involve against you. So what here are the Tips how to deal with them-

1) Before going so much in to it you need to know that you are always going to protect your self no matter what the condition. Join some self defense class. So come to the point:- Some guy commented on you- Ignore them In every manner like they do not exist This is the best way to mark your presence & their absence. If this guy is doing it again and again take this as a challenge That Never loose your temper is main goal no matter what the condition. Just don’t loose your cool because this is what they want!(But Never loose a cool means what? Is that mean No reply – NOPE .REPLY THEM but in very cool manner prefer the Joke on them- reply of a joke with a joke)Try to be normal with this guy Comment him/her back with a very good & polite manner & smile to them very generously!

2) Some time the anger comes Out like a lava Then Hold! You are destroying your own beautiful soul creation with this lava Hold that anger & try to remove it out of your mind soul & body While lifting weight Or Punching On boxing bag! This will Give you the extra boost to your body! But never hurt the real human Who is doing this to you pls May be he is not aware OR may be his soul purpose is just testing your limit. So don’t hurt the person. Just turn that anger in to energy That will help you in a gym.

3) Just to learn how to control your anger try to do meditation. Which will enhance the peace of mind. Jon some laughter club in near by garden where you can meet very good people who just there to laugh Or share a laugh daily dose of such a thing is essential for all. Always try to watch Some comedy shows I am big Fan of Mr.Bean (Rowen Atkinson) & Charlie Chaplin. No matter How many times You Watch them Every time they will make you laugh I keep One of the Charlie chaplin’s Clip in My mobile To watch it when ever I get angry. Laughing Gives Your lungs a good treatment This also increases blood supply to facial area Good For skin & muscle (such Muscle may tone your features correctly)

4) Now there are some situations Where it is impossible to hold. Then With very stern Voice say to the concerned person That The thing he or she saying Or doing is Not Good! & Immediately Leave the place & tell every one you are leaving Because of the incident & you may not want spoil the mood of that entire place. So leave that place. Get calm down. Remember There is a diplomatic solution for every problem, So leave the matter there & there Only Now when you became normal in That evening think on it-Is This matter Going to affect your life? If answer is nope then Hey Boy Reason To for give the guy/Girl & Go ahead there are lots of work & Life to live. But if The answer is yes Then Boy Think what are the diplomatic solutions, Speak to the concerned person & try to solve it Without Violence & If You Find it is not working! Here is the Time to use your Muscle tone & Power that You are earning these many days In gym & there is an Anger inside you Unleash it. But Before unleashing it. take my advice &please think That How many guys You have to deal – ya if so many then Find the Big Bull in them the guy who handles all- Ask Him For A private meeting try to be as friendly as you could! Then tell him the thing he & his gang is doing is problematic to you & it is not good if he Comes Under Your influence then he will Help You or at least he will stay away but This guy is freak then its problem for you Use your Physical power. No matter how big he is There is a weakness in him & that is The thing that He don’t know That you are going to assault! Use this & Make Him realize that You are real contender then either Beat him! Or ask him To get away of your way Threat Him with your Angry look & stern VOICe. Tell him the gym you joined there is a guy who has itch to fight & He will come to Them if they continue… & leave Now the Big bull Either Come to you with Gang Or He will not if he don’t come forget this incidence & be normal Never mention the scene to any one. If he came Or his gang try to say something To You Then Ask the Bully in very soft manner Is he a that much man to keep his little puppies & fight with you alone. Yup If this is Public fight Every one will think that you are crazy then make it public that How you assaulted him- that gives him madness! Remind him about You friends at gym. Force him to take back & If he don’t force him to come to you One on One. & beat him in front of every one!

5) Controlling Anger keeping your head cool, focusing on your goal & is the most difficult thing in your quest so take this as a challenge & Just Do It!