Sunday, January 10, 2010

Character building Twitter event- supplements no. 5

Now We turn to your work- the Work that is your Identity. Some tips for that too

1) Work with all your concentration & focus! What ever job You are doing do it & take care of every minute detail. No matter every time you do the same job Or different Remember Your good work will always be remembered.

2) Work harder if you wanna achieve some thing & Do your best every time you try. Be a machine in some sense & beat the machine in same sense.

3) Try to enjoy every bit of your work. Enjoy on every week end & On every rest day just Don’t do work & do what ever you wish, Spend time with your family, kids or give time for your hobby. These rest days will give you a new energy To work.

4) Try new things & techniques in your work. Always accept the challenges be ready for them because they may lead to some great opportunity.

5) Help your co-workers. Get the support from your staff.

To To Be Continued tomorrow................